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Integrating New Literacy Into Today’s Curriculum By: Bryan Massman, Kelly Egan, Tung Ly, Sungha Kim, Sam Sabaugh.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating New Literacy Into Today’s Curriculum By: Bryan Massman, Kelly Egan, Tung Ly, Sungha Kim, Sam Sabaugh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating New Literacy Into Today’s Curriculum By: Bryan Massman, Kelly Egan, Tung Ly, Sungha Kim, Sam Sabaugh

2 New Literacy-New Generation Literacy was a word used to describe ability to read and write, for communication. New literacy is a term now used to describe a new wave of communication, as technology evolves, that goes far beyond just reading and writing. Computer literacy is becoming essential to the learning process to be able to function in society. It is ever changing, affecting teachers, students, education, the world. Some examples include, almost everything presented on the Web, cell phones and instant messaging. New literacy's are speedily moving along, their will be new ones today as more will be new tomorrow.

3 Instant Messaging Definition according to Wikipedia “is a form of real-time communication between two or more people based on typed text. The text is conveyed via computers connected over a network such as the Internet.”real-timeInternet

4 Integrating New Literacy into Today’s Curriculum Many children today do not remember a time when there wasn’t a World Wide Web The new century brings on rapid changes in technology reshaping how we live our lives Even more so in classrooms where technology has transformed the opportunities for learning

5 Positive effects of Instant messaging in education Instant messaging is providing children with constant practice in writing, and computer skills. It is introducing them to endless tools, used in revising and editing their writing. Some educators say using their messaging shorthand helps to develop and ignite their thinking processes. Teachers can also use the web and instant messaging to converse with their students in discussions.

6 Negative effects on Instant Messaging in education Teachers are critiquing that instant messaging is greatly affecting the formal English language, steering them farther away from traditional learning. Instant messaging is causing for grammatical errors, poor punctuation, and less ability to know the difference between formal and informal language. Teachers are fighting that they are too busy fixing these errors, leaving them less time to cover the curriculum.

7 In Conclusion… I believe new literacy is judged solely in the eye of the beholder. Some believe new literacy’s are helping to make education, and learning easier and more productive, while others simply believe in traditional education. Unfortunately, for those who don’t agree with the new forms of education, the world is simply going to speed right by. Learning these new literacy’s are vital to progress and succeed in the new and ever changing world.

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