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A Transactional Theory of Hypertext Structure By: John E. McEneaney Present by: Liz Guzniczak and Sue Ann Sharma.

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Presentation on theme: "A Transactional Theory of Hypertext Structure By: John E. McEneaney Present by: Liz Guzniczak and Sue Ann Sharma."— Presentation transcript:


2 A Transactional Theory of Hypertext Structure By: John E. McEneaney Present by: Liz Guzniczak and Sue Ann Sharma

3 Purpose of Framework Outline a general theory of hypertext structure Describe how elements of model have been applied to recent empirical studies Suggest additional empirical evaluation useful in testing Extend the model for reading theory in both hypertext and traditional print

4 Transactional Theory Framework The transaction of meaning is rooted in the reader’s personal experience with the text (evocation) Responses are subject to personal reflection Metacognition is shaped by our articulation of understanding (interpretation) as our experience is shared with others.

5 Overview of Hypertext Structures

6 Virtual Structures Potential Pathways Q & A: How do you see this as different from a 3D table of contents?

7 Episodic Structure Represent the Reader’s Experience Q & A: In a representation of episodic structure, are we seeing reader navigation or text node interaction ?

8 Emergent Structures Serve to warrant structural assertions Q & A: By upping the threshold what are you filtering out?

9 Traversal Thresholds In Increments Ranging from 0. To 25. What changes are evident in these navigational patterns?

10 Empirical Validation: Emergent Structures How does a linear approach to reading account for passive reading?

11 Limitations to Framework A single navigational episode may not significantly represent a larger pattern and may be an example idiosyncratic navigation or error During the episodic structure you can not generalize findings because the structures in this study represents one type of hierarchically organized virtual structures Q & A: Is it the reader that shapes the text or is it the virtual structure that shapes the reader’s navigation and interpretation of text?

12 Author Posits Thoughts About Problems Within HT Structures

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