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Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning (Cognitive domain)

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Presentation on theme: "Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning (Cognitive domain)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning (Cognitive domain)
Dr. Elham Abd Elkader Fayad Professors of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing

2 Tests help motivate students and reinforce their learning while at the same time allowing us to assess their mastery of content.

3 Tests need to do more than cover content
Cover larger objectives Develop critical thinking skills

4 of the cognitive domain comprises six levels of
Bloom's Taxonomy of the cognitive domain comprises six levels of intellectual behaviors.

5 Knowledge Analysis Application Comprehension Evaluation Synthesis

6 Cognitive Domain Knowledge. Comprehension. Application. Analysis.
Synthesis. Evaluation.

7 Evaluation Application Comprehension Knowledge Synthesis Analysis

8 Verbs that Express Learning Outcomes or Competencies
Knowledge Arrange Define Duplicate Know Label List Match Memorize Name Order Quote Recognize Recall Repeat Reproduce Restate Retain

9 Identify Illustrate Locate Recognize Report Relate Review Sort
Comprehension Characterize Classify Complete Depict Describe Discuss Establish Explain Translate Express Identify Illustrate Locate Recognize Report Relate Review Sort

10 Application Administer Apply Calculate Choose Compute Conduct Demonstrate Dramatize Employ Implement Interpret Operate Perform Practice Prescribe Role play Sketch Solve

11 Analysis Analyze Appraise Categorize Compare Contrast Critique Diagram Differentiate Discriminate Distinguish Examine Experiment Explore Inventory Investigate Question Research Test

12 Synthesis Combine Compose Consolidate Construct Create
Design Formulate Hypothesize Write Integrate Merge Organize Plan Propose Synthesize Systematize Theorize Unite

13 Evaluation Appraise Argue Assess Critique Defend Envision Estimate Evaluate Grade Inspect Judge Justify Rank Rate Review Value Examine

14 Some Practical Tips Don't wait until the last moment to prepare your exam. Have a friend, colleague, or your TAs review the last. Ask students to submit possible exam questions. Allow students to comment on test questions. Ask for students' feedback about the exam.

15 Thanks For Listening

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