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Runtime Specialization With Optimistic Heap Analysis AJ Shankar UC Berkeley Ras BodikSubbu SastryJim Smith UC BerkeleyUW Madison.

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Presentation on theme: "Runtime Specialization With Optimistic Heap Analysis AJ Shankar UC Berkeley Ras BodikSubbu SastryJim Smith UC BerkeleyUW Madison."— Presentation transcript:

1 Runtime Specialization With Optimistic Heap Analysis AJ Shankar UC Berkeley Ras BodikSubbu SastryJim Smith UC BerkeleyUW Madison

2 2 Code’ Code Specialization (partial evaluation) Constant Input Variable Input Specializer Hardcode constant values directly into the code Big speedups (100%+) possible But hard to make useable… Output

3 3 First practical specializer Automatic: no manual annotations Dynamic: no offline phase Easy to deploy: hidden in a JIT compiler Powerful: precisely finds all heap constants Fast: under 1s, low overheads

4 4 Specializer: what would benefit? Any program that relies heavily on data that is (largely) constant at runtime For this talk, we’ll focus on one domain But we’ve benchmarked several  Speedups of 20% to 500%

5 5 The local bookstore… JavaScript LISP MatlabPerl Python Ruby Scheme Visual Basic

6 6 Interpreters Interpreters: preferred implementation  Easy to write  Verifiable: interpreter is close to the language spec  Deployable: easily portable  Programmer-friendly: enable rapid development cycle More scripting languages to come  More interpreters to appear

7 7 But interpreters are slow Programmers complain about interpreter speed  20 open Mozilla bugs decrying slow JavaScript Google searches:  “python slow”: 674k  “visual basic slow”: 3.1M  “perl slow”: 810k  (“perl porn”: 236k) Compiler?  Time-consuming to write, maintain, debug  Programmers often don’t want one

8 8 Specialization of an interpreter  Goal: Make interpreters fast, easily and for free Code Constant Input Variable Input Output

9 9 P ”native” JVM Specialization of an interpreter  Goal: Make interpreters fast, easily and for free Perl Interpreter Perl program P Input to P, other state Specializer JIT Compiler So how come no one actually does this? Output

10 10 A Brief History of Specialization Early specialization (or partial evaluation)  Operated on whole programs  Required functional languages  Hand-directed Recent results  Specialize imperative languages like C (Tempo, DyC)  … Even if only a code fragment is specializable  Reduced annotation burden (Calpa, Suganuma et al.)  Profile-based (Suganuma) But challenges remain…

11 11 Specialization Overview Interpret() { pc = oldpc+1; if (pc == 7) if (pc == 10) switch (instr[pc]) { … … } } LD pc == 10 pc == 7 1 2 3 LD 1.Where to specialize? 2.What heap values are constant? 3.When are assumed constants changed? 1 2 3

12 12 Existing solutions What code to specialize?  Current systems use annotations  But annotations imprecise and barriers to acceptance What heap values can we use as constants?  Heap provides bulk of speedup (500% vs 5% without)  Annotations: imprecise, not input-specific How to invalidate optimistic assumptions?  Optimism good for better specialization  Current solutions unsound or untested

13 13 Our Solution: Dynamic Analysis Precise: can specialize on  This execution’s input  Partially invariant data structures Fast: online sample-based profiling has low overhead Deployable: transparent, sits in a JIT compiler  Just write your program in Java/C# Simple to implement: let VM do the drudge work  Code generation, profiling, constant propagation, recompilation, on-stack replacement

14 14 Algorithm 1. Find a specialization starting point e pc = FindSpecPoint(hot_function) 2. Specialize: create a trace t(e pc, k) for each hot value k Constant propagation, modified: Assume e pc = k Eliminate loads from invariant memory locations Replace x := load loc with x = mem[loc] if Invariant(loc) Create a trace, not a CFG Loops unrolled, branch prediction for non-constant conditionals Eliminates safety checks, dynamic dispatch, etc. too Modify dispatch at pc to select trace t when e pc = k 3. Invalidate Let S be the set of assumed invariant locations If Updated(loc) where loc  S  invalidate 1 2 3

15 15 Solution 1: FindSpecPoint Where to start a specialized trace?  The best point can be near the end of the function Ideally: try to specialize from all instructions  Pick the best one  But too slow for large functions Local heuristics inconsistent, inaccurate  Execution frequency, value hotness, CFG properties Need an efficient global algorithm  Should come up with a few good candidates

16 16 FindSpecPoint: Influence If e pc = k, how many dynamic instructions can we specialize away?  Most precise: actually specialize  Upper bound: forward dynamic slice of e pc Too costly for an online environment  Our solution: Influence: upper bound of dynamic slice Dataflow-independent Def: Influence(e) = Expected number of dynamic instructions from the first occurrence of e pc to the end of the function System of equations, solved in linear time

17 17 Influence example 30 25.227.2 28.4.6 Influence consistently selects the best specialization points 40%?60%? Not quite….9.87.94 1.Probability of ever reaching instruction How often will trace be executed? 2.Length of dynamic trace from instruction to end How much benefit obtainable? Can approximate 1 and 2 by… 3. Expected trace length to end = Influence

18 18 Solution 2: Invariant(loc) Primary issue: would like to know what memory locations are invariant  Provides the bulk of the speedup  Existing work relied on static analysis or annotations Our solution: sampled invariance profiling  Track every nth store  Locations detected as written: not constant  Everything else: optimistically assumed constant 95.6% of claimed constants remained constant

19 19 Profiling, cont’d Use Arnold-Ryder duplication-based sampling to gather other useful info  CFG edge execution frequencies Helps identify good trace start points (influence)  Hot values at particular program points Helps seed the constant propagator with initial values

20 20 Solution 3: Invalidation Our heap analysis is optimistic  We need to guard assumed constant locations  And invalidate corresponding traces Our solution to the two key problems:  Detect when such a location is updated Use write barriers (type information eliminates most barriers) Overhead: ~6% << specialization benefit  Invalidate corresponding specialized traces A bit tricky: trace may need to be invalidated while executing See paper for our solution

21 21 Experimental evaluation Implemented in JikesRVM Does the specializer work?  Benchmarked real-world programs, existing specialization kernels Is it suitable for a runtime environment?  Benchmarked programs unsuitable for specialization  Measured overheads Does it exploit opportunities unavailable to other specializers?  Looked at specific specializations for evidence

22 22 Results BenchmarkInputSpeed convolve Transforms an image with a matrix; from the ImageJ toolkit fixed image, various matrices2.74x fixed matrix, various images1.23x dotproduct Converted from C version in DyC sparse constant vector5.17x interpreter Interprets simple bytecodes bubblesort bytecodes5.96x binary search bytecodes6.44x jscheme Interprets Scheme code partial evaluator1.82x query Performs a database query; from DyC semi-invariant query1.71x sim8085 Intel 8085 Microprocessor simulator included sample program1.70x em3d (intentionally unspecializable) Electromagnetic wave propagation -n 10000 -d 1000.98x

23 23 Suitable for runtime environment? Fully transparent Low overheads, dwarfed by speedups  Profiling overhead range: 0.1% - 19.8%  Specialization time average: 0.7s  Invalidation barrier overhead average: 4%  See paper for extensive breakdown of overheads Overhead on unspecializable programs < 6%

24 24 Runtime-only opportunties? Convolve specialized in two different ways  For two different inputs Query specialized on partially invariant structure Interpreter specialized on constant locations in interpreted program  23% of dynamic loads from interpreted address space were constant; an additional 9.6% of all loads in interpreter’s execution were eliminated  No distinction between address “spaces”

25 25 The end is the beginning (is the end) I’ve presented a new specializer that  Is totally transparent  Exposes new specialization opportunities  Is easy to throw into a JVM

26 26 Does the specializer work? Similar speedups to existing specializers  And on similar benchmarks  With no annotations or offline phase Ran on real-world programs  Jscheme is a real interpreter  Interpreting a 500-line partial evaluator (ha!)

27 27 Practical Specialization We want the following properties:  Automatically identify “constant” inputs  Automatically identify specializable code  Ensuring soundness if “constants” change Some barriers to acceptance in the past  Manual program annotations to specify constants  Offline analysis  Inefficient or incomplete soundness guarantees

28 28 Challenge 1: What code to specialize? Requires programmer annotations (DyC, Tempo)  Input not available at annotation time  No transparency: involves the programmer A real roadblock to acceptance … or offline annotation inference (Calpa)  Input not available at inference time  Abstraction in static analysis dilutes precision  Too slow for JIT compilers … or specialize the whole method (Suganuma)

29 29 Challenge 2: Heap constants Which heap locations don’t change at run time? Annotations Static analysis Or greatly restrict heap usage (Suganuma)  Heap analysis is hard but very beneficial…  5% speedup with Suganuma vs. 500% using full heap

30 30 Challenge 3: Invalidation Can specialize better if optimistic:  Assume that some memory locations don’t change How to check invalidation of these assumptions?  Programmer inserts invalidations Possibly unsound  Pointer analysis Likely high overhead No evaluation in the literature

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