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The iiuf Java Package Part II Simon Schubiger and Oliver Hitz DIUF, University of Fribourg.

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Presentation on theme: "The iiuf Java Package Part II Simon Schubiger and Oliver Hitz DIUF, University of Fribourg."— Presentation transcript:

1 The iiuf Java Package Part II Simon Schubiger and Oliver Hitz DIUF, University of Fribourg

2 CVS XML Imaging Utilities Outline  Introduction  CVS: Concurrent Versions System  XML/DOM  Java Imaging  Utilities  Conclusion

3 CVS XML Imaging Utilities Introduction  Goal: Share common source with minimal overhead through CVS.  21.02.2001:  1413 Classes  906 Source files  127141 lines of code

4 CVS XML Imaging Utilities Concurrent Versions System  Same source code, multiple developers  Source code history management  No more manual versioning (file1, file2, file3...)  Who made a given change? When? Why? What other changes at the same time?  Different development branches  Remote access  Low bandwidth

5 CVS XML Imaging Utilities CVS Overview  One central file repository  Every developer works on a local copy of the files  By default, no locking of files (contrary to RCS)  Conflicts are resolved manually  Website: 

6 CVS XML Imaging Utilities Repository Structure  /home/iiufdev/cvsroot  java iiuf edu org  rtsp  grabx

7 CVS XML Imaging Utilities Unix Setup  Become a member of the group "iiufdev" (for file access privileges)  Setup CVSROOT:  setenv CVSROOT :pserver: @iiuf00:/home/iiufdev/cvsroot  Login to CVS:  cvs login  Get a local copy of a project:  cvs checkout

8 CVS XML Imaging Utilities Common Tasks  Bring the local copy up to date:  cvs update [filename(s)]  Add a file to the repository:  cvs add  Commit changes:  cvs commit [filename(s)]

9 CVS XML Imaging Utilities Common Tasks  View revision history of a file:  cvs log [filename(s)]  View changes made to the local version:  cvs diff [filename(s)]  Get an older version:  cvs update -r [filename(s)]

10 CVS XML Imaging Utilities Conflicts  Problem: two developers change the same file at the same time  Conflicts occur at "commit" time  Different portion in the source code:  changes are merged automatically  Same portion:  user is asked to resolve the conflict manually, corresponding source code region is marked

11 CVS XML Imaging Utilities Other Clients  jCVS - Java CVS Client (

12 CVS XML Imaging Utilities Other Clients  MacCVS & WinCVS (

13 CVS XML Imaging Utilities XML & DOM  DOM: object representation of XML data  wrapper for different XML parsers  iiuf.dom.DOMUtils  provides access to elements within a DOM structure

14 CVS XML Imaging Utilities Imaging  JAI: Java Advanced Imaging  100+ different image processing operations, some native implementations  add, subtract, composite...  rotate, scale, warp...  load/save on TIFF, GIF, JPEG...  complex images, (I)FFT...  extreme, histogram, mean...  convolve, edge extract...

15 CVS XML Imaging Utilities Imaging  iiuf.jai provides extensions and utilities for JAI:  DisplayImagePanel  ImageViewer sample application

16 CVS XML Imaging Utilities Document Imaging  Document analysis operators for JAI:  RLSA  Connected components analysis  Projection profiles  iiuf.das.ocr: Ready to use Java interface to the ScanWorX OCR program

17 CVS XML Imaging Utilities iiuf.log.Log  Replacement for System.out.println()-style debugging  Single debugging console for distributed applications  Output sent using the Syslog protocol to a standalone application on a specific machine  Also handles exceptions

18 CVS XML Imaging Utilities iiuf.log.Log  Servers  List  Overview

19 CVS XML Imaging Utilities  Simple web server  Extensible through plugins

20 CVS XML Imaging Utilities Conclusion  Use it and contribute!  Documentation:   3rd-party libraries:  /home/iiufdev/distr

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