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Office for Planning, Strategy and Coordination Victorian Child and Adolescent Monitoring System Victorian Child and Adolescent Monitoring System Joyce.

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Presentation on theme: "Office for Planning, Strategy and Coordination Victorian Child and Adolescent Monitoring System Victorian Child and Adolescent Monitoring System Joyce."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office for Planning, Strategy and Coordination Victorian Child and Adolescent Monitoring System Victorian Child and Adolescent Monitoring System Joyce Cleary & Linda Hayes Statewide Outcomes for Children Joyce Cleary November 2008

2 Office for Planning, Strategy and Coordination Policy context… In 2005 GVT reinforced a commitment that ‘the wellbeing of children will improve’ In 2006 the Government announced $1.7m to ‘promote strategic research and the measurement of children’s health and wellbeing across the state. In 2004 the Premier’s Children’s Advisory Committee recommended that Government establish the Office for Children ‘to ensure a stronger policy focus is given to the development of all children’ ‘define outcomes for Victoria’s children and the best ways to measure these, including overall performance measures for the outcomes achieved for Victoria’s children’ Statewide Outcomes for Children was established in March 2005 as part of the new Office for Children in DHS

3 Office for Planning, Strategy and Coordination

4 Victorian Child and Adolescent Outcomes Framework

5 Office for Planning, Strategy and Coordination What is VCAMS? The Victorian Child and Adolescent Monitoring System enables us to report on how children 0 to 18 are faring in the domains of health, safety, learning development and wellbeing against the Outcomes Framework

6 Office for Planning, Strategy and Coordination VCAMS – Key Components 1.System Development Ensure there are valid indicators relevant to children’s safety, health, development, learning and wellbeing Ensure that each indicator has a solid evidence base 2.Administrative Data Maximise the utility of administrative data 3.Annual Data Collection Program Undertake annual data collection process to address data gaps across government Annual program will focus on priority population and priority issues

7 Office for Planning, Strategy and Coordination VCAMS – Key Components 1.Data Linkage program Maximise current databases through the use of data linkage 2.Analysis and Reporting Undertake relevant analyses and develop timely and useful reporting mechanisms 3.Data Accessibility Ensure data are available for appropriate policy, planning and evaluation activities for all levels of government Enable data to be available for researchers through appropriate privacy procedures

8 Office for Planning, Strategy and Coordination Selecting the VCAMS indicators: Worth measuring Measurable for diverse population Understood by people who need to act Relevant to policy and practice Reflect results of actions Feasible to collect and report Comply with national processes of data definitions Directly relate to the Outcomes Framework for Victorian Children

9 Office for Planning, Strategy and Coordination Inputs Products Audiences Outcomes Framework Victorian Child & Adolescent Monitoring System NGO/Uni Data Eg ABS, Survey of Recent Mothers, Vic Injury Survev Unit, Community Indicators Administrative Data DHS, DEECD, DoJ, DPCD, VicPolice New Collections Eg: VCHWS, Local Level survey, Aboriginal Child Survey, Adolescent Survey Other Collections Eg: School Entrant Health Questionnaire, Victorian Population Health Survey Government State Local National Others NGOs Advocacy groups Other interest groups Researchers Universities Community experts Annual Reports Community Profiles Aboriginal Community Profiles Topical bulletins, journal articles, etc Communities Schools Child Care providers Health providers etc VCAMS monitors and reports on the safety, health, learning, development and wellbeing of children and young people in Victoria 150 indicators Data analysis for policy & planning Regular reporting Web based data access VCAMS Strategies for Improving Outcomes for Children: Catalogue of evidence based interventions

10 Office for Planning, Strategy and Coordination Legislated reporting on how children are faring Child Wellbeing and Safety Act (2005)  established the Children’s Services Coordination Board to review annually and report to the Minister (for Children) on the outcomes of Government actions in relation to children, particularly the most vulnerable children in the community

11 Office for Planning, Strategy and Coordination Community profiles bring the outcomes data to a local level City of Elsewhere 2006 City of Elsewhere 2006

12 Office for Planning, Strategy and Coordination


14 Accessing data by jurisdiction

15 Office for Planning, Strategy and Coordination



18 Recap: What does VCAMS offer? A suite of 150 indicators with a solid evidence base A new understanding of outcomes (not outputs)‏ A whole of government approach More informed decision making –Better identification of priorities –Better targeting of resources Know how we are tracking over time –Monitor trends –Identify emerging issues Know if we’re making a difference – program / policy evaluation Drive the agenda for children and young people across government Respond to and inform COAG

19 Office for Planning, Strategy and Coordination Room for further development Data sharing agreements Data standards Remove perception of risk

20 Office for Planning, Strategy and Coordination What has worked well Legislation Governance Outcomes Framework Evidence base Strategic collaborations

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