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Correlation of PN morphology and nebular parameters Arturo Manchado Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias.

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Presentation on theme: "Correlation of PN morphology and nebular parameters Arturo Manchado Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias."— Presentation transcript:

1 Correlation of PN morphology and nebular parameters Arturo Manchado Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias

2 Colaborators Eva Villaver STSCI Letizia Stanghellini STSCI Martín Guerrero Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía

3 PNe morphology vs. stellar evolution An AGB star can lose up to 80% of its mass Round Interacting wind model: The PN is formed by the interaction of a low density fast wind with a high density slow wind (e.g Kwok, Purton & Fitzgerald 1978, ApJ 219, 17) First observational evidence hot bubble in NGC 7009 Guerrero, Gruendl, Chu 2002, A&A 387, L1 Elliptical Interacting wind model with an ecuatorial density enhancement Frank, Balick, Icke, Mellema 1993, ApJ 404, L25 Mellema 1995, "Asymmetrical PN", ed. Harpaz, p. 229

4 Jets & ansae Frank, A., Balick, B., Livio, M. 1996 ApJ, 471, L53 Bipolar Binaries, commom envelope phase, substellar interaction (Soker, 1997, ApJSS, 112, 487) Magnetic fields García-Segura et al. 1999 ApJ, 517, 767 Pointsymmetric García-Segura, G. & López, J.A. 2000 ApJ, 544, 336 Muliple Shell PNe Villaver, Manchado, García-Segura, 2002 ApJ, 581, 1204 Steffen, M.; Schönberner, D. 2000A&A, 357, 180

5 Interaction with the Insterstellar Medium Villaver, García-Segura, Manchado,2003 ApJ, 585, L49 20 km/s causes asymmetry due to interaction with the IM Morphology of PPNe Ueta, Meixner, Bobrowsky 2000 AJ, 528, 861 sole - round, elliptical duplex - bipolar Review on Shapes and Saphing of Planetary Nebulae Balick, Frank 2002, Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 40, 439

6 On the Morphology Extended halos Curtis, H.D. 1918, Pub. Lick Obs. 13, 57 "binebulous" and circular nebula Greig, W. E., 1972, A&A 18, 70 108 of non-stellar PNe bipolar, round, disk-like, and annular Zuckerman, B., & Aller, L. H. 1986, ApJ 301, 772 Round, elliptical and butterfly Balick, B. 1987, AJ 94, 671 41 Multiple shells Chu, Y. -H., Jacoby, G. H., & Arendt, R. 1987, ApJS 64, 529 250 PNe; stellar (S), elliptical (E), bipolar (B), pointsymmetric (P), and irregular (I) Schwarz, H. E., Corradi, R. L. M., & Melnik J. 1992 A&AS 96, 23 243 PNe; round(R), bipolar(B), elliptical(E),quadrupolar(Q), pointsymmetric (P) Manchado, A., Guerrero, M.A., Stanghellini, L., & Serra-Ricart, M. 1996, The IAC Morphological Catalog of Northern Galactic PN, ed. IAC 101 PNe Górny, S.K., Schwarz, H.E., Corradi, R.L.M., Winckel, H. van, 1999, A&AS 136, 145

7 On the Morphology 50 MSPN, Corradi, Schoenberner, Steffen, Perinotto 2003, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 340, 417 35% show asymmetry 50 PNs with low-ionization structures (LISs), Goncalves, Corradi, Mampaso 2001, AJ 547, 302 56 PNs Large Magellanic Cloud Stanghellini, Blades, Osmern Barlow, Liu, 1999 AJ, 510,687 Shaw, Stanghellini, Mutchler, Balick, Blades, 2001, 548, 727

8 On the structural classification Projection effects Pottasch, S.R. 1984 Planetary Nebulae, ed. Reidel Evolutionary scheme: early, middle, late; round, elliptical, butterfly Balick, B. 1987, AJ 94, 671 50 % of PNe are Multiple Shell Planetary Nebulae Chu, Y. -H., Jacoby, G. H., & Arendt, R. 1987, ApJS 64, 529 Central star mass distribution different for bipolar and elliptical. Elliptical are younger and more luminous than MPSN Stanghellini, L., Corradi, R. L. M, & Schwarz, H. E, 1993 A&A 279, 521

9 Classification scheme Balick, B. 1987, AJ 94, 671

10 Corradi, R. L. M, & Schwarz, H. E. 1995, A&A 293, 871 (250 PNe) Elliptical z = 320 M < 1.1 M  Bipolar z = 130 M > 1.5 M  Overabundance helium, nitrogen and neon Giant dimensions Górny, S.K., Stasinska, G., & Tylenda, R. 1997, A&A 318, 256 (125 PNe) Bipolar: higher mass, smaller z, higher N/O Pointsymmetric a separate class Elliptical z = 680 Mean Central Star mass 0.61 M  Bipolar z = 360 Mean Central Star mass 0.68 M  Pointsymmetric z = 800 Mean Central Star mass 0.59 M  Shaw,R.A, Stanghellini,L.,Mutchler,M.,Balick,B.,Blades,J.C. 2000, ApJ, 548, 727 (29 PNe) Elliptical 17 % Round29 % Bipolar51 % Pointsymmetric 3 %

11 Stanghellini, Manchado, Villaver, Guerrero 2002, AJ 576, 285 Different mass ranges for Round, Elliptical and Bipolar PNs Soker 2002, A&A 386, 885 Spherical PN low metalicity 70% are further away from the galactic center than the sun is from the galactic center.


13 Górny, S.K., Stasinska, G., & Tylenda, R. 1997, A&A 318, 256

14 On the statistics Sample selection Complete sample (255 PNe) All PNe larger than 4 arcseconds in Acker´s catalog (1992). All northern PNe (  >  11) H , [N II], [O III] images 213 PNe from: Manchado, A., Guerrero, M.A., Stanghellini, L., & Serra- Ricart, M. 1996, The IAC Morphological Catalog of Northern Galactic PN ed. IAC 20 PNe from Balick, B. 1987, AJ 94, 671 22 PNe from Schwarz, H. E., Corradi, R. L. M., & Melnik J. 1992, A&AS 96, 23

15 Database Statistical distances: Cahn, J.H., Kaler, J.B., Stanghellini, L. 1992, A&AS 94, 399 NASA Astrophysics Data System

16 Chemical abundances Emission lines: Kaler, J.B., Shaw, R.A., Browning, L. 1997, PASP 109, 289 Guerrero, M.A. 1995, PhD Thesis Plasma diagnostic + ionic chemical abundances nebular analysis package in IRAF/STSDAS (Shaw et al.1998) Helium abundances collisional effects Clegg (1987)


18 Abell 39

19 Abell 50


21 NGC 2438

22 Abell 72

23 NGC 1501

24 IC 1295

25 NGC 6853

26 He 2-429

27 NGC 650

28 K 4-55

29 He 2-437

30 M 3-28

31 On the projection effects Round classification = 10 and 27.5 arcsec a/b < 1 +0.06 Projected ellipsoid (c:1:1) Observed ellipse x=  (c 2  (sin(i) 2 )+(cos(i)) 2 ) x  a/b i inclination angle

32 On the projection effects


34 1.2< c <1.5 P  7.3 % N(elliptical)=149 11 elliptical seen as round N(round)=63 17 % of round could be elliptical 40 % of MSPN are asymmetrical








42 d < 6.5 Kpc

43 Morphological classes whole sample E=58 %,R=25 %, B=17 % Taking into account projection effect E=63 %, R=20 %, B=17 % d < 6.5 Kpc E=62 %, R=26 %, B=12 % Taking into account projection effect E=66 %, R=22 %, B=12 %

44 d < 6 Kpc


46 Round, Bipolar, Elliptical



49 =638 =276 =259 =56 =135


51 =0.102 =0.121 =0.136

52 =0.27 =0.31 =1.3

53 Conclusions Sample complete up to 6.5 Kpc - 66 % elliptical - 22 % round - 12 % bipolar -46 % of round are MSPN -35 % of elliptical are MSPN -40 % of MSPN are asymmetrical Central star temperature Higher T for bipolar than for round + elliptical

54 N/O R=0.27, E=0.31, B=1.3 type I PNe for bipolar type II PNe for round and elliptical Galactic latitude |b| round 12 elliptical 7 bipolar 3 He/H R=0.102, E=0.121, B=0.136 type I PNe for bipolar type II PNe for round and elliptical

55 Galactic height  z  round 753 elliptical 308 M 1.0 M  bipolar 179 M 1.5 M  elliptical + pointsymmetric 310M 1.0 M  elliptical 308M 1.0 M  bipolar + pointsymmetric 248 M 1.2 M  bipolar 110M 1.9 M  Different progenitor masses for round, elliptical, bipolar and bipolar + pointsymetric Higher mass for the central stars of bipolar Two different mass distribution on the formation of bipolar PNe (García-Segura et al. 2000, RevMexAA) Single high mass stars will form bipolar PNe due to rotation Binary systems will form bipolar + poitsymmetric PNe

56 Future work Complete the data set: Abundances, expansion velocities, central star parameters Extend the study to the other galaxies (LMC) Extend the study to molecular gas (near-IR+ALMA) and dust (medium-IR)

57 NGC 2346 HST+WFPC2+N II 0.6584 microns H2 S(1)(1-0) 2.1218 microns

58 IRAS 16594-4656

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