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Weak lensing mass-selected cluster catalogues Richard Massey (CalTech) with Justin Albert (CalTech), Joel Berge (Saclay), Richard Ellis (CalTech), Takashi.

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Presentation on theme: "Weak lensing mass-selected cluster catalogues Richard Massey (CalTech) with Justin Albert (CalTech), Joel Berge (Saclay), Richard Ellis (CalTech), Takashi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weak lensing mass-selected cluster catalogues Richard Massey (CalTech) with Justin Albert (CalTech), Joel Berge (Saclay), Richard Ellis (CalTech), Takashi Hamana (Tokyo), Jean-Paul Kneib (Marseille), Alexie Leauthaud (Marseille), Satoshi Miyazaki (Subaru), Alexandre Refregier (Saclay), Jason Rhodes (JPL), Nick Scoville (CalTech), James Taylor (CalTech) and the COSMOS team

2 Lensing sensitivity with redshift Number of resolved galaxies z

3 Clusters are just… patterns in a shear field

4 Patterns in a shear field

5 Mass maps from ACS data

6 Residual systematics in ACS data

7 E-mode signal B-mode signal Theory

8 Wavelet reconstruction

9 Mass vs light Nick Scoville

10 Mass vs x-rays Gunther Hasinger, Alexis Finoguenov & Nico Cappelluti

11 Tomography (3D maps) Number of resolved galaxies z

12 Tomography (3D maps)

13 Tomography (3D maps): z~0.3

14 Tomography (3D maps): z~0.5

15 Tomography (3D maps): z~0.7

16 Shear measurement from Subaru Deconvolve from the ground-based PSF using shapelets. ~25 galaxies/arcmin 2 with Subaru data, rather than ~60 galaxies/arcmin 2 using ACS Subaru shear (shapelets)

17 Subaru mass maps


19 Residual systematics in Subaru data 1% level residuals

20 FITS versions of all these maps available at: Projected 2D mass maps Somewhat coarser 3D mass maps More optimally-tuned analysis around identified structures Systematics checks: E/B-mode split Systematics checks: ground vs space    

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