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Yay health care!. The Problem Background 14% of Oregonians Uninsured Health Care costs increasing Hmm… If only there was a way to increase the number.

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Presentation on theme: "Yay health care!. The Problem Background 14% of Oregonians Uninsured Health Care costs increasing Hmm… If only there was a way to increase the number."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yay health care!

2 The Problem

3 Background 14% of Oregonians Uninsured Health Care costs increasing Hmm… If only there was a way to increase the number of people covered by Medicaid without increasing costs…

4 The Oregon Health Plan The Prioritized List Managed Care Coverage for all Oregonians below the poverty level Mandatory Employer Insurance Coverage

5 Success – The mid 90s All Oregonians below the federal poverty line made eligible for Medicaid 2% drop in number of uninsured Expanded areas of health care coverage Movement to managed care

6 Failures – The present Budget Cuts Decreased Areas of Coverage: –Mental Health –HIV Carriers

7 Lessons The Political Process Bringing Health Care into the public debate Wow, health care is great! I don’t want my health care rationed! Health care sucks! I like cheese.

8 Lessons Unreliability of Tax Increases The Problem of Explicit Rationing Implicit Rationing Public Knowledge

9 Lessons

10 The Future Can the OHP be saved? What lessons does Oregon offer for other reformers?


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