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TRAVEL Unit 7 Standard Grade Revision. What arrangements need to be made for a business trip? All travel and accommodation arrangements all necessary.

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Presentation on theme: "TRAVEL Unit 7 Standard Grade Revision. What arrangements need to be made for a business trip? All travel and accommodation arrangements all necessary."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRAVEL Unit 7 Standard Grade Revision

2 What arrangements need to be made for a business trip? All travel and accommodation arrangements all necessary paperwork all tickets confirmation of booked accommodation

3 How do we gather information for business trips? Name of person going on trip start and finish dates destinationpurpose special requirements

4 How is the method of travel chosen? The destination the distance time available BUDGET

5 What sources of information do we use? Timetables, Travel Agents Travel guides, Internet CD-roms AA/RAC Handbooks

6 Travel Documentation PassportEHICVisa Immunisation Form

7 PASSPORT A valid 10-year passport is required for travel outwith the

8 EHIC Entitles travellers from the UK to free or reduced medical costs in other EU countries

9 VISA A visa may be required for any country being visited outwith Europe

10 IMMUNISATION FORM Check for any immunisation requirements (e.g against hepatitis A, typhoid, tetanus)

11 Travel forms to be completed!!!!!! Itinerary

12 Points to consider when preparing an Itinerary Allow time - do not cram in appointments, allow time for traveller to relax, use 24-hour clock, take account of International time zones

13 Travel Request Form Employee would complete this to go on a new training course for example

14 Travel Booking Form Contains - employees name. Where they are going, dates of travel and cost.

15 Accommodation Form Will include - Dates, Where they are staying and cost.

16 Paying for Travel Payments are made to: travel agent hotel, restaurant, car hire firm.

17 CASH If travelling abroad arrange foreign currency before departure from the UK. Traveller should ask for receipts whilst abroad.

18 Travel Account AN organisation that deals directly with a travel agent may be sent an invoice directly

19 Cheque A cheque is likely to be sent to settle an invoice

20 Credit Card (Visa or MasterCard) The Person being paid “swipes” the card through a terminal and the person paying for it signs a sales voucher and receives a copy of the voucher

21 On the phone Payment can be made by credit card by quoting the credit card number and expiry date

22 Debit Card (eg Switch and Delta) The Person being paid “swipes” the card through a terminal and the person paying for it signs a sales voucher and receives a copy of the voucher

23 Debit card Unlike Credit Cards Debit card is withdrawn IMMEDIATELY from the bank

24 How do organisations check and verify expenditure Employees must complete an Expenses Claim Form. This would be checked to verify that

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