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Joomla or Wordpress By: Madeline White. What Joomla Can do for you! Corpate Web sites or Portals Small Business web sites Online magazines, newspapers,

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Presentation on theme: "Joomla or Wordpress By: Madeline White. What Joomla Can do for you! Corpate Web sites or Portals Small Business web sites Online magazines, newspapers,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Joomla or Wordpress By: Madeline White

2 What Joomla Can do for you! Corpate Web sites or Portals Small Business web sites Online magazines, newspapers, and publications. Government applications Basically a wed site creator.

3 What Joomla has produced MTV Networks Quizilla (Social Network) Harvard University (educational website) Outdoor Photographer (Magazine) Senso Interiors (Furniture Design) Also Produces: 2.7% of the entire web.

4 Wordpress A free web site creator that 25 million people have chosen. Started out as just a blog center but has grown into so much more. An Open Source project, which everyone around the world can work on.

5 Users of Wordpress Mainly used for small business, and page for your family, or other small area locations. Even though No really major companies used Wordpress, It is a wonderful site for local any things, or even just a page for your local fundraisers.

6 Joomla vs. Wordpress Joomla -major wed site inventor, shown a lot of progress. Wordpress - A free web site creator, mainly used for local things, such as businesses or fundraisers. If I were to pick and I was a small business looking for some type of advertisement, I would go with Wordpress. Because Joomla might be great but I would be looking of a basic operation, and something that wouldn’t cost me a think.

7 Web Sites that are recommended. (Joomla) (Wordpress)

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