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Ocean Planet & The Great Migration

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Presentation on theme: "Ocean Planet & The Great Migration"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ocean Planet & The Great Migration
Life in the Paleozoic Ocean Planet & The Great Migration

2 Late Middle Paleozoic Early Myr

3 Vertebrate Evolution From Pikaia to Cheney

4 Phylum Chordata Including Subphylum Vertebrata
Notochord Nerve cord Pharyngeal gill slits Vertebrates Vertebral column replaces notochord & skull encloses brain

5 Phylogeny Reminder Fish --> Amphibians --> Reptiles --> Mammals

6 Think in terms of common ancestors and speciation

7 Fish Phylogeny

8 Fish: Jawless Fish (Agnatha)
Cephalasphid Early Paleozoic ostracoderms. (A) Thelodus, (B) Pteraspis, (C) Jamoytius, and (D) Hemicyclaspis, drawn to the same scale.

9 Modern Agnatha: Sea Lamprey

10 Origin of Jaws

11 Fish: Armored Fish (Placoderms)
Dunkleosteus Bothriolepis Extinct

12 Fish: Armored Fish (Acanthodians)
Armor - a form of phosphorus storage? Extinct Acanthodes

13 Fish: Chondrichthyes (Cartilaginous Fish)

14 Modern Chondrichthyes (Sharks & Rays)

15 Fish: Osteichthyes (Bony Fish)

16 Osteichthyes: Ray Fined
Subclass: Actinopterygii Rays

17 Ray Finned Fish Sturgeon Longnose Gar

18 Ray Finned Fish: Teleosts
Weedy Sea Dragon 96% of today’s fish Zebrafish

19 Osteichthyes: Lobe Finned
Subclass: Sarcopterygii

20 Lobe Finned Fish Coelacanth

21 Lobe Finned Fish Lungfish Eusthenopteron


23 The Great Migration (Silurian/Devonian)
Plants, Insects, Vertebrates (Tetrapods)

24 Amphibians

25 Amphibians Wood Frog Eggs

26 Lobe Fins to Amphibians

27 Acanthostega (Upper Devonian)

28 Ichthyostega (Upper Devonian)

29 Advantages to Moving onto Land
Lots of light for photosynthesis Easy access to oxygen and carbon dioxide Less competition Rich source of nutrients an (eventually) food Fewer predators

30 Challenges to Moving onto Land
Conserving water - not drying out Obtaining & circulating water, food & gases Overcoming gravity Reproduction Exposure to UV

31 Vertebrate Solutions Conserving water - not drying out
Obtaining & circulating water, food & gases Overcoming gravity Reproduction Exposure to UV Leathery skin & scales 3 or 4 chambered heart Modified skeletal arrangement Internal Fertilization & Amniotic Egg

32 Amniotic Egg Encloses embryo in water
Regulates oxygen.carbon dioxide exchange Amniotic Egg Food Collects wastes = Freedom from Oceans

33 Permian Reptile Egg

34 Modern Reptile Skin

35 The Amniotes Classified based on skull structure
Diapsids (Includes lizards, dinosaurs & birds)) The Amniotes Classified based on skull structure Synapsids (Includes mammals) Anapsids (Includes turtles)

36 Amniote Cladogram About 300 Myr

37 Anapsids & Diapsids (True Reptiles)
Early Permian - Labidosaurus

38 Anapsids & Diapsids (True Reptiles)

39 Early Synapsids (Mammal-Like Reptiles)

40 Pelycosaurs (Sail Fins)
Temperature control? Dimetrodon

41 Therapsids (Permian Synapsids)
Dicynodonts Cynodont

42 More on Synapsid, Mammal, and Reptile Evolution in the Mesozoic…

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