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COMP 14 Introduction to Programming Miguel A. Otaduy Summer Session I, 2004 MTWRF 9:45-11:15 am Sitterson Hall 014.

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Presentation on theme: "COMP 14 Introduction to Programming Miguel A. Otaduy Summer Session I, 2004 MTWRF 9:45-11:15 am Sitterson Hall 014."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMP 14 Introduction to Programming Miguel A. Otaduy Summer Session I, 2004 MTWRF 9:45-11:15 am Sitterson Hall 014

2 About COMP 14 What made you register for Comp 14? Learn how to develop algorithms Learn the basic components of computer programming –can be applied to any programming language (Java, C++, etc.)

3 About COMP 14 Is COMP 14 right for you? Requirements / prerequisites –no programming knowledge assumed

4 Course Web Page Schedule Lectures Documents Assignments –Please visit the course page regularly!!

5 Schedule Lectures –MTWRF, 9:45-11:15 am, SN 014 Office Hours –MTWR, 2-3 pm, SN 335 –First 3 days, open office Lab Assistance –To be discussed. Feedback.

6 Textbook Required Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design D. Malik, P. Nair ISBN: 0-619-06497-8 Optional Java Programming: Lab Manual Judy Scholl ISBN: 0-619-15982-0

7 Grades Assignments (7) 45% Quizzes (4)10% Midterm 15% Final25% Class participation5%

8 Assignments Assignments are due at 11:59pm on the due date –turn in by email ( or in Homework assignments from textbook –practice for exams Programming assignments –budget 10-12 hours per program design, code, debugging –start early!

9 Exams Mid-Term –to take a make-up mid-term, you must notify me in advance or have a doctor's excuse Final –to take the exam at a different time, you must get permission from your Dean and bring me the blue slip you get from the Dean

10 Collaborating –You can talk to each other about the lecture topics talk about assignment requirements –You should do your own assignments -- design and code –You should not talk to each other about assignment solutions share code -- it is easy to detect

11 Software jGRASP Java Development Environment –on public lab machines Start / All Programs / UNC Courseware / COMP 14 / jGRASP –you can install on your machine see course home page We’ll do a tour later...

12 Computer Labs UNC ITS labs: –Davis Library (3 rd floor) –Undergrad Library –Law School –School of Public Health for schedules

13 Campus File System Andrew File System (AFS) Disk space associated with your Onyen –automatically backed up by UNC AFS in the lab –automatically appears as drive H: when you log in On your personal machine –you can install the AFS Client –won’t see drive H: unless you’re connected to the network (i.e., can access the Internet) More information –see AFS guidelines on web page.

14 Backup Your Work! Backup your work! You will lose something at some point –you might have to learn the hard way Use your AFS space –use of AFS space is not required, but is recommended

15 Help! http://help.unc.edu962-HELP For help on general computer problems, including getting AFS enabled on your laptop or at home Also, for free software

16 jGRASP Tour

17 Homework 1 Some personal info Getting started with jGRASP Due May 13 at midnight

18 Next Class What is Computer Science? Introduction to Programming Reading Assignment: Chapter 1 Homework 1 is due Thursday

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