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Slide 1 Show us where you are: click “magic wand” (right below the square); choose checkmark from tools at bottom of whiteboard; click your location on.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 Show us where you are: click “magic wand” (right below the square); choose checkmark from tools at bottom of whiteboard; click your location on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 Show us where you are: click “magic wand” (right below the square); choose checkmark from tools at bottom of whiteboard; click your location on map

2 Slide 2 Ethnographic Methods and Participatory Design in a University Library Susan Gibbons, Associate Dean Nancy Foster, Lead Anthropologist Judi Briden, Digital Librarian for Public Services

3 Slide 3 Susan Gibbons

4 Slide 4 Nancy Fried Foster

5 Slide 5 Judi Briden

6 Slide 6

7 Slide 7 Did you write your papers on a personal computer when you were in college? Yes = No = ×

8 Slide 8 Improve… Reference outreach Facilities Libraries’ web presence

9 Slide 9

10 Slide 10 What do undergraduates really do when they write their papers?

11 Slide 11 Have you IM’d today? Yes = No = ×

12 Slide 12 Research methods “Retrospective” interviews Photo interviews Dorm visits Mapping

13 Slide 13

14 Slide 14

15 Slide 15 Categorizing and annotating lists of ideas that were generated in brainstorming sessions

16 Slide 16 Improve… Reference outreach Facilities Libraries’ web presence

17 Slide 17

18 Slide 18 Improve… Reference outreach Facilities Libraries’ web presence

19 Slide 19 Space design workshops with undergraduates yield drawings of students’ dream library spaces

20 Slide 20 Improve… Reference outreach Facilities Libraries’ web presence

21 Slide 21 Web design workshops to gather students ideas for improvements to web presence

22 Slide 22 Completing the co-design process Once we have agreed on what to build or implement, we continue to involve users in prototyping and refining the “product” and have them use it once we put it into production


24 Slide 24 Reference outreach - pilot Facilities Libraries’ web presence

25 Slide 25

26 Slide 26 Reference outreach - pilot Facilities - re-design of library space Libraries’ web presence

27 Slide 27 Reference outreach - pilot Facilities - re-design of library space Libraries’ web presence

28 Slide 28 Look for more information at…

29 Slide 29 Contact Ann Marshall, Reference Librarian Judi Briden, Digital Librarian for Public Services

30 Slide 30 Did you write your papers on a personal computer when you were in college? Have you IM’d today?

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