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Ceng 351 Lab1 Introduction to File Structures. Input Output Functions in C In C there is not any predefined commands for data transfer. – C functions.

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Presentation on theme: "Ceng 351 Lab1 Introduction to File Structures. Input Output Functions in C In C there is not any predefined commands for data transfer. – C functions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ceng 351 Lab1 Introduction to File Structures

2 Input Output Functions in C In C there is not any predefined commands for data transfer. – C functions is required

3 Input Output Functions in C Three groups of C I/O functions are available – ANSI C: Buffered file system, high level I/O system, formatted I/O system – Unix like I/O system. Unbuffered or unformatted – Rather than operating system, low-level I/O functions It is expected that all ANSI C functions works on the all C compilers

4 Stream and File A Program written in C Stream File Stream is a set full of characters No information about how characters are settled File is generally a byte set It could be a text document, a database record, an image… Stream and file relation is created with the opening a file

5 Stream and File Stream and File Types; – Text Transformation of characters could be required from stream to file – Exp: ‘\n’ in file it could turn to Carriage Return-CR or Line Feed-LF in file – Binary What is in the stream written into the file

6 File Operations in C Example Code Lab1.cpp

7 Lab Homework Programming exercise; – Create a file (car.dat) similar to our personnel file that keeps information of the cars. A car has a record number, plate, brand (fiat), model (punto), color and owner name and surname information. You should have to create at least 10 car records – In a given file users could be able to call the records according to record number and update any of the information(bonus) – You have to send your code and the file with a Studying exercise; – Prepare a one page report related with the evaluation of the discs starting with 70s. Compare technological evaluation especially considering with size, speed and price. – Prepare a one page report related with the terms PATA, SATA, e-SATA, USB standards and Firewire. – Prepare a one page report to compare Solid State Discs, Tape Drives and Hard Disc Drives. Total number of pages shall not exceed three. You can add your reports to the same zip file

8 Lab Homework Due Date: – For Section 1, October 10, Monday 12 PM – For Section 2, October 11, Friday 12 PM – For Section 3, October 12, Saturday 12 PM

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