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AR 10759/ May 13-16 2005 Event Overview

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Presentation on theme: "AR 10759/ May 13-16 2005 Event Overview"— Presentation transcript:

1 AR 10759/ May 13-16 2005 Event Overview

2 The erupting active region is near disk center and is, relatively speaking, isolated.

3 The photospheric magnetic structure of AR 10759 closely resembles that of AR 8038, from the May 12, 1997 event.

4 Big Bear has ~1 hr. of ~1 min. cadence vector magnetograms leading up to the event. Vector magnetograms prior to CMEs are necessary for realistically modeling such events, but are rare.

5 There’s at least one TRACE 171 image of the corona prior to the flare onset. There is also SXI coverage before and during the flare.

6 In addition, the flare has H  coverage, and...

7 … TRACE 1600 Å coverage, with ribbons and all – though I didn’t make a movie!

8 RHESSI also observed the flare, although the spacecraft was in the S. Atlantic Anomaly for a time.

9 GOES indicates that the flare, near 17:00 UT, was slightly weaker than X-class.

10 The CDAW CME catalog lists this HALO CME’s speed as 1689 km/s – but from just two points in C2. C3 has more data, but some is poor.

11 ACE caught a clear signature of the incoming flux rope 1.25 days later, with a clear southward B z.

12 In the resulting geomagnetic storm, the DST index dipped below – 200.

13 Most data here were compiled by Vasyl Yurchyshyn, at:

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