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Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 1 WBS 2 - Hadron Calorimeter Andris Skuja HCAL Schedule at CERN.

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Presentation on theme: "Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 1 WBS 2 - Hadron Calorimeter Andris Skuja HCAL Schedule at CERN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 1 WBS 2 - Hadron Calorimeter Andris Skuja HCAL Schedule at CERN DOE/NSF Review HCAL Subsystem Sessions May 20, 2003

2 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 2 US HCAL Responsibilities The US construction responsibilities for all HCAL subdetectors are well defined: HB: absorber, megatile production (optics), optical cables & connectors, readout boxes, photodetectors (HPD’s), front end electronics, trigger/DAQ electronics, power supplies, controls: US CMS HE brass (75%) & scintillator acquisition (only): US CMS HE optical cables & connectors, readout boxes, photodetectors (HPD’s), front end electronics, trigger/DAQ electronics, power supplies, controls: US CMS HO readout boxes, photodetectors, front end electronics, trigger/DAQ electronics, power supplies, controls: US CMS HF and HF shielding mechanical design: US CMS HF quartz fiber (Plastic cladding): US CMS HF readout boxes, photomultipliers, front end electronics, trigger/DAQ electronics, power supplies, controls: US CMS

3 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 3 Non-US Responsibilities Responsibilities of CMS collaborators HE: absorber manufacture, megatile production (optics) : R/DMS HO installation brackets & tooling, megatiles (including scintillator), optical cables & connectors: India HF absorber manufacture and installation tooling: Russia HF support structures and shielding: Iran & Turkey HF quartz fiber installation: Hungary/CERN HB/HE/HF: HV Supply Engineering: Bulgaria

4 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 4 Outline of Future Tasks Calibration System and RBX installation at CERN Site (SX5) HB assembly in SX5 hall (finished) HB, HE final megatile (layers zero and 16) installation in UX5 Electronics installation in SX5 (HB,HE,HO) Trigger/DAQ Electronics installation in UX5 Counting Room PS installation, RBX connection in UX5 DAQ Interfaces UX5/SX5 HF Assembly (Bldg. 186): Completed Summer ‘03 HF Electronics installation in UX5 & SX5

5 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 5 HCAL Schedule Blue = Project; Green = M&O

6 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 6 Calibration in Building 186 The Calibration systems was installed and Tested in Building 186. The Calibration system was also tested in Test Beam ’02 (and ’03) The Laser System has been tested on appropriate megatiles All megatiles have been tested using the moveable Source Drivers (in Bldg. 186) both for HB and HE The calibration measurements has been an initial testing ground of our DCS monitoring system. Data bases compatible with the CMS standard will have to be generated and compared to results obtained at FNAL. Readout has been tested in Test Beam Additional Readout Units will have to be moved from wedge to wedge as the source calibration progresses in SX5 tests. Final Ems can only be delivered once HPDs are delivered to FNAL


8 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 8 HCAL SOURCE CALIBRATION HE PPP1 and PPP2 Wedges with megatiles in place and extension source tubes installed. CERN Bldg. 186, May 1999.

9 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 9 Critical Path The HPD’s define the critical path. We can only finish the RM’s for the RBX’s as the HPD’s are delivered to FNAL We have accepted about 25% of the HPDs. It is expected that all HPDs will bedelivered by the end of ’03. The HBX’s and RM’s can be installed in ’04 and do not have to be completed in ’03. Thus the schedule for HO electronics may extend into ’04.

10 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 10 Recent HCAL Milestone Performance (v33)

11 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 11 Readout Module (RM) The RM integrates the HPD, front end electronics, and digital optical drivers. An RM requires an HPD before it can be completed. HPD unit QIEsCCAs Electronics Cards Optical Drivers Digital optical connector

12 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 12 Test Beam and SX5 Several HB- wedges were moved to SX5 in the summer of ‘02. Several had their response measured in the Test Beam before being assembled into the HB- half barrel in SX5 in Fall of ‘02. Both HB+ and HB- have been assembled into half barrels at CERN and are sitting in SX5 alcoves waiting for further instrumentation. The 2 half barrels remain in alcoves in SX5 until the full magnet test. This will be an ideal time burn in electronics. The FE ASICS are ready for installation. However the RM’s await the HPD delivery schedule. Some tests can be done without the final RM’s A major electronics test and checkout will take place in early ’04 (the vertical slice test). This will require teams of engineers, technicians and physicists if it is to succeed. The slice test is part of M&O planning (pre-ops). The full magnet test takes place in Fall of ‘05. All electronics checkout should be finished beforehand.

13 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 13 Installing HB in UX5 Tie rods Cable block stabilizer Support Beam Spider The HB half barrels will be lowered one at a time in ‘04. Each wedge is fully instrumented at this time. The RBX’s are in place. Once underground the spiders and end cutouts must be removed before insertion in the magnet cryostat. Cradle Riser

14 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 14 Installing the HCAL Barrel

15 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 15 UX5 Installation Megatile layers 0 and 16 are installed underground and connected to the RBX’s All RBX connections to the external world must be laid (including optical links). Much of this work is done by CERN professionals. The system must be tested. The cooling system, fire protection system and controls & calibration links must be installed. The Source Drivers must be installed and tested. The controls/monitoring system must be used to establish the relative timing of the FE/TRIDAS chain. The laser pulses going to the megatiles will have the same relative time phasing as the interacting particles. The final synchronization of the electronics with the CMS trigger/DAQ pipeline will be established using real proton bunches, perhaps with only every third bunch filled.

16 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 16 Electronics Installation The FE cards are installed in the RM’s and inserted in the RBX’s on the surface in the SX5 alcoves. This installation starts in June of ‘03. The TRIDAS system will be ready for installation in late ‘03. Twenty HTR prototype units and a DCC prototype are being installed in Test Beam ’03. We expect final completed units to be ready to read out the RBX’s during the SX5 tests in summer/fall of ‘03. The TRIDAS engineers and physicists will have to be at CERN at this time to help with the startup of this electronic system. We do not expect to reproduce the full readout chain in SX5 (too costly and time consuming). We plan to test 4 wedges at a time with a moveable optical fiber system connected to the TRIDAS HTR cards. The SX5 DAQ will be configured by a collaboration of Princeton and HLT/DAQ software engineers. The vertical slice test also tests only a limited number of wedges.

17 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 17 HE & HO Commissioning US groups are not responsible for the assembly and megatile insertion for HE. However, the HE RBX’s must be ready for early checkout (’03). The HE RM’s are on the same time scale as those for HB (but should be delivered ASAP). A major US commitment will also be required for the commissioning of the HE electronics. The HE critical path is again the same as that for HB. Finally everything must be ready for the magnet tests in early ‘05. The HO RBX’s and FE cards are more accessible than those for HB and HE. They sit on the outer surfaces of the Muon Barrel Rings and can be installed in UX5 if that’s required. However, it would be better to check out even HO electronics before it is sent underground.

18 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 18 HF assembly & installation All detector mechanical components (wedges, strongbacks, backplanes) have been delivered ahead of schedule and are at CERN. Production of HF tables is well advanced: for the first one the welding and thermal treatment is done and is being machined now, for the second the welding is complete. Production of the support outer shield has started for the first HF. Contracts for machining placed. Expect delivery of first table+shields from Iran end of September 03. Second set by spring 2004. All PMTs have been delivered to IOWA and testing is >90% complete 85% of quartz fibers have been delivered to CERN and are being cleaved and bundled in Hungary 21/36 wedges will be completed in May ’03 HF quarters will be taken to SX5 for integration and testing

19 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 19 Fiber stuffing at CERN

20 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 20 WBS Items for RBX Installation WBS Items HB HB-1 and HB+1 Readout Boxes$91,182.00 Instrumentation$9,828.00 Cooling Pipes$9,828.00 HV/LV Cables$9,828.00 on HV/LV Cables$2,730.00 Signal Cables$19,656.00 RM's w/QIE in HB-1 Readout Boxes$19,656.00 RM's w/QIE in HB+1 Readout Boxes$19,656.00 and Test HB-1 and HB+1$61,425.00 HO Readout Boxes in HO-0$3,276.00 on HV/LV Cables$3,276.00 Readout Boxes in HO+/-$3,276.00 on HV/LV Cables$3,276.00 HE HE-1 and HE+1 Readout Boxes$40,185.60 Instrumentation$7,862.40 Cooling Pipes$7,862.40 HV/LV Cables$7,862.40 on HV/LV Cables$8,736.00 Signal Cables$7,862.40 HF Assembly/Installation SX-5 and UX55$13,104.00 Gas Lines to PMT's$4,368.00 HV/LV Cables$4,368.00 Signal Cables$4,368.00 Optical installation EDIA$40,267.50

21 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 21 Summary of Partial Installation Costs HB Costs Install RBX services, etc.$91,182 HO Costs Install RBX services, etc.$ 6,552 HE Costs Install RBX services, etc$40,185 HF Costs Services$13,104 Other assembly costs$40,207 LV installation is now subsumed under Project Office efforts

22 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 22 HCAL M&O There was a Lehman review at FNAL on April 8, 9 & 10. The M&O proposal for CMS was baselined (budget approved). Engineering personnel and techs at CERN for detector maintenance (shared with EMU) “Slice Test” as pre-ops during 2004-2006 Test Beam work beginning in 2004 Physics monitoring at CERN

23 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 23 Vertical Slice Test We will operate the calorimeters during the period after the detectors are complete but before the CMS magnet test. This will give us a headstart on commissioning the full CMS. This period is approximately from winter 03 to winter 05. We will need the following technical personnel at CERN for this 2 year period (as well as supervising physicists) : HPD/RBX Maintenance EE (1 FTE) FE Electronics maintenance & integration EE (1/2 FTE) Trigger/DAQ Integration EE (1/2 FTE) Calibration System Engineer (1/2 FTE) DCS/Database Software Professional (1FTE) DAQ Software Professional (1 FTE) Electronics maintenance ETech (1 FTE) Mechanical maintenance MTech (1 FTE)

24 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 24 Long-term M&O Manpower 2 FTE Electronics Engineers: HPD maintenance FE/HPD interface issues FE maintenance Trigger/DAQ maintenance 3 Software Professionals: Calibration/DAQ DCS/Database Virtual Control Room development/maintenance 1 Electronic Technician: FE maintenance Calibration maintenance Trigger/DAQ maintenance HV/LV maintenance 1 Mechanical technician: HCAL optics maintenance, integration Calibration system maintenance 1 Computer technician: HCAL computer systems maintenance, software installation/maintenance, database maintenance

25 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 25 Summary of M&O M&S Items Supplies: Water and Nitrogen $2K/yr CERN stock room $50K/yr Office Supplies at CERN $20K/yr CERN Vans $12K/yr Activities:Shipping $20K/yr Telecom (video conferences) $20K/yr Travel $50K/yr Computing Needs: Workstations and software $40K/yr Major One-time Replacements 1/3 of scintillator for HE (RadDam) $100K 1/2 of HF PMT’s (RadDam) $250K

26 Andris Skuja: US CMS DOE/NSF Review: HCAL Subsystem Session May 20, 2003: Schedule, etc. 26 Summary and Conclusions The Installation Planning Process has begun. Pawel de Barbaro is the chief physicist at CERN guiding the installation and commissioning phase. He will be aided by Richard Kellogg and a number of engineers, software experts, and other physicists. The schedule for ‘03 and later is understood. Manpower at CERN is built up using pre-ops funding. Installation costs are maintained by the construction Project and final installation in UX5 will be accomplished by CERN designated technicians. Once the FE & TRIDAS electronics is at CERN a number of technicians, engineers and physicists will be required at CERN. Detailed planning for their activities has started. We plan to commission the electronics before the CMS magnet tests. The UX5 activities are also defined.

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