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Managing a Portfolio of Weather Derivatives

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Presentation on theme: "Managing a Portfolio of Weather Derivatives"— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing a Portfolio of Weather Derivatives
June 14, 2000 beyond The Box Thinking

2 Managing a Weather Derivative Portfolio
Outline Background Portfolio Risk / Return Portfolio Optimization

3 Managing a Weather Derivative Portfolio
Why a portfolio of weather derivatives deserves special attention Correlation of Underlying Indexes Global physical processes involve ocean and atmosphere Indexes Not Traded Special pricing consideration Basis Risk Portfolio performance vs. hedged risk

4 Managing a Weather Derivative Portfolio
Global climate variation

5 Managing a Weather Derivative Portfolio
Global climate variation

6 Managing a Weather Derivative Portfolio
Regional impact

7 Managing a Weather Derivative Portfolio
Weather derivative: call, put, combinations Call Put Strike Buyer Premium Payout Seller

8 Managing a Weather Derivative Portfolio
Pricing weather derivative No-Arbitrage Model Not Applicable Underlying index not traded Pure Statistical Method Not Adequate Historical data characterized by large-scale trend and variation (natural and instrumental) Combining Dynamic / Actuarial Approaches Probability distribution of weather indexes based on dynamic/statistical seasonal prediction

9 Dynamic/Statistical Model
Managing a Weather Derivative Portfolio Probabilistic perspective Dynamic/Statistical Model Payout ( P ) Weather Index (W) Payout P = f ( W )

10 Managing a Weather Derivative Portfolio
A single weather derivative: risk / return Return Return R = ( pr + ii - P - e ) PDF of P ---> PDF of R Risk Return volatility: sR / mR Value at risk: VR Risk-based Return: E ( R ) / VR

11 . . . Ri . . Managing a Weather Derivative Portfolio
PDF of portfolio return Portfolio Return R = S ( Ri x ai ) No general analytical solution Return of Individual Derivative: R1 Return of Individual Derivative: RN . . . Ri . .

12 Managing a Weather Derivative Portfolio
Calculating the PDF of portfolio return Predicted PDF of individual Wi Wi pattern of variation Joint PDF of { Wi } Three alternative approaches Assuming normal distribution of { Wi } Pattern analysis (EOF / Principal component ) Pattern-preserving simulation Simulation based on derivative payout functions Joint PDF of { Ri } PDF of R

13 Managing a Weather Derivative Portfolio
Simulation and pattern preservation Predicted PDF of individual Wi Wi pattern of variation Simulated weather indexes X (M X N matrix) M simulations, N indexes Correlation matrix A (N X N matrix) Y = transformation (X, A) such that the correlation matrix for Y = A the PDFs of the columns of Y = those of X

14 Managing a Weather Derivative Portfolio
Simulation and pattern preservation Individual contract return Z = g(Y, contract terms) (M X N matrix) Portfolio return R = Z l (l N XN diagonal matrix containing positions of individual contracts) PDF of R

15 Managing a Weather Derivative Portfolio
Portfolio risk / return Expected Return: E ( R ) Risk Return volatility: sR / mR Value at risk: VR Risk-based Return: E ( R ) / VR Other Measures of Risk / Return Depending on risk tolerance, financial objective, etc. PDF of R

16 Managing a Weather Derivative Portfolio

17 Managing a Weather Derivative Portfolio
Hypothetical portfolio July 2000 Cooling Degree Day at $5,000/CDD

18 Managing a Weather Derivative Portfolio
Hypothetical portfolios

19 Significant opportunity to build a high return / low risk portfolio
Managing a Weather Derivative Portfolio Portfolio optimization: feasibility Scientific understanding of the behavior and pattern of the underlying weather indexes Inefficient market Various purposes of using weather derivatives Significant opportunity to build a high return / low risk portfolio

20 Portfolio Risk / Return Optimizer
Managing a Weather Derivative Portfolio Portfolio optimization: strategy Existing Portfolio Market Bids / Offers Portfolio Risk / Return Optimizer Buy / Sell

21 Managing a Weather Derivative Portfolio
Summary Unique characteristics of weather derivatives requires special attention in pricing and portfolio management Scientific understanding of the global climate variability makes feasible building an optimal portfolio of weather derivatives with high return and low risk

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