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The ScorePP Approach to Predict Releases of Priority Pollutants From Urban Sources Hans-Christian Holten Lützhøft 1, Erica Donner 2, Veerle Gevaert 3,

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Presentation on theme: "The ScorePP Approach to Predict Releases of Priority Pollutants From Urban Sources Hans-Christian Holten Lützhøft 1, Erica Donner 2, Veerle Gevaert 3,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The ScorePP Approach to Predict Releases of Priority Pollutants From Urban Sources Hans-Christian Holten Lützhøft 1, Erica Donner 2, Veerle Gevaert 3, Webbey De Keyser 3, Tonie Wickman 4, Matej Cerk 5, Eva Eriksson 1, André Lecloux 6, Primo ž Banovec 5 and Anna Ledin 1 1 DTU Environment, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark 2 Urban Pollution Research Centre, Middlesex University, London, UK 3 BIOMATH, Ghent University, Gent, Belgium 4 Environmental Monitoring, Stockholm Stad, Stockholm, Sweden 5 Faculty of civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia 6 Envicat Consulting, Avenue Montesquieu 36, B-1300 Wavre, Belgium ScorePP Dissemination Workshop Wendake, Quebec Monday 5 October 2009

2 Aim The main project aim is to develop Source Control Options for Reducing Emissions of Priority Pollutants from urban areas The specific aim of this task was to identify potential sources and to quantify releases of priority pollutants AimApproachSubstancesResultsConclusions

3 Approach Develop Source Classification Framework Compile data on sources & releases Classifying using the Emission String concept AimApproachSubstancesResultsConclusions Establish releases based on the compiled data

4 Source Classification Framework Requirements Content should be structured and organised in a harmonised way Ensure that the different sources could be distinguished from each other To be valid EU wide Dynamic and to be used after this project ends Inspiration US EPA SCC TGD Harmonised codes like CN, NACE and NOSE EINECS, CAS# AimApproachSubstancesResultsConclusions

5 Source Classification Framework – the Emission String concept CAS #: unique identification of each substance NOSE: unique identification of emission processes NACE: unique identification of economic activities related with the source The ScorePP defined descriptors of Urban Structure, comprising e.g. Construction sites Facilities; e.g. factories, dentists, slaughter houses (i.e. legal entities) Households Rivers Roads Waste sites/landfills Release Pattern Temporal releases on a daily, weekly and yearly basis Release Factor All data are stored in a database AimApproachSubstancesResultsConclusions

6 Compiling data Risk Assessment Reports from EU Hazardous Substance Data Bank and Household Product Database from US NLM Handbooks and electronic compilations, e.g. the Merck Index, Rippen, the e-Pesticide Manual, Kirk-Othmer’s Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology Research articles AimApproachSubstancesResultsConclusions

7 Wear & tear Classifying sources using the ES concept AimApproachSubstancesResultsConclusions RP/RF CAS# Disposal Waste RP/RF NACENOSEUS Waste

8 SCF tested on a selection of WFD substances

9 Number of ESs for each PP (ab 900 ESs in total) AimApproachSubstancesResultsConclusions

10 Number of ESs in each urban structure (ab 900 ESs in total) AimApproachSubstancesResultsConclusions

11 Archetype sources Agriculture Construction sites and buildings Facilities Households Roads Waste disposal Diffuse and other not immediately classifiable sources AimApproachSubstancesResultsConclusions

12 Fertilizers and pest control Diuron: 7,5-25 mg/application Cd: from fertilizers Building materials Ni: 0,3-0,8 mg/m2 stainless steel/yr Cd: 0,01-10 kg/yr from Zn-materials DEHP: 16 tonnes/yr Clothes DEHP: 950 kg/yr Greywater Hg: 17µg/PE/d Cd: 5 kg/yr TCE: 8-100 µg/L Ni: jewellery, coins, washing etc. Benzo(a)pyrene: 1,8 µg/PE/d Painting and car wash DEHP: 12 kg/yr Environmental releases due to households Heating Anthracene: 0,8-102 mg/kg wood Benzo(a)pyrene: 2,7 mg/kg coal Benzo(a)pyrene: 27 µg/kg wood Smoking Anthracene: 34 ng/cigaret Benzene: 10-100 µg/cigaret Benzo(a)pyrene: 5-1600 ng/cigaret Clothes and building materials DEHP:250 kg DCM: 10-80 µg/m2/h TCE: 3,6 µg/m2/h Fertilizers Cd: 500 g/yr Building materials DEHP:600 kg/yr Plus releases of HCB, HCH, PeCB, TBTs, chlorpyrifos, endrin, Pb, trifluralin and NPs AimApproachSubstancesResultsConclusions

13 Environmental releases due to vehicular transport on roads Anthracene Combustion: 5,2-28 µg/kg fuel burned, depending on vehicle and fuel type Benzene Combustion: 4-10 mg/km driven, depending on vehicle type Benzo(a)pyrene Combustion: 1-8 µg/km driven, without and with catalyst Cadmium (from both break linings, tyres, fuel and asphalt) 7 kg/year is released in Stockholm with 780.000 inhabitants DEHP (from undercoating) 200 kg/year is released in Stockholm with 780.000 inhabitants Mercury Tyres: 4-240 µg/km depending on vehicle type Roads: 3-17 µg/km depending on vehicle type Nickel Combustion: 21-107 and 3,2-2310 ng/km driven, for gasoline and diesel, respectively Brake-linings, tyres and asphalt: 91-182 ng/km AimApproachSubstancesResultsConclusions

14 Statistics for Denmark year 2007 AimApproachSubstancesResultsConclusions

15 Environmental releases due to vehicular transport on roads Depending on fuel and vehicle type: Anthracene: 12-67 kg Nickel: 4,4-117 kg Benzene from busses, lorries etc: 105 tonnes Cadmium: 49 kg Mercury: 0,3-12 tonnes Plus releases of anthracene from wear & tear of tyres and asphalt and release of anthracene, benzene, benzo(a)pyrene due to leakage & spillage Benzene from cars: 154 tonnes Benzo(a)pyrene: 360 kg DEHP: 1,41 tonnes Release of nickel from Danish highways: 108 kg Thomas Ruby Bentzen, PhD thesis (2008) AimApproachSubstancesResultsConclusions

16 Use of emission strings in a framework of consistent approach towards the management PP emissions AimApproachSubstancesResultsConclusions As standardized framework for the exchange of information Defined in different processess: Monitoring Permitting Public participation Non-compliance meausres Green taxes Benchmarking (national, sectorial) Institutional analysis (shared responsibilities i.e. emergency response and regular pollution flow) Impact assessment (shared responsibilities for the impacts) Other University of Ljubljana

17 Further elaboration of the classification efforts – beyond emission strings (ES as a core definition) AimApproachSubstancesResultsConclusions Definition of emission barriers Definition of emission control measures Definition of emission control strategies Definition of substitution options Adaptation matrix (adaptation of ES to city/watershed level) Definition of economic dimensions of PP pollution (related benefits, costs) Definition of perception of the DPSIR concept by individuals – behaviour of households Definition of the emissions from product use (not only activities) University of Ljubljana

18 Process definitions applied: ES + AM + EB = emissions = Localized emission load AimApproachSubstancesResultsConclusions University of Ljubljana Emission control measures (ECM) Emission control strategie (ECS)

19 Conclusions SCF established – based on literature knowledge about sources About 900 ESs established for the 25 WFD substances Overall 16% with concrete knowledge about release quantities Overall 65% without any quantitative data on release into the technosphere WFD substances occur in a wide variety of sources and activities in urban settings and are released to all studied compartments Most sources are related to production activities Other large categories are households, waste disposal, agriculture, construction and transport Classifying the sources according to the Urban Structure descriptor enables Sources to be linked to GIS, thus enhancing visualisation Definition of archetype sources and thus a better targeting of mitigation options and Emission Control Strategies AimApproachSubstancesResultsConclusions

20 Acknowledgement The presented results have been obtained within the framework of the project ScorePP - “Source Control Options for Reducing Emissions of Priority Pollutants”, contract no. 037036, a project coordinated by Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Denmark within the Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development section of the European Community’s Sixth Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration.

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