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Active Server Pages Chapter 1. Introduction Understand how browsers and servers interacted when the Web was young Understand what early Internet and intranet.

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Presentation on theme: "Active Server Pages Chapter 1. Introduction Understand how browsers and servers interacted when the Web was young Understand what early Internet and intranet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Active Server Pages Chapter 1

2 Introduction Understand how browsers and servers interacted when the Web was young Understand what early Internet and intranet applications brought to the browser/server relationship Explain why Active Server Pages were created Understand the role of scripting languages in relation to Active Server Pages Explain how a Web application works Understand the role of the Web server Create and test simple Active Server Page applications

3 Old-Internet Requested an URL that had three parts –The http:// –The name of the web server –The folder path First web sites contained static HTML pages that didn’t change in response

4 CGI- Common Gateway Interface Allowed for interfacing, usually written in C or Perl to create dynamic web pages –Created the ability to receive information and store in a database However, CGI programs utilized a lot of Windows memory, hence the development of ASP

5 ASP This ‘language’ generates HTML and passes the results to the user. ASP applications run in a thread which is the smallest unit of execution of a process. ASP applications runs 3 to 5 times faster than CGI ASP pages can be created in Notepad, Frontpage, or Visual InterDev

6 Scripting There are two kinds –Clint –Server There are different languages –VBScript –JavaScript

7 Web Application Contains pages of static HTML and dynamic server side scripts Main component of web applications is the ‘object’ –Basically objects are reusable code that can be used in many different instances –Is. Global.asa

8 ASP Objects Application Session Request Response

9 Simple ASP Application

10 Sessions These are special environments that stores settings for each user during the same visit.

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