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Classical to Medieval The debt to France and the Latin World.

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1 Classical to Medieval The debt to France and the Latin World





6 The Dark Ages of Europe: 400-1000 CE











17 Dates to Know 622: Islamic “Hejira” or flight. First year of Islamic calendar. 10 years later, Islam spread through Middle East, Africa, and up through Spain. Stopped by Charles “The Hammer” Martel, a Frank, at the Battle of Tours, 732 CE.

18 Pepin II Defeats the Frankish Kings at Battle of Tartry, 687 CE. This launches the successful Carolingian dynasty, during which Pepin the Short marries Big Footed Bertha and produce: Charlemagne, devout Christian, organizer, leader, 747-814

19 Christmas day, 800 CE: Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III, IN ROME!!!!! Shift in power out of the Mediterannean basin to Northern Europe, and Christianity has a state to defend it.

20 Charlemagne: Gathered intellectuals Defended against Northmen Spread the faith through baptism Built Monasteries, scriptoriums Had monks transcribe ancient classics Carolingian script—our italics. Learning!!!

21 By the year 1000, the “Three Estates of Man: Those who fight Those who work Those who pray First Gothic Cathedral at St Denis

22 11 th CE: Courtly Love tradition develops out of southern France (Lang-doc) troubadours and trobaritz. Manners at court Love is disease Ladies can have many lovers Men must prove their love The Romantic Quest born

23 1195 CE: Pope Urban II calls for first crusade against the Saracen. All Europe Responded—Lords mortgaged castles, went broke, Birth of towns, middle class 4 th Estate: Those who Trade

24 1066: William the Conqueror, a Norman, crosses over to Angle-Land, and defeats the Anglo Saxons at Battle of Hastings. Domesday Book Mono-syllabic Language Grows Complex Mankinoles/Frenchified Latin mixes with Old English: Middle English born

25 13 th -14 th Century: Books (though pricey, in utero vellum) Cathedral Schools turn to Universities Linen recycled for cheaper books Prosperity, religious pilgrimages Great Cathedrals built Dante, divine commedia, 1300 CE

26 Boccacio’s “Decameron” begins the “frame” narrative to be used by Chaucer, son of a London vitner, mid 14 th.

27 England 14 th : Gower’s Confessio Amantis Langland’s Pier’s Ploughman Anon Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

28 Bubonic Plaque first hits Europe, then England, 1348. Perhaps 50% die a horrible death, described by Boccaccio. The Black Death. The Red Death Made Human Labor valuable. Birth of Middle Class, independence.

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