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Racing toward disaster.... Today in history Last time: Dijkstra’s algorithm (off the cuff) This time: Principle o’ the day Timer threads Design exercise,

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Presentation on theme: "Racing toward disaster.... Today in history Last time: Dijkstra’s algorithm (off the cuff) This time: Principle o’ the day Timer threads Design exercise,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Racing toward disaster...

2 Today in history Last time: Dijkstra’s algorithm (off the cuff) This time: Principle o’ the day Timer threads Design exercise, reprise The joy of race conditions

3 Principle o’ the day Commit early for ease of coding; commit late for flexibility Commit early == make fixed decision at compile time Commit late == make few/no decision at compile time; allow program to make final decisions at runtime

4 History of commitment Bad old days of FORTRAN (ssss... it hurts us my precious) Had to commit to data size and layout at compile time All arrays were declared w/ fixed length No dynamic memory allocation Somewhat better in C Dynamic mem allocation 1/2 part of language Still handled through library Language support primitive (at best) C++/Java/Scheme/etc. support dyn mem fully

5 History of commitment FORTRAN/C/Pascal: commit to specific function calls at compile time (early binding) Hard to have data-dependent functions Scheme/LISP a little better: funcs are 1st class data themselves, so can be synthesized and passed around Java/C++/other OO langs: method binding is late Name has many interpretations Actual method call decided at runtime Makes functions data dependent (polymorphism)

6 History of commitment FORTRAN (pre-90): data types fixed by compiler designer No support for programmer-defined data types C/Pascal/C++/Java: data types fixed at compile time Object o=new String(“...”); commits to a single data type (String) But what if that isn’t flexible enough? E.g., need a Parser object that is document- specific Don’t know which Parser to new at compile time

7 Timer threads

8 Single thread solution public void doYourThing(long period) { assert period>0; while (!_toStop) { long last=System.currentTimeMillis(); // do inner loop stuff long delta=System.currentTimeMillis()-last; try { Thread.sleep(period-delta); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // do something with this }

9 Analysis of single-thread Tricky to handle “roll-over” What if “inner loop stuff” takes more than one period? System.currentTimeMillis() has some overhead Requires a trap to kernel space Small beans if period is long Hard to align w/ other threads Multiple timers running simultaneously Interface to GUI etc...

10 Multi-thread approaches In general, want a multi-thread model “timer thread”: only job is to keep time beat “worker threads”: respond to timer, do something at each beat Can have many worker threads for one timer Possibilities: java.util.Timer javax.swing.Timer roll your own...

11 Timers behind the scenes Need 2 things: Time base: way to delay for p time units Communication: way to make some other thread do something

12 Timers behind the scenes Time base: Thread.sleep(p) Object.wait(p) Essentially: Go to sleep now; wake up in p ms Both subject to InterruptedException Have to run in try/catch block wait requires that you “own the object’s monitor” Technically, you wait on a specific object Have to synchronize w.r.t. that object before you can call wait() sleep() does this implicitly for you

13 Thread communication Timer thread can now while (!_toStop) { try { this.wait(period); } catch (InterruptedException ex) {} } But what does it do next? How does it tell other threads to do something?

14 Thread communication Opposite of wait() is notify()/notifyAll() Picks one/all threads that are waiting on an object Breaks them out of any wait() they’re in They go back into normal thread schedule Like wait(), call notify() on a specific object Again, have to “own monitor for object” before can call notify() on it Essentially the “observable/observer” design pattern for multi-threaded apps

15 Thread communication public Object sharedObject=new Object(); // in “worker” thread while (!done) { synchronized (sharedObject) { try { sharedObject.wait(); // indefinite wait } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // do something } // do main stuff of loop }

16 Thread communication // in “timer” thread while (!_toStop) { synchronized (this) { try { this.wait(period); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // do something with exception } synchronized (sharedObject) { sharedObject.notifyAll(); }

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