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Homer  Time: 8 century BCE  Birth place: Ionia; the western coast of Asia Minor  Blind  The two master pieces attributed to him: the Iliad & the Odyssey.

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Presentation on theme: "Homer  Time: 8 century BCE  Birth place: Ionia; the western coast of Asia Minor  Blind  The two master pieces attributed to him: the Iliad & the Odyssey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homer  Time: 8 century BCE  Birth place: Ionia; the western coast of Asia Minor  Blind  The two master pieces attributed to him: the Iliad & the Odyssey

2 The Iliad & The Odyssey  Originally for oral recitation  Their composition dated from the beginning of Greek literacy

3 The features of epic in its oral form  A vast & intricate system of metrical formulas  A repertoire of standard scenes (ex. The arming of the warrior, the battle of two champions)  The known outline of the story  No trace of individual identity in the poet; it’s not the poet’s creation

4 Homer’s unique contribution  To make them into the written form  The sophisticate organization

5 The Iliad  Subject: war  Characters: men in battle & women whose fate depends on the outcome  Mood: cruelty, violence of war  Theme: a. ambiguity (ambivalence) of the meaning of war and (glory vs. ignominy) b. violence: man’s fear and desire

6 War & Peace: Desire and Fear  What meaning does war stand for Achilles?  What meaning does war stand for Hector?  What meaning does war stand for Agamemnon?  Which one do you sympathize?

7 A Question  Why do people love to watch or learn martial art?  Why do people love action or even horror movie?

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