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Communication Challenges A value network perspective.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication Challenges A value network perspective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication Challenges A value network perspective

2 Key topics The types of communication in the IT- centric environment Perspectives on IT-related communication As a transaction As a relationship Active steps to design relationship- based communication

3 The needs for effective organizational communication Globalization of business Anytime, anywhere digital services Distributed and mobile workforce New computing and related devices Outsourcing of IT activities E-commerce (through integrative channels) Automation of operations Strategic use of IT for competitive advantage The extended enterprise as a model for the firm

4 Three types of communication in the IT-centric environment User-machine communication User-designer communication IT unit-business unit communication

5 Transformation of communication perspective From the transactional perspective to the relational perspective c.f. the current philosophy of relationship marketing

6 The transactional perspective of IT-related communication Focus: economic, engineering, efficiency, effectiveness, cost & volume User-machine: task efficiency/performance, user- friendliness, flexible interface User-designer: efficient information exchange/modeling, cognitive mapping, black-box as a goal IT unit-business unit: strategic alignment, enterprise analysis, CSF analysis, standard planning techniques

7 The relational perspective of IT-related communication Focus: social-psychological, humanistic, context of the exchange, emotion, trust, learning, credibility User-machine: HCI study, user engagement, caring, contextualization, enjoyability, entertainment value User-designer: mutual understanding, socio- technical design, joint development, role switching, theatrical production of technology IT unit-business unit: community development, BPR, KM, On-line learning community

8 The foci of relational communication The foci of transactional communication

9 Improving IT-related communication Describe the rhetorical vision for communication Specify the ideal parties, media, content, and context Form a new genre of communication Design communication experience with impression management in mind Respect “ views ” that shape the user perceptions Provide a good face and act to forming effective relationships Manage communication as a psychological contract Create credible promises and expectation Develop the interaction catalyst

10 The dynamics of enterprise communication Pure exchange or active participation? Query & response vs. open sharing pool Distributive payoff vs. integrative payoff Structural inducer & self-reorganization The purpose of inverting vs. the purpose of porting Strong-tied relations vs. weak-tied relations Politics among information gatekeepers

11 Extending readings Allen, Thomas J. (1977), Managing the flow of technology : technology transfer and the dissemination of technological information within the R&D organization, MIT Press. Bostrom, R. B. (1999), “ Successful Application of Communication Techniques to Improve the Systems Development Process? ” Information & Management, 16(5), pp. 279-95. Yates, J., W. J. Orlikowski, and K. Okamura (1999), “ Explicit and Implicit Structuring of Genres in Electronic Communication: Reinforcement and Changes in Social Interaction, ” Organization Science, 10(1), pp.83-103.

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