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MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 1 MICE running Preamble ISIS running Step I Step(s) IV Step V (and VI)

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1 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 1 MICE running Preamble ISIS running Step I Step(s) IV Step V (and VI)

2 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 2 0. 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 sin 2 2  13 90% C.L. new results from T2K (13 June) and MINOS (24 June) on   e appearance  indications that sin 2 2  13 is >0 old fit T2K MINOS note: different  CP axes!

3 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 3 Needs confirmation but this is exciting for neutrino long baseline physics! Large values of sin 2 2  13 would give a chance for superbeams to have a shot at CP violation, but Neutrino Factory remains most precise and only device able to test oscillations very precisely -- precision measurements of angles and mass differences, -- tau appearance and unitarity tests -- detailed study of matter effects -- etc…  Physics is moving forward, no time to waste, Ionization cooling must be demonstrated

4 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 4  Incoming muon beam Variable Diffuser Beam PID TOF 0 Cherenkov TOF 1 Trackers 1 & 2 measurement of emittance in and out Liquid Hydrogen absorbers 1,2,3 Downstream particle ID: TOF 2 KL, EMR RF cavities 1RF cavities 2 Spectrometer solenoid 1 Matching coils 1&2 Focus coils 1 Spectrometer solenoid 2 Coupling Coils 1&2 Focus coils 2Focus coils 3 Matching coils 1&2 10% cooling of 200 MeV/c muons requires ~ 20 MV of RF single particle measurements => measurement precision can be as good as  out /  in ) = 10 -3 never done before either…

5 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 5 Quantities to be measured in a cooling experiment equilibrium emittance = 2.5 mm cooling effect at nominal input emittance ~10% curves for 23 MV, 3 full absorbers, particles on crest Measurements of TRANSMISSION EMITTANCE REDUCTION EQUILIBRIUM EMITTANCE for the standard Study II optics are the main deliverables beam line can deliver 3,,6,,10 mm (see Mark’s talk) other values can be reached by offline culling or reweighting

6 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 6  MICE Steps STEP I STEP II STEP IV STEP V aim: April 2014 STEP VI STEP III/III.1 October 2012- March 2013 -- skip -- -- complete -- EMR comm.

7 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 7 MICE RUNNING

8 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 8 MICE Target -- Linear motor dips target at 80g -- in beam since Sept’09 571k dips -- reproducibility excellent -- tested regularly for reproducibility to test possible degradation. -- not-so-easy to build a second one that works that well!

9 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 9 T2.X = linear motor 2, target mech. X motor 2 presumed inferior to motor 1 nevertheless almost there! Building two new linear motors with improved tolerances. Aim at having T3 and T4 targets to install in ISIS & Spare by end 2011

10 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 10 MICE STEP I Superb data taking end 2009 and summer 2010! GOALS ACHIEVED See presentation by M. Rayner at FAC in Jan 2011 Rates limited by beam loss induced in ISIS.

11 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 11 -- required muon rate is ~50/200 per pulse without (stepI-IV)/with (StepV-VI) RF -- limitation is irradiation in ISIS due to beam losses induced by MICE target measured in Volts on Beam Line Monitors -- observed rates in MICE 2010 (6mm beam) 5 TOF1/ms/V_BLM for  - beam, 30 TOF1/ms/V_BLM for  + beam following a series of dedicated irradiation runs and measurements of activation ISIS allowed us to run routinely at 2V and even tried up to 10V. We are within range for STEPS I-IV further studies on how to get more muons per losses are ongoing (beam bump, timing, faster dip, etc..) muon rates

12 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 12 High beam loss (up to 10 V) tests (14 Aug.) z z

13 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 13 How MICE Measures  in Step 1 (t0,x0,y0) (t1,x1,y1) TOF0 TOF1 Use TOF0 and TOF1 to determine phase space parameters of the muon beam Tof-0 0.40 m 10 x 4cm scintillator bars  x = 1.15 cm  t = 50 ps Tof-1 0.42 m 7 x 6cm bars  x = 1.73 cm  t = 50 ps Momentum-dependent matrix relates (t0,x0,y0,t1,x1,y1)  (t1,p,x1,x’1,y1,y’1) solved by iteration

14 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 14  Measurement Result: Data vs MC Reconstructed transverse phase space of the baseline MICE beam (6-200) at TOF1 Data MC M.Rayner OxfordU y (mm) vs x (mm) x (mrad) vs x (mm)y (mrad) vs y (mm)

15 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 15 STATISTICS See John Cobb MICE note 268: Statistical error on relative change of emittance is 1% with 10 5 muons Presently allowed running with beam loss of 2-3 V (assume 50  + /Spill) for STEP IV: 1 measurement = 2 10 3 spills ~ 2 hours. (full matrix in 3 days) for step V and VI need 12 times more statistics (match RF phase!) 1 measurement = 2 10 4 spills ~ 20 hours. We would aim at higher rates for step V, rate is sufficient for step IV

16 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 16 ISIS running periods, MOM Rota and MICE runs in 2011 First semester Second semester

17 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 17 EMR installed in MICE hall First 3 modules, running cosmics now. Start run on 30 June. Full detector to run in Feb 2012

18 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 18 ISIS running Typical year consists of 5 ISIS ‘user runs’ of ~35 days each + run-ups, MP. 5 periods April 2013 to April 2014  priority to Step V installation Some additional step IV running not ruled out but lower priority Next Long Shut Down envisaged: Aug. 2014 to February 2015 new target, full EMR LiH wedge + reserve no running Step IV Installation Step IV: empty/LH2/(LHe) no absorber flat LiH

19 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 19  MICE Steps STEP I STEP II STEP IV STEP V STEP VI STEP III/III.1

20 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 20 The point was raised (Cobb) that 1.. The optics of step III is not easy to match for conservation of emittance 2. The logistics of changing from Step III to step IV is not trivial. 3. we can execute the physics program of step III and step III.1 with the magnetic channel of step IV effect on Schedule is a balance = time gained by suppressing specific installation of step II and step III time lost by required push-pull operations in replacing solid absorbers >4 mo --vs-- 3 to 6 x 8 days = Winner! Skipping steps

21 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 21 Amplitude Cooling... in empty channel Step 3 empty Step 4 empty Amp OUT Amp IN Amp OUT Amp IN 6mm beam, SigPz = 1 MeV/c, 100k muons 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 (T.Carlisle)

22 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 22 Clearly the optics of step III leads to ‘heating’ up to 5% (mis-beaviour of dispersive beam?) Step IV is much cleaner from this point of view (~0.2%)

23 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 23 Step IV Time to install Step IV – 168 days (about six months) Step IV running time – ~10 days Time to substitute solid absorber in FC – 8 days Important assumptions at this stage: AFC module is ready and tested LH2 infrastructure in MICE Hall is ready Hayler, Nichols

24 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 24 STEP IV  in  out 1.liquid H2 absorber, empty commission system, tracker, detectors, optics compare  in /  out for various values of momentum, emittance and beta function  systematic errors 2.liquid H2 absorber, full measure cooling properties of liquid Hydrogen At that point will have measured ionization cooling! can also measure LHe (lower priority) STEP IV configurations

25 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 25 STEP IV configurations 3.Vacuum (only He and window for trackers) execute STEP III program; compare  in /  out  information on systematic error of final experiment information on effect of windows by comparison with STEP IV  in  out

26 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 26 STEP IV configurations 4.Solid absorbers execute STEP III.1 program; compare track in /track out compare  in /  out for various values of momentum, emittance and beta function  information on emittance generating properties of materials STEP IV  in  out

27 27 The MICE Energy Absorber  New Hanger Arrangement  3 SS straps  1 Machined SS clamp  45 cm, t= 65 mm Y12 is producing the LiH Produced by Hot Isostatic Pressing (150 oC, 30,000 psi) Final parts will be Tested for Chemical composition and purity Radio-graphed to ensure no voids Machined to size Dimensional inspection Coated with epoxy completely

28 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 28 Absorber measurements thickness  10 MeV energy loss will measure: Liq H2 330 mm LiH 65 mm Also possible (used in NuFACT beams) Liq He 410 mm Be 34 mm Al 23 mm with low priority: Plastic 50 mm Fe 9 mm Cu 8 mm Will study wedge absorbers (change 6D emittance)

29 MICE Project Board 28-08-2011 Alain Blondel 29 Step V STEP V “sustainable” cooling: cooling happens in the absorbers but production of cool beam requires acceleration with RF cavities old simulation (at 88MHz) RF phase E out -E in -1- running with shutters to commission RF cavities (no beam needed) -1’- running with LH2 and RF first with no beam to check RF noise -2- running with beam with no RF and no LH2 to check optics -3- running with beam with LH2 no RF -4- running with beam with LH2 and RF -5- or running 2-3-4- with solid absorbers? limited in optics and performance  step VI!

30 09.9.2010 Slide 30 FINAL COMMENTS Steady progress towards demonstration of Ionization Cooling Already demonstrated validity of beam line principle and emittance measurements with particle detectors On daily basis: LHe test of LH 2 system, 1MW in RF unit, EMR prototype, SS repair plan, etc… Progress on global MICE Project management (Thanks Andy!)  On solid ground for running step IV in Oct. 2012, aiming to start step V in 2014 before long shutdown (tough but everyone on board!) Looking forward to significant cooling measurement results!

31 09.9.2010 Slide 31 T2KK: T2K 1.66 MW beam to 270 kton fid volume Water Cherenkov detectors in Japan (295km) and in Korea (1050 km); DUSEL: a WBB from Fermilab to a 300 kton WC in Dusel (1300km); SPL 4 GeV, EU-BB and BB+SPL: CERN to Fréjus (130km) project; NF bl is the Neutrino Factory baseline (4000km and 7000km baselines) and NF Py+INO represents the concrete baseline from CERN to Pyhasalmi mine in Finland (2285 km) and to INO in India (7152 km); PS2-Slanic is a preliminary superbeam study at 1500km based on an upgrade of PS2 to 1.66MW and a 100kton Liquid Argon TPC CERN – SPC panel report, SPC meeting, 16.03.2010 Figure 2 A representative compilation of sensitivities of some future long baseline projects. Here the fraction of  CP where CP violation can be observed at 3 standard deviations is plotted as a function of  13.

32 09.9.2010 Slide 32 From IDS-NF Intermediate Design Report IDR

33 09.9.2010 Slide 33 High-power target. 4MW. good transmission MERIT experiment (CERN) Major challenges tackled by R&D expts Fast muon cooling MICE experiment (RAL) Fast, large aperture accelerator (FFAG) EMMA (Daresbury)

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