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Modeling Consensus: Classifier Combination for WSD Authors: Radu Florian and David Yarowsky Presenter: Marian Olteanu.

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Presentation on theme: "Modeling Consensus: Classifier Combination for WSD Authors: Radu Florian and David Yarowsky Presenter: Marian Olteanu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modeling Consensus: Classifier Combination for WSD Authors: Radu Florian and David Yarowsky Presenter: Marian Olteanu

2 Introduction Ensembles (classifier combination)  If errors are uncorrelated, decrease error by a factor of 1/N  In practice, all classifiers tend to make errors at hard examples

3 Approach & Features Automatic POS tagging and lemma extraction Features  Bag of words  Local  Syntactic

4 Classifier methods (6) Vector-based  Enhanced Naïve Bayes Weighted  Cosine  BayesRatio (good for sparse data)

5 Classifier methods (cont.) MMVC (Mixture Maximum Variance Correction)  2 stages  Second stage: select sense with variance over threshold

6 Classifier methods (cont.) Discriminative Models  TBL (Transformation Based Learning)  Non-hierarchical decision lists

7 Combining classifiers Agreement

8 Combining classifiers (cont.) Three methods 1. Combine posterior sense probability distribution

9 Combining classifiers (cont.) determined:  Linear regression Minimize mean square error (MSE)  Expectation-Maximization (EM)  Approximate k with the performance of the classifier (PB)

10 Combining classifiers (cont.) 2. Combination based on Order Statistics

11 Combining classifiers (cont.) 3. Voting  (each classifier chose only one sense) Win the one with max. # of votes TagPair  Each classifier votes  Each pair of classifiers votes for the sense most likely by the joint classification Combining – stacking

12 Evaluation

13 Evaluation (unseen data)

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