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GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 1 GLAST Large Area Telescope: Face to Face Managers Meeting LAT Integration & Test.

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Presentation on theme: "GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 1 GLAST Large Area Telescope: Face to Face Managers Meeting LAT Integration & Test."— Presentation transcript:

1 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 1 GLAST Large Area Telescope: Face to Face Managers Meeting LAT Integration & Test June 15, 2005 2:00 PM Integration and Test 6 Towers Elliott Bloom I&T Manager Ken Fouts I&T Engineering Manager SLAC Eduardo do Couto e Silva SVAC Manager Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope

2 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 2 Last Month's Accomplishments (1 of 2) Management –Tracking hardware shortages for LAT integration. –Procedure Status –68 of 70 submitted for sign-off or released IFCT –Completed 4 tower tests. –Completed I&T receiving tests on 3 TKR’s, 3 CAL’s and 3 TEM’s. –Completed assembly and installation of the grid cooler (aka the Chilla from Manila). –Completed installation of 2 additional towers for a total of 6 towers installed in the grid. –Preparations complete for 6 tower tests.

3 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 3 Last Month's Accomplishments (2 of 2) Online –LATTE Supported VSC software Python interface implementation Exploratory work in progress to demonstrate interaction with the VSC and its software interface 4.9.0 released –Initiated by ACD-discovered bug –Bug fixes, Trigger GUI, GPIB support –Updated Hippodraw addressing some memory leaks –Updated trigger GUI to address concerns raised in trigger meeting –Bug fix for incorrectly initialized TEM BUSY_LRS_MASK register (measures TEM deadtime) Housekeeping multi-pen strip-chart GUI V2.0 deployed to cleanroom for real-time monitoring. E-logbook Version 3.4.1 released (minor bug fixes with corresponding tutorial and documentation updates)

4 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 4 I&T Activities Grid Chiller Unit Installation Grid Cooling Six CAL/TEM’s Installed Six Tower’s Integration

5 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 5 Procedure Status 70 documents total 68 latest versions submitted for sign-off 65 are released

6 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 6 Procedure Status – Management

7 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 7 Procedure Status – IFCT Electrical

8 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 8 I&T NCRs by Month Open/Closed Status Month NCR Opened Current Status As of June 14 th NCR Summary 24 Open 38 Closed

9 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 9 Power Outage Impact on I&T Emergency Generator allowed work to continue in B33. Room 103 circuit breaker/panel fault was resolved by turning off non-essential power. Room 104 was unaffected by the panel fault. TKR 3 was installed on Thursday, June 19. Root cause of the circuit breaker fault was found to be a loose connection on the main power coming into the panel. The building was brought back to 100% with minimal impact to building users.

10 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 10 Online Progress –LATTE 5 Meetings with SE, ISOC and FSW Requirements doc in progress Took delivery of a Dell blade server –Used to develop LATTE 5 concepts –Test mobile rack concepts –Progress on parallelizing the scripts: TKR scripts nearly complete and tested CAL CPT and LPT nearly complete and tested. INT (e2e, SVAC) scripts complete. CalibGen, CalibDac and MuTrg still to go –ACD script preparation and test support ongoing. –Risks to schedule: Continued ACD problems requiring one or more of the Online team to make a site visit LATTE 5 requirements are converging slowly.

11 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 11 I&T Detail Schedule (1 of 6)

12 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 12 I&T Detail Schedule (2 of 6)

13 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 13 I&T Detail Schedule (3 of 6)

14 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 14 I&T Detail Schedule (4 of 6)

15 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 15 I&T Detail Schedule (5 of 6)

16 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 16 I&T Detail Schedule (6 of 6)

17 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 17 Issues & Concerns ISSUES NCR 497 for connector clips and screws. Availability of flight hardware. –Shortages identified by I&T and being worked with Subsystems. TKR Deliveries SIU, EPU Deliveries from ELX Flight Cables CONCERNS Continued support from subsystems for NCR closure. TPS rework and replacement, availability for future tower installations. Need firm delivery dates for third layer ELX boxes LATTE 5.0 ready Oct. 1 for use in LAT Functional testing due to start 10/14. E2E tests start 11/1.

18 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 18 NCR 497 Summary (1 of 2) Background: An NCR was generated for the orientation of clips and fasteners on incoming cables from Cicon. SLAC specifies 2 Glenair connector types on cables. Thread damage was found on fasteners due to a mismatched clip and fastener configuration. Findings: The Glenair connector drawings are incorrect and confusing. Clips will damage fastener threads if installed incorrectly. Some clips damage fastener threads when installed correctly. Connectors from Glenair delivered to Cicon in wrong configuration. Cicon put clips on the way they were received. Corrective Action: Replace clip and fasteners at SLAC with new hardware and inspect fastener threads per NCR 497 disposition.

19 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 19 NCR 497 Summary Recess in threads should line up with square feature in clip

20 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 20 SAS Interfaces SVAC is happy with CCB process –Thanks Richard Code release is getting more stable and reliable –Working with SAS to sharpen validation procedures –specially calibrations Pipeline issues are more infrequent –We expect to transition into a more robust architecture in a not so distant future –Ought to be tailored to the ISOC needs

21 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 21 Data Analysis Issues (up to 4 tower data) Hardware failures or problems –None so far !!! Kudos to the “royal we” Anomalies in offline distributions –Becoming less frequent and mostly due to –Incorrect configurations (mostly operational procedures) –Mistakes in the offline data analysis codes Understanding how the instrument works –Time sink because it requires a much broader knowledge of –Integrated detector system functions and performance –Details of complex offline software –How the analysis parameter space changes as we add more towers

22 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 22 Feedback to Integration and Test The Instrument Analysis effort has already provided valuable feedback to Integration in several ways –Examples will be provided in the next slides Improving Operations –We provided a cross check to existing procedures –and suggested improvements Understanding Instrument performance –We generated discussions on a particular topic –That led to different operational settings –We generated new tests –To verify functionality at the integrated level

23 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 23 Feedback to Operations: Procedures SVAC automated reports identified that GEM was not reporting trigger information properly for some of the 4 tower tests Action –stopped data taking to investigate root cause (Eduardo) Root cause –incorrect power up of system –found by Horwitz and confirmed by Huffer Recommendation to I&T –Improve procedures –Introduce online control plots during data taking

24 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 24 Understanding Performance: TEM diagnostics We are trying to investigate 1% effects when TEM diagnostics were enabled (Luis) –Mike pointed out that we should be careful –TEM diag disabled in the default for on-orbit operations –System is too complex and more measurements are needed to understand the timing behavior Used trigger group discussions to –Understand timing diagram with TEM diagnostics on –How to quantify effects Thanks for the help –Su Dong and Martin –Mike

25 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 25 Understanding Performance: TKR Settings April 15: Anders looked at the variable GemCondArrivalTimeTkr in the SVAC ntuple and … –he did not understand the spike at 31 Bill asked Anders whether one-shots were used or not Anders checked with Online (Lester) and the answer was no The trigger/ELX group was asked to chime in and investigate with all relevant parties whether we turn the one-shot on or not during data taking –Discussion involved on-orbit operations in the presence of CNO events May 25: Steve chaired a discussion in which we decided to change the way we will configure the TKR for the 4 tower tests –One shots were turned on June: Anders is comparing 2 tower data without one-shots with 4 tower data with one shots –stay tuned!

26 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 26 Understanding Performance: CAL Retriggering CAL FLE Retriggering identified at NRL tests (Sasha) –Need to study what happens to FHE Discussion will be brought up today in the trigger meeting –Benefits from Eric’s presence at SLAC

27 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 27 Understanding the Instrument: Housekeeping Checked temperature differences from CAL to TKR –CAL is 1.5 degrees cooler than top of TKR –Differences can be understood because of convection –Italy checked that thermistors work fine

28 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 28 Understanding Performance: Deadtime Warren Implemented an offline variable to measure time without being affected by roll over of counter Measured deadtime in several configurations –Trying to understand numbers right now Proposed a new test to prescale hits at the GEM level –Similar to on-orbit operations –enable more than one trigger engine –However, it stresses less the TD&F –Therefore keep current prescaling tests

29 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 29 Do we have enough data yet? One tower Two towers –End-to-end cosmic ray data –To exercise trigger and data flow capabilities –SVAC cosmic ray data –To perform calibrations –To do performance studies that require large statistical sample Four towers to Sixteen towers (prior to ACD integration) –Only planned to collect SVAC data –May request some tests (most likely between 6 and 8 towers) to –Configure the instrument to take data with 2 Trigger Engines (simulate on-orbit operation) –Study nominal/high rates with TEM diagnostics OFF –Understand TKR one-shot behavior –Study TKR cable FIFO errors (caused by induced showers)

30 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 30 Number of Talks in the IA meetings Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 Workshop 4 Scheduled for July14-15, 2005 After a year of effort, here we are….

31 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 31 Contributions to Instrument Analysis Effort

32 GLAST LAT Project Managers F2F 6/15/05 4.1.9 - Integration and Test 32 Data Analysis Efforts We generated a list of 15 potential topics for –Immediate analysis with data from 1 to 6 towers –Presentations during IA workshop July 14-15 Working with subsystems (Neil,Dave,Ronaldo,Francesco) to –Sharpen topics and ideas –Identify names for presentations Initiated contacts ACD –Would like to have presentation during IA workshop –If Dave can support that given the ACD schedule –Need to discuss details for ACD tests at SLAC –Test plans –SAS Offline software –Pipeline scripts and related infrastructue

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