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Galaxies Sylvain Veilleux  My Interests: Galaxy and black hole formation and evolution  Origin of starburst and AGN activity  Role of galaxy mergers.

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Presentation on theme: "Galaxies Sylvain Veilleux  My Interests: Galaxy and black hole formation and evolution  Origin of starburst and AGN activity  Role of galaxy mergers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Galaxies Sylvain Veilleux  My Interests: Galaxy and black hole formation and evolution  Origin of starburst and AGN activity  Role of galaxy mergers  Impact of feedback processes Instrumentation for ground-based optical/infrared telescopes  Maryland-Magellan Tunable Filter (MMTF)  NOAO Extremely Wide Field Infrared Mosaic (NEWFIRM)  Astrophotonics  Current team @ Maryland: PhD students: Mike Koss (shared), Mike McDonald, Hannah Krug, Alex McCormick Postdoc: Stacy Teng (shared), Margaret Trippe (shared ) Faculty: Stuart Vogel, Rich Mushotzky, Chris Reynolds GSFC: Neil Gehrels, Harvey Moseley, Alexander Kutyrev, John Mather

2 Important Issues Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs): near & far Spheroids in formation Black hole growth Galactic winds Arp 220 Jin Koda

3 QUEST: Quasar and ULIRG Evolution STudy Ground-based optical/near-infrared images and spectra VLT/Keck NIR spectroscopy (Dasyra et al. 2006) HST/NICMOS imaging (Veilleux, Kim, et al. 2009a) Spitzer Space Telescope (Veilleux, Rupke, et al. 2009b) Herschel Space Telescope (Humboldt Senior Award @ MPE) [NEW!] Chandra/XMM/Suzaku (Stacy Teng PhD Thesis) CARMA (Ashley Zauderer PhD Thesis)

4 Maryland-Magellan Tunable Filter (  PI: S. Veilleux (U. Maryland)  Co-PIs: J. Bland-Hawthorn (AAO), A. Dressler (OCIW), M. Rauch (OCIW), & S. Vogel (U. Maryland)  Co-Is: B. Bigelow (OCIW / U. Michigan), M. McDonald (Maryland), D. Rupke (IfA), P. Shopbell (Caltech), B. Sutin (OCIW/Skewray), I. Thompson (OCIW), B. Weiner (Arizona), & R. Weymann (OCIW)  Additional Technical Support (OCIW): A. Bagish, C. Birk, T. Hare, D. Osip, F. Perez  Funding Agency: NSF/ATI (instrument), NSF/EXC (science x 2) Tunable filter for IMACS on the Baade 6.5m telescope with broad wavelength coverage (~ 5000 – 9300 Å), bandwidth (~ 5 – 15 Å) and wide FOV (27)

5 Magellan Telescope IMACS

6 Galaxy Groups and Clusters (PhD Thesis M. McDonald) (McDonald & Veilleux 2009)

7 NEWFIRM is … An infrared camera project o28 arcmin field of view o0.4 arcsec/pixel resolution o1-2.5 micron capability o4-m telescopes sensitivity Integrated with other projects oORION oMONSOON oPipeline (Maryland) oScience archive (Maryland) To form a system for oDeep wide field surveys oHigh efficiency observing oRapid data turnaround oPublic data access (PI: R. Probst, NOAO; Maryland-NOAO Collaboration)

8 Search for z = 7.7 Lyα emitting galaxies using ultra-narrowband filters (PhD Thesis of H. Krug) Center of field~85% center-to-edge

9 + Galactic Winds  Veilleux, Cecil, & Bland-Hawthorn, 2005, ARAA, 43, 769 M 82

10 Important Questions  How common are galactic winds?  What is the impact of galactic winds on Galaxy evolution? Galaxy formation? The intergalactic medium?

11 Dust Outflow: SST IRAC (Engelbracht et al. 2006)

12 Dust Outflow  Importance: dM/dt dust ~ 1% dM/dt neutral ?  Implications: intergalactic dust? (e.g., Coma ICM; Stickel+98) 850  m 2 nd -year project of Alex McCormick: Search for dusty galactic winds in the Spitzer archive

13 + (Smith, Gallagher, & Westmoquette ’05) (SV, Rupke, & Swaters ‘09) Archetype: M82 Molecular Gas in Galactic Winds Ionized Gas Warm Molecular Gas

14 Molecular Outflows (PhD thesis of A. McCormick)  Search for warm H 2 in local galactic winds from deep NEWFIRM imaging [Data already obtained]  Spitzer survey [on-going]  Very deep Herschel data on local galactic winds [NEW!] 850  m

15 Second-Year Projects  MMTF research  Astrophotonics 850  m

16 The Magic of Astrophotonics! 850  m

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