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9310041AChad 9310902AAlbee 9310044ANicole 9310015AAllen.

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Presentation on theme: "9310041AChad 9310902AAlbee 9310044ANicole 9310015AAllen."— Presentation transcript:

1 9310041AChad 9310902AAlbee 9310044ANicole 9310015AAllen

2 Use of periods with abbreviations use periods with  Initials of names (J. R. Smith)  Abbreviation for united states as an adjective (U.S. Navy)  Latin abbreviations (p.m., cf., e.g., i.e.) (cf. p. 41, You must avoid taking sweet foods, e.g. cake, chocolate, and ice cream. (cf. p. 41, You must avoid taking sweet foods, e.g. cake, chocolate, and ice cream. It weighs ten pounds, i.e. 4.5 kg.) It weighs ten pounds, i.e. 4.5 kg.)  Reference abbreviations (Vol. 4, 2nd ed., p.7) p.7)

3 Don’t use periods with  Abbreviations of state names (NY, CA, Washington,DC) Washington,DC)  Capital letter abbreviations and acronyms (IQ, EQ, APA) (IQ, EQ, APA)  metric and nonmetric measurement abbreviations (cm, hr, kg, ml) There is one exception which is the abbreviation for inch (in.) There is one exception which is the abbreviation for inch (in.)

4 Plurals of abbreviations  To form the plural of most abbreviations, just need to add s without an apostrophe and not italicized (Eds., vols.) just need to add s without an apostrophe and not italicized (Eds., vols.)  There is one exception that the plural of reference abbreviation p. (page) is pp, don’t add s.

5 Abbreviations beginning a sentence  When abbreviations or acronyms begin a sentence, they must be capitalized.  In the case of chemical compounds, capitalize the first letter of the word which is connected by the symbol. in text: in beginning of sentence: in text: in beginning of sentence: L-methionine L-Methionine L-methionine L-Methionine N,N’- dimethylurea N,N’-Dimethylurea N,N’- dimethylurea N,N’-Dimethylurea

6 Organizing a manuscript with headings  The function of headings is to reveal a manuscript’s organization  All equal important topics have the same level of heading throughout the manuscript  Each section starts with the highest level of heading  Use at least two subsection headings within a section, that is, dividing a section into at least two subsections.

7 Method Sample and Procedures Measures Perceived control. Autonomy. Autonomy. Behavior and emotion. Behavior and emotion.

8 Results Initial Analysis Descriptive statistics. Interconstruct correlation. Motivational Profiles

9 Discussion Limitations of the Study Implications for intervention Conclusions

10 Levels of heading EXPERIMENT 1: AN INTERVIEW VALIDATION STUDY CENTERED UPPERCASE HEADING External Validation Centered Uppercase and Lowercase Heading Method Centered, Italicized, Uppercase and lowercase Heading Participants Flush Left, Italicized, Uppercase and lowercase Side heading Sleep-deprived group. Sleep-deprived group. Indented, italicized, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period. Indented, italicized, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period. Level 5 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

11  One level: for a short articale centered uppercase and lowercase centered uppercase and lowercase heading. heading. Two levels: MethodProcedure If the subordinate to the Level 1 is short or many then we can indented, italicized lowercase paragraph heanding like level 4. Level 1 Level 3

12  Three levels: single-experiment – single-experiment –Method Apparatus and Procedure Pretraining period. Pretraining period. Multiexperiment study- Multiexperiment study- Experiment 2 Method Participants. Participants. Level 3 Level 4 Level 1 Level 3 Level 4

13  Four levels: applied in multiexperiment studies, monographs and literature reviews Experiment 2 Method Stimulus Materials Auditory stimuli. Auditory stimuli. Five levels: Level 5 as control idea for all four levels. Level 5 as control idea for all four levels. Centered uppercase heading above the other four levels. Centered uppercase heading above the other four levels. Level 1 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2

14 seriation  To list elements in a series to prevent misreading or to clarify the sequence or relationship between elements. * Using letters in paragraph or sentence * Using number at the start of each paragraph in series.

15  Within a paragraph or sentence- EX: The participant’s three choices were (a) working with another participant, (b) working with a team, and (c) working alone. Ex: We tested three groups: (a) low scorers, who scored fewer than 20 points; (b) moderate scorers, who scored between 20 and 50 points; and (c) high scorers, who scored more than 50 points.

16  Elements of series have a compound sentence and have colon before items, capitalize the first word of the first item  Ex: The experiments on which we report were designed to address two such findings: (a) Only a limited class of patterned stimuli, when paired with color, subsequently contingently elicit after- effects, and (b) decreasing the correlation between grid and color does not degrade the McCollough effect.

17 Separate paragraphs in a series  To list the items in conclusions or steps of procedure  Identified by an arabic numeral followed by a period but no paratheses. 1. Individuals who … [paragraph continues]. 2. Nondepressed persons exposed to …[paragraph continues]. to …[paragraph continues]. 3. Depressed person exposed to …[paragraph continues]. continues]. 4. Depressed and nondepressed participants in the nonoise groups …[paragraph continues]. the nonoise groups …[paragraph continues]. ﹡ each sentence should be syntactically and conceptually parallel to the other items

18 Use figure to express 3.42Numbers Expressed in Figure a.All numbers 10 and above. EX: a 25 years young lady the 50th anniversary a 11th –grade student 10 items in total

19 b. All numbers below10 are need to grouped to compared with numbers 10 and above. (appear in the same paragraph.) Ex: I have 3 children, they are 5 years old, 10 years old and 25years old. I have 3 children, they are 5 years old, 10 years old and 25years old. 2 and 13 lines the 6 th group and the 12 th group the 1 st items and 15 th items of all 50 lists

20 BUT THIS IS WRONG!!!!! THIS IS WRONG!!!!!EX: 15 traits on each of four checklists. They can not compared, because they are different categories of items.

21 c. Numbers that immediately precede a unit of measurement. A 5-mg dose with 10.54 cm of…

22 d. Numbers that present statistical or mathematical functions multiplied by 5 fractional decimal 0.25 of the… quantities 3times as many percentage more than 6% of all ingredients ratios water and oil: 5:1 percentiles and quartiles the 1 st quartiles the 5 th percentiles

23 e. Numbers present time,date at 11:00 o’clock ; 19 March,1986 ages 4-year-olds sample,subsample 8rats population size the world population hit 6.5 billion

24 specific numbers of subject participants in an experiment 5participants, three are girls 2are boys score and points on a scale Score 5 point on a 9-point scale exact sums of money Were paid $8 for each case numerals as numerals 0 v.s 6

25 f. Numbers denote a specific place in a numbered serious line 8 in chapter 5 part of book and table section 3.43, page 1 each number in a list of four or more numbers answer question1,3,5 and 8 with completely sentence

26 Numbers Expressed in Words a. Numbers below 10 that do not represent precise measurements and that are grouped for comparison with numbers below 10. Ex:five trails … the remaining seven trails b. The numbers zero and one when the words would be easier to comprehend than the figures or when the words do not appear in context with numbers 10 and above. Ex:one-way ticket

27 c. Any numbers that begins a sentence, title, or text heading. Ex: Four patients improved, and 4 patients did not improve. d. Common fractions Ex: one fifth of the class two-thirds majority e. Universally accepted usage Ex: The Fourth of July

28 A combination of figures and words increases the clarity and readability of the construction. a. Rounded large numbers. Ex: almost 5 million dollars b. Back-to-back modifiers. Ex:the first 10 items * the 1st 10 items

29 However, in this situation, readability may suffer instead of construction. Poor: * 1st two items Better: first two items Write out the words first through ninth; use numerals for 10th and above.


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