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The Lost Feminine Scott Kessler. Questions to keep in mind What is the Sacred Feminine? How did it differ in the past? Where did it go and why?

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Presentation on theme: "The Lost Feminine Scott Kessler. Questions to keep in mind What is the Sacred Feminine? How did it differ in the past? Where did it go and why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Lost Feminine Scott Kessler

2 Questions to keep in mind What is the Sacred Feminine? How did it differ in the past? Where did it go and why?

3 Common Terms Associated with Sacred Feminine Motherly Instinct Female Intuition Mother Earth Yin and Yang

4 Mary Magdalene & Sacred Feminine Represents many of the qualities that embody the Sacred Feminine She has been tarnished much over the years for no reason

5 Mary Magdalene, cont. Jesus’ wife and true apostle Leader of his Church First to speak to him after the resurrection

6 Ancient Praise to Women Cave Paintings Not male dominated Not missed throws but sticks Ancient Art Many symbols Breasts, belly, and pubic region (such as the V that Langdon speaks about in DVC)

7 Ancient Religion Temples had head priestesses/leaders These religions were destroyed by male nomads

8 Isis Extremely Respected Highest of all Egyptian Gods Many stories giving praise to her Cult of Isis – extremely powerful

9 Nature adds to female mystique Birth was a magical and incomprehensible process until only hundreds of years ago Earth and mother both give life Correlation between menstrual cycle and lunar cycle

10 DVC and the Female Proposes a return to respect of the feminine Claims underground societies are plotting this return Has much advice which is very useful for society (males especially) to keep in mind

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