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Initialize\ Update CZM input parameters u s – u e < tolerance? Extract simulated displacement field, u s ABAQUS solve in batch mode Replicate experiment.

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Presentation on theme: "Initialize\ Update CZM input parameters u s – u e < tolerance? Extract simulated displacement field, u s ABAQUS solve in batch mode Replicate experiment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Initialize\ Update CZM input parameters u s – u e < tolerance? Extract simulated displacement field, u s ABAQUS solve in batch mode Replicate experiment as Finite Element Model No, update Yes Take current values as solution Experimental setup and measurement Extract observed displacement field, u e Molecular dynamics simulation Initialize Proposed method for combining experimentation – molecular dynamics ‘Upscaling translator’ Is there past literature to review here?

2 Incubus 1.Visit and click install. 2.If it mentions that “you need DirectX … blah blah blah” just go to google and search for it. Anything you may need is freely available for download on the microsoft website. Sorry Mac users, Macs don’t support the visualization tools used in Incubus.

3 Misc. 1.Investigation of corner concentrations using RPI UMAT for polycrystal plasticity: 1.Calculated displacements using ABAQUS/UMAT and FEAWD/FEMLIB were compared. 2.Model geometry was a cube, consisting of 6 quadratic, hybrid tets. 3.Displacement boundary conditions that produce 1% strain were used. 4.Poor comparison was found between the two frameworks. 1.FEAWD/FEMLIB has been verified against RPI code in the past. So, additional debugging needs to be done for the UMAT. 2.Particle generator code 1.Code for merging/transforming any number of particle/grain geometries has been created and included in ABAQUS scripting interface. 2.Initial stuff for ABAQUS scripting interface has been setup, i.e. input windows for particle shape, size, number, etc. 3.This task is lacking 1 additional piece of code that will be completed before next month’s meeting.

4 Command summary abaqus make library=source-file directory=library-dir object_type=fortranlibrarydirectoryobject_type library This option is used to create user subroutine object files and shared libraries. The value of the option specifies the name of the user subroutine source file to be compiled and linked. The resulting object and shared library files are placed in the directory given by the command line directory option. If the directory option is not used, the files are placed in the current working directory. directory This option is valid only when used in conjunction with the library option. It is used to specify the destination of the user subroutine object and shared library files that will be created by the procedure. It is also used to specify the location of additional object files that are to be linked to the shared library or libraries being created. If the option is omitted, the files created by the procedure are placed in the current working directory. object_type This option is valid only when used in conjunction with the job option. It is used to specify the type of object file, either FORTRAN, C, or C++, given by the job or user option.

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