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An Introduction to DNA Microarrays Jack Newton University of Alberta

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1 An Introduction to DNA Microarrays Jack Newton University of Alberta

2 DNA Microarrays Overview Introduction to DNA Microarrays DNA Microarray Analysis DNA Microarray Data Characteristics

3 DNA Microarrays What are DNA Microarrays? A recent technology that can measure the expression level of thousands of genes at once A large number of DNA fragments are attached in a systematic way to a solid substrate

4 DNA Microarrays DNA Microarray Image Reference cDNA Experimental cDNA Upregulated Downregulated Gene GTF4

5 DNA Microarrays How DNA Microarrays Work ATGCAAT TGACTGC AGTCGTG GTCTGAT T A A G T C GGene TEF4: …… A G T C T A A G T C G

6 DNA Microarrays How DNA Microarrays Work DNA microarrays measure gene expression levels by measuring mRNA abundance Cambell, Neil (1996). Biology. Benjamin/Cummings Publishing.

7 DNA Microarrays DNA Microarrays and Gene Expression Traditional view of gene expression: – A single gene codes for a single protein Modern view of gene expression: – A single gene may code for several proteins as a result of alternate splicing of mRNA and post-translational modifications – Genes act in concert, not in isolation Thus, we need to observe genes acting together, not in isolation

8 DNA Microarrays From Gene Science to Genome Science DNA Microarrays allow us to see the gene expression levels for tens of thousands of genes at once. A microarray of 50,000 unique cDNAs allows the expression monitoring of the entire human genome in a single hybridization.

9 DNA Microarrays DNA Microarray Analysis What kinds of questions do we want to ask? – What genes have similar function? – What regulatory pathways exist? – Can we subdivide experiments or genes into meaningful classes? – Can we correctly classify an unknown experiment or gene into a known class? – Can we make better treatment decisions for a cancer patient based on his or her gene expression profile?

10 DNA Microarrays Characteristics of DNA Microarray Data Extremely high dimensionality – Experiment = (gene 1, gene 2, …, gene N ) – Gene = (experiment 1, experiment 2, …, experiment M ) – N is often on the order of 10 4 – M is often on the order of 10 1 Noisy data – Normalization and thresholding are important Missing data – For some experiments a given gene may have failed hybridizing

11 DNA Microarrays Characteristics of DNA Microarray Data (Continued) > 8.0 > 1.7 > 2.8 > 1.7 1:1 > 4.8 > 2.8 > 4.8 > 8.0 Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3 Gene 4 Experiment 1Experiment 2Experiment 6Experiment 4Experiment 5Experiment 3Experiment 7Experiment 8Experiment 9Experiment 10 Gene 5 Gene 10,000 ……

12 DNA Microarrays Application: Clustering Eisen et al. formulated a method to group genes with similar patterns of expression together. Provides scientists with an invaluable tool to visualize and interpret DNA microarray data. A recently published article in Nature applied this technique to breast cancer research.

13 DNA Microarrays Application: Clustering Perou, Charles M., et al. Nature, 406, 747-752, 2000.

14 DNA Microarrays Application: Clustering Clustering analysis identified four distinct tumor types that had not previously been reported. Previous studies examining the same genes one at a time did not reveal that certain groups of genes play an important role in tumor development. “When you look at one gene at a time, you can't see relationships between genes and groups of genes.” – M. Perou, co-author of study.

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