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Sinners Become Servants and Saints Philippians 1:1-2 Theme: All Christians are servants of Christ Jesus and saints in Christ Jesus. 26/04/09 (pm) - Series.

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Presentation on theme: "Sinners Become Servants and Saints Philippians 1:1-2 Theme: All Christians are servants of Christ Jesus and saints in Christ Jesus. 26/04/09 (pm) - Series."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sinners Become Servants and Saints Philippians 1:1-2 Theme: All Christians are servants of Christ Jesus and saints in Christ Jesus. 26/04/09 (pm) - Series on Philippians - Sermon 2

2 The world views Christians as fools. In reality Christians are the world’s most blessed people … … because of the grace of God. Paul draws attention to this in Philippians 1:1.

3 A. The Senders Described— Servants of Christ Jesus (1:1a-b)

4 1.Paul big hereditary credentials big credentials in religion persecuted the Church but changed by Jesus became a zealous propagator of the Gospel author of Philippians

5 2.Timothy Paul’s travelling companion Led to the Lord by Paul? Both men were born into the world as sinners in the sight of God but they were now servants of Christ!

6 Greek Doulos = slave, servant In the Septuagint* it meant those given special ministry by God, cf. Neh.10:29; Ps. 89:3. In Philippi it meant another’s possession. Paul incorporated both meanings into his use. *Greek translation of the Old Testament

7 All Christians are servants of Christ. Cf. 1 Cor. 3:21-23; 6:19-20 Are we lovingly placing ourselves at His disposal? Cf. Eph. 2:8-10

8 B. The Receivers Described—saints in Christ Jesus at Philippi with the overseers and deacons(1:1b-c) 1. Saints. Servants of Christ are also saints in Christ. Saints = holy ones All Christians are saints because of their standing in Christ, cf. 1 Pet. 2:9.

9 Positionally Christians are set apart by God for His holy possession. Justification! Progressively Christians are made holy by God. Sanctification!

10 2. Overseers and deacons. A subset of the category of saints. Generally, terms of leadership.

11 Specifically: Overseers – those concerned with the spiritual wellbeing of the flock. Deacons – those caring for the needy and sick in an official capacity (?)

12 All Christians are: saints in Christ, servants of Christ, however, saints have different roles in a local church, cf. 1 Corinthians 12:27-30.

13 Paul’s description of those he was writing to provides a Biblical basis for membership of a local church. Leaders are identified along with those who were submitting to them.

14 Conclusion—Servants and Saints In Phil. 1:1 Paul uses terms pregnant with theological significance…

15 Christians are servants of Christ Jesus. Christians are saints in Christ Jesus. Go, be holy and serve!

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