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Numerical Algorithms Chapter 10

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1 Numerical Algorithms Chapter 10
4/17/2017 3:50 AM Numerical Algorithms Chapter 10

2 Facts About Numbers Prime number p: Examples
p is an integer p  2 The only divisors of p are 1and p Examples 2, 7, 19 are primes -3, 1, 6 are not primes Prime decomposition of a positive integer n: n = p1e1  …  pkek Example: 200 = 23  52 Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic The prime decomposition of a positive integer is unique

3 Greatest Common Divisor
The greatest common divisor (GCD) of two positive integers a and b, denoted gcd(a, b), is the largest positive integer that divides both a and b The above definition is extended to arbitrary integers Examples: gcd(18, 30) = 6 gcd(0, 20) = 20 gcd(-21, 49) = 7 Two integers a and b are said to be relatively prime if they have no common factors: gcd(a, b) = 1 Example: Integers 15 and 28 are relatively prime

4 gcd(a, b) = gcd(b, r+kb) =gcd(b,r) = gcd(b,a mod b)
Modular Arithmetic Modulo operator for a positive integer n r = a mod n equivalent to a = r + kn and r = a - a/n n Example: 29 mod 13 = 3 13 mod 13 = 0 -1 mod 13 = 12 29 = 3 + 213 13 = 0 + 113 12 = 13 Facts for Euclids Algorithm: Modulo and GCD: as a mod b = r means a = r + kb gcd(a, b) = gcd(b, r+kb) =gcd(b,r) = gcd(b,a mod b) Why? gcd(a, b) = gcd(b, r+kb) everything that divides b already divides kb, so the only thing of interest is what divides r. (The kb holds no information as there is no restriction.) gcd(21, 12) = gcd(12, 9)= gcd(9,3) = gcd(3,0) = 3

5 Euclid’s GCD Algorithm
Euclid’s algorithm for computing the GCD repeatedly applies the formula gcd(a, b) = gcd(b, a mod b) Example gcd(412, 260) = 4 Note b decreases by half in two iterations Algorithm EuclidGCD(a, b) Input integers a and b Output gcd(a, b) if b = 0 return a else return EuclidGCD(b, a mod b) a 412 260 152 108 44 20 4 b

6 Analysis Let ai and bi be the arguments of the i-th recursive call of algorithm EuclidGCD We have ai + 2 = bi + 1 = ai mod ai + 1 < ai + 1 Sequence a1, a2, …, an decreases exponentially in two rounds, namely ai + 2  ½ ai for i > 1 Case 1 ai + 1  ½ ai ai + 2 < ai + 1  ½ ai Case 2 ai + 1 > ½ ai ai + 2 = ai mod ai + 1 = ai - ai + 1  ½ ai Thus, the maximum number of recursive calls of algorithm EuclidGCD(a. b) is 1 + 2 log max(a, b) Algorithm EuclidGCD(a, b) executes O(log max(a, b)) arithmetic operations

7 Euclid’s Binary Algorithm (Faster on computers)
int Algorithm EuclidBinaryGCD(int a,int b){ if (a==0) return b if (b==0) return a; if (a mod 2==0 and b mod 2 ==0) return 2*EuclidBinaryGCD(a/2,b/2) if (a mod 2==0 and b mod 2 ==1) return EuclidBinaryGCD(a/2,b) if (a mod 2==1 and b mod 2 ==0) return EuclidBinaryGCD(a,b/2) // gcd(a,b) = gcd(a mod b , b) = gcd(a-kb,b) for any k // letting k=1. a-b is even. // since b is odd, we know 2 isn’t a factor, so we can divide it out // need min(a,b) or otherwise could make problem larger return EuclidBinaryGCD(|a-b|/2,min(a,b)) }

8 Prove ab mod n = (a mod n)(b mod n) mod n
Let a = c +dn Let b = e + fn ab mod n = (c +dn)(e + fn) mod n =(ce +cfn +dne +dfn2) mod n = ce mod n

9 Multiplicative Inverses
The residues modulo a positive integer n are the set Zn = {0, 1, 2, …, (n - 1)} Let x and y be two elements of Zn such that xy mod n = 1 We say that y is the multiplicative inverse of x in Zn and we write y = x-1 Example (can do by trying all possibilities): Multiplicative inverses of the residues modulo 11 x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x-1

10 What if n = 12?   Mult 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

11 Multiplicative Inverses
What if n=12? Not everything HAD an inverse. x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 x-1

12 Questions Why would someone want to find inverses?
Helpful for encryption. Multiply by x to encrypt and by x-1 to decrypt. Example: Want to send a series of numbers privately. You tell the recipient (via private delivery) that whatever you send needs to be multiplied by 4 and mod-ed by 11. I want to send 6, I multiply by 3 (mod 11) and get 7 You take the 7 multiply by 4 (mod 11) and get 6 TADA!!! How do you find inverses? Can you easily tell if an inverse exists?

13 Theorem 10.3: gcd(a,b) is the smallest positive integer d such that d= ia+jb (for integers i,j)
Why: A. anything that divides both a and b clearly divides d, so d gcd(a,b) B. need to show d  gcd(a,b) let h=a/d, by definition of mod d>a mod d = a-hd = a-h(ia+jb) =(1-hi)a + (-hj)b thus a mod d is a linear combination of a,b But d is the smallest positive linear combination. Problem as we just found a smaller one (a mod d). Solution – a mod d must be 0 as we restricted d to be a positive integer. Thus, d evenly divides a. Through a similar argument, d evenly divides b, so it is a divisor of a and b. d  gcd(a,b).

14 Theorem 10.6 An element x of Zn has a multiplicative inverse if and only if x and n are relatively prime Example The elements of Z10 with a multiplicative inverse are 1, 3, 5, 7 Why? Prove each direction separately  If x and n are relatively prime, x has an inverse gcd(x,n) = 1 so ix +jn = 1 so ix mod n =1 Tada: i and x are inverses (mod n)! if x has a multiplicative inverse, x and n are relatively prime. Proof by contraction. Assume gcd(x,n) >1 (not relatively prime) Let y be the inverse – so xy mod n = 1 Thus xy – dn = 1 (for some value, d) by definition of mod But then 1 would be the gcd(x,n) – contradiction!

15 Thm 10.3: gcd(a,b) is the smallest positive integer d such that d= ia+jb (for integers i,j)
Proof sketch: Try to prove that d gcd(a,b) AND d  gcd(a,b). If we could do that, we would show d = gcd(a,b). Part 1: SHOW d gcd(a,b) 1. Anything that divides both a and b clearly divides d = ia +jb BECAUSE_____________________________________________ 2. Therefore… Part 2: SHOW d  gcd(a,b). 1. let h=a/d 2. d > a mod d BECAUSE ________________________________________ 3. a mod d = a-hd = a-h(ia+jb) =(1-hi)a + (-hj)b 4. So a mod d is a linear combination of a and b. 5. But we have a problem BECAUSE_________________________________________ 6. The solution is a mod d = 0 7. But that is GOOD NEWS as d evenly divides a. Through a similar argument d evenly divides b. 8. Since d divides both a and b, we call it a divisor of a and b (right?) 9. Can d be bigger than the greatest common divisor? 10. Therefore…

16 If x and n are relatively prime, x has an inverse
Theorem 10.6 An element x of Zn has a multiplicative inverse if and only if x and n are relatively prime Proof sketch: to prove if and only if, we have to prove in each direction: If x and n are relatively prime, x has an inverse 1. gcd(x,n) = 1 BECAUSE _____________________________ 2. ix +jn = BECAUSE______________________________ 3. ix mod n =1 BECAUSE _____________________________ 4. Therefore…. if x has a multiplicative inverse, x and n are relatively prime. 1. Let y be the inverse of x; so xy mod n = 1 2. xy – qn = 1 BECAUSE_____________________________ 3. Therefore…

17 Corollary: If p is prime, every nonzero residue (remainder) in Zp has a multiplicative inverse Great! so now know inverses mod p will exist for every number if p is a prime. Fill in table below! x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x-1

18 Theorem A variation of Euclid’s GCD algorithm computes the multiplicative inverse of an element x of Zn or determines that it does not exist. All we have to do is return the coefficients of a and b.

19 Consider an extended version of Euclid algorithm which not only returns the gcd BUT also the multipliers of a and b which prove the gcd. (gcd, amult, bmult) ExtendedEuclidGCD(a,b){ if (b==0) return (a,1,0) (d,a1,b1)= ExtendedEuclidGCD(b,a mod b) // d = b*a1 + (a mod b)*b1 (by def of ExtendedEuclid) // = b*a1+(a -a/bb)*b1 // = b1*a + b(a1- a/b*b1) return (d,b1,a1-a/b*b1) }

20 From this algorithm, how find inverses?
Theorem 10.6 tells us that x of Zn has an inverse iff gcd(x,n) = 1 So… use extended Euclid to find gcd(x,n) if gcd(x,n) != 1, there is no inverse if gcd(x,n) == 1 then ix +jn = 1 ix = (1-jn) ix = 1 (mod n) so i is the inverse of x Try to find the inverse of 5 mod 9 using this technique

21 Corollary (to theorem 10.6)10.7: if gcd(x,n) = 1 then
Zn={ix mod n:i=0,1,...,n-1} Nice! used in hash functions to make sure all entries are reached Try it: gcd(5,9) = 1 i5 mod 9 (i=0..n-1)= ( ) mod 9 =( )

22 Proof by contradiction:
Left as exercise to reader

23 Powers x x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 1 2 4 3 6 5 Let p be a prime
The sequences of successive powers of the elements of Zp (mod p) exhibit repeating subsequences The sizes of the repeating subsequences and the number of their repetitions are the divisors of p - 1 Example (p = 7) Notice how [xp-1 = 1 ] (mod p) for any x! I don’t know why anyone was prompted to play with this, but wouldn’t it have been exciting to discover? x x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 1 2 4 3 6 5

24 Fermat’s Little Theorem Stated in 1640, generalized by Euler in 1760.
Let p be a prime. For each nonzero residue x of Zp we have xp - 1 mod p = 1 Example (p = 5): 14 mod 5 = mod 1 = 16 mod 5 = 1 34 mod 1 = 81 mod 5 = 1 44 mod 1 = 256 mod 5 = 1 **Corollary Let p be a prime. For each nonzero residue x of Zp the multiplicative inverse of x is xp - 2 mod p Proof x(xp - 2 mod p) mod p = xxp - 2 mod p = xp - 1 mod p = 1

25 Proof of Fermat’s theorem
Let p be a prime. For each nonzero residue x of Zp we have xp - 1 mod p = 1 Sufficient to prove if 0 < x <p because xp-1 =p (x mod p)p-1 By Corolary 10.7:{1,2,...p-1} = {x*1,x*2,x*3...x*(p-1)} So their products are equal: (p-1)! = x*1*x*2*...x*(p-1) = xp-1(p-1)! Since p is prime, every non null element in Zp has a multiplicative inverse. So (p-1)! has an inverse. 1 = xp-1 Converse is not true (prove primality by observing mods), although Chinese thought it was. It is probable that the Chinese observed this experimentally and never thought to prove it. Numbers which are counter examples are called Carmichael numbers (pseudoprime to any base) .

26 The multiplicative group for Zn, denoted Z
The multiplicative group for Zn, denoted Z*n, is the subset of elements of Zn relatively prime with n A group is an abstract algebra concept: Given a non-empty set of elements with an operation * Closed is associative has an identity element,e (a*e = a, for all a) every element has an inverse a*a-1 = e The totient function of n, denoted f(n), (pronounced “fee of n”) is the size of Z*n Example Z*10 = { 1, 3, 7, 9 } f(10) = 4 At seats: Prove the group properties. If p is prime, we have Z*p = {1, 2, …, (p - 1)} f(p) = p -1

27 If p isn’t prime, how many elements are in Z*n?
Let p=ab, where a and b are prime f(p) = (a-1)(b-1) so f(10) = (2-1)(5-1) = 4 why? There are p possible elements of f(p) If p is composite (p=ab), Thus, there are a multiples of b and b multiples of a in the set of possibilities (but ab=ba, so don’t count it twice). Because a and b are prime, there are no other numbers less than ab which are multiples of both. so we have ab – a – (b-1) = a(b-1) – (b-1) = (a-1)(b-1)

28 Euler’s (pronounced oilers) Theorem Generalization of Fermat’s theorem
(Leonhard Euler was a brilliant Swiss mathematician. Contemporaries said he could master any problem, although  Fermat's last theorem stumped him. He  invented imaginary numbers while trying to prove the theorem. Some of his very advanced mathematics had no practical use, but recently one of his obscure equations was rediscovered and helped develop super-string theory.) Theorem For each element x of Z*n, we have xf(n) mod n = 1 Example (n = 10) Z*10 = { 1, 3, 7, 9 } 3f(10) mod 10 = 34 mod 10 = 81 mod 10 = 1 7f(10) mod 10 = 74 mod 10 = 2401 mod 10 = 1 9f(10) mod 10 = 94 mod 10 = 6561 mod 10 = 1 For each element x of Z*n, we have x-1 = xf(n)-1

29 What if p is not the product of two primes, how do we compute (n)?
Our text doesn’t tell us. There are lots of interesting facts about totient functions.

30 Generators Given a prime p and an integer a between 1 and p-1, the order of a is the smallest exponent r > 1 such that ar =1 (mod p) A generator (also called a primitive root) of Zp is an element g of Zp with order p-1. We use the term generator because repeated exponentiation of g can generate all of Zp* Theorem 10:10 if p is prime then set Zp has (p-1) generators.

31 Example: if p is prime then set Zp has (p-1) generators.
p=7, (7-1) = (6) =2 generators Z*6 = {1,5} x x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 1 2 4 3 6 5

32 Example: if p is prime then set Zp has (p-1) generators.
p=11, (11-1) = (10) =4 generators Z*10 = {1,3,7,9} x x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 1 2 4 8 5 10 9 7 3 6

33 Modular Power: We need a fast way of computing ap mod n
Modular Power: We need a fast way of computing ap mod n. The algorithm is easier than the explanation int FastExp(a,p,n) // return ap mod n {if p==0 return 1 // anything to the zero power is 1 if p mod2 ==0 { half = fastExp(a,p/2, n) return half2 mod n} // p is odd t half = fastExp(a,(p-1)/2,n) // take out 1 a; find power of ap-1 return a(half2mod n) mod n }

34 Pseudoprimality Testing
Experimental evidence suggests:The number of primes less than or equal to n (for large n) is about n / ln n So if n = 2b = 210, there are about 210/10 primes = 100 primes. Testing whether a number is prime (primality testing) is believed to be a hard problem An integer n  2 is said to be a base-x pseudo-prime if xn - 1 mod n = 1 (Fermat’s little theorem) For example, for n = 341, 2340 mod n = 1 so 341 is pseudoprime to base 2. (They often use the term pseudoprime for both primes and non-primes that pass this test.) Non-prime base-x pseudoprimes are rare: A random 100-bit integer is a composite base-2 pseudoprime with probability less than 10-13 The smallest composite base-2 pseudoprime is 341 Base-x pseudoprimality testing for an integer n: Check whether xn - 1 mod n = 1 Can be performed efficiently with the repeated squaring algorithm If you repeated this for many x’s, you would have greater confidence that n is prime. (A Monte Carlo approach, right?)

35 Randomized Primality Testing
Compositeness witness function isComposite(x, n) with error probability q for a random variable x Case 1: isComposite w(x, n) = true we know x is not prime! Case 2: isComposite w(x, n) = false lies with probability q < 1 Algorithm RandPrimeTest tests whether n is prime by repeatedly evaluating isComposite(x, n) A variation of base- x pseudoprimality provides a function for randomized primality testing (Rabin-Miller algorithm) isComposite =true if xn-1≠1 (mod n) Algorithm RandPrimeTest(n, k) Input integer n,confidence parameter k and composite witness function isComposite(x,n) with error probability q Output an indication of whether n is composite or prime with probability 2-k t  k/log2(1/q) for i  1 to t // try same n with different x x  random() if isComposite(x,n)= true return “n is composite” return “n is prime”

36 Skip rest of section

37 Encryption Scenario: Issues: encrypt decrypt plaintext ciphertext
Alice wants to send a message (plaintext p) to Bob. The communication channel is insecure and can be eavesdropped. If Alice and Bob have previously agreed on an encryption scheme (cipher), the message can be sent encrypted (ciphertext c) Issues: What is a good encryption scheme? What is the complexity of encrypting/decrypting? What is the size of the ciphertext, relative to the plaintext? If Alice and Bob have never interacted before, how can they agree on an encryption scheme? encrypt decrypt plaintext ciphertext plaintext

38 Traditional Cryptography
Ciphers were studied in ancient times Caesar’s cipher (replace with symbol X away): replace a with d replace b with e ... replace z with c Caesar’s cipher is an example of a monoalphabetic substitution cipher, which permutes the characters Armed with simple statistical knowledge, one can easily break a monoalphabetic substitution cipher most frequent letters in English: e, t, o, a, n, i, ... most frequent digrams: th, in, er, re, an, ... most frequent trigrams: the, ing, and, ion, ... The first description of the frequency analysis attack appears in a book written in the 9th century by the Arab philosopher al-Kindi

39 Decryption Code: X Z A V O I D B Y G E R S P C F H J K L M N Q T U W Org: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ciphertext: PCQ VMJYPD LBYK LYSO KBXBJXWXV BXV ZCJPO EYPD KBXBJYUXJ LBJOO KCPK. CP LBO LBCMKXPV XPV IYJKL PYDBL, QBOP KBO BXV OPVOV LBO LXRO CI SX'XJMI, KBO JCKO XPV EYKKOV LBO DJCMPV ZOICJO BYS, KXUYPD: “DJOXL EYPD, ICJ X LBCMKXPV XPV CPO PYDBLK Y BXNO ZOOP JOACMPLYPD LC UCM LBO IXZROK CI FXKL XDOK XPV LBO RODOPVK CI XPAYOPL EYPDK. SXU Y SXEO KC ZCRV XK LC AJXNO X IXNCMJ CI UCMJ SXGOKLU?” OFYRCDMO, LXROK IJCS LBO LBCMKXPV XPV CPO PYDBLK Plaintext: Now during this time Shahrazad had borne King Shahriyar three sons. On the thousand and first night, when she had ended the tale of Ma'aruf, she rose and kissed the ground before him, saying: “Great King, for a thousand and one nights I have been recounting to you the fables of past ages and the legends of ancient kings. May I make so bold as to crave a favour of your majesty?” Epilogue, Tales from the Thousand and One Nights

40 Secret-Key Encryption
A secret-key cipher uses a unique key K to encrypt and decrypt Caesar’s generalized cipher uses the modular addition of each character (viewed as an integer) with the key: C[i] = (P[i] + K )mod m (p is plaintext) P[i] = (C[i] - K) mod m More secure secret-key encryption schemes have been devised in this century Examples: DES 3DES IDEA BLOWFISH With private-key encryption, a distinct secret key must be established for every pair of parties

41 Public-Key Encryption
Bob uses a pair of keys (KE,KD) and makes key KE public keeps key KD private Anyone can use the public key KE to encrypt a plaintext into a ciphertext sent to Bob Only Bob can decrypt the ciphertext using the private key KD The most popular encryption scheme is RSA, named after its inventors Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (1978) The RSA patent expired in 2000 public key private key encrypt decrypt plaintext ciphertext plaintext

42 Advantages/Disadvantages of Public Key Encryption
If two people have never communicated before, they can still send secure messages Disadvantages If the key is public, someone may be able to figure out the private key.

43 RSA Cryptosystem Setup: Keys: Encryption:
n = pq, with p and q primes e relatively prime to f(n) = (p - 1) (q - 1) d inverse of e in Zf(n) Keys: Public key: KE = (n, e) Private key: KD =(n,d) Encryption: Plaintext M in Zn C = Me mod n Decryption: (see text for why) M = Cd mod n = Med mod n as xed = x (mod n) Thm 10.21 Example Setup: p = 7, q = 17 n = 717 = 119 f(n) = 616 = 96 e = 5 d = 77 Keys: public key: (119, 5) private key: 77 Encryption: M = 19 C = 195 mod 119 = 66 Decryption: C = 6677 mod 119 = 19

44 Correctness We show the correctness of the RSA cryptosystem for the case when the plaintext M has no common factors with n Namely, we show that (Me)d mod n = M Since ed mod f(n) = 1, there is an integer k such that ed = kf(n) + 1 Since gcd(M, n)=1, by Euler’s theorem we have Mf(n) mod n = 1 Thus, we obtain (Me)d mod n = Med mod n = Mkf(n) + 1 mod n = MMkf(n) mod n = M (Mf(n))k mod n = M (Mf(n) mod n)k mod n = M (1)k mod n = M mod n = M See the book for the proof of correctness in the case when the plaintext M is not relatively prime with respect to n

45 Security The security of the RSA cryptosystem is based on the widely believed difficulty of factoring large numbers The best known factoring algorithm (general number field sieve) takes time exponential in the number of bits of the number to be factored The RSA challenge, sponsored by RSA Security, offers cash prizes for the factorization of given large numbers In April 2002, prizes ranged from $10,000 (576 bits) to $200,000 (2048 bits) In 1999, a 512-bit number was factored in 4 months using the following computers: MHz SGI and Sun 8 250 MHz SGI Origin MHz Pentium II 4 500 MHz Digital/Compaq Estimated resources needed to factor a number within one year Bits PCs Memory 430 1 MB = 106 128MB 760 215,000 GB = 109 4GB 1,020 342106 170GB 1,620 1.61015 TB=1012 120TB

46 Algorithmic Issues The implementation of the RSA cryptosystem requires various algorithms Overall Representation of integers of arbitrarily large size and arithmetic operations on them Encryption Modular power Decryption Setup Generation of random numbers with a given number of bits (to generate candidates p and q) Primality testing (to check that candidates p and q are prime) Computation of the multiplicative inverse (to compute d from e)

47 Information Security message M one-way hash fingerprint f = H(M)
Numerical Algorithms 4/17/2017 3:50 AM Information Security message M one-way hash fingerprint f = H(M)

48 Digital Signature Author A wants to send message M so that the message is known to come from A and M is known not to have been altered. A digital signature is a string S associated with a message M and the author A that has the following properties Integrity: S establishes that M has not been altered Nonrepudiation: S unequivocally identifies the author A of M and proves that A did indeed sign M A digital signature scheme provides algorithms for Signing a message by the author Verifying the signature of a message by the reader A recently passed law (2000) in the US gives digital signatures the same validity of handwritten signatures A public-key cryptosystem yields a digital signature scheme provided encrypt(KE, decrypt(KD, M)) = M (is symmetric – can go both ways) Signature: Alice (author) computes S = decrypt(KD,M) using her private key KD and sends both (the pair (M,S)) to Bob Verification: Bob (reader) computes M´ = encrypt(KE, S) using Alice’s public key KE and checks that M´ = M

49 RSA Digital Signature Setup: Keys: Signature: use private key first
n = pq, with p and q primes e relatively prime to f(n) = (p - 1) (q - 1) d inverse of e in Zf(n) Keys: Public key: KE = (n, e) Private key: KD = d Signature: use private key first Message M in Zn Signature S = Md mod n Verification (send message and encrypted message): Check that M = Se mod n Setup: p = 5, q = 11 n = 511 = 55 f(n) = 410 = 40 e = 3 d = 27 (327 = 81 = 240 + 1) Keys: Public key: KE = (55, 3) Private key: KD = 27 Signature: M = 51 S = 5127 mod 55 = 6 Verification: S = 63 mod 55 = 216 mod 55 = 51

50 One-Way Hash Function A one-way hash function H has the following properties H maps a string M of arbitrary length into an integer d= H(M) with a fixed number of bits, called the fingerprint or digest of M H can be computed efficiently Given an integer d, it is computationally infeasible to find a string M such that that H(M) = d (one way, not invertible) Given a string M , it is computationally infeasible to find another string M´ such that H(M) = H(M´) (collision resistance – for specific pair) It is computationally infeasible to find two strings M and M´ such that H(M) = H(M´) (strong collision resistance – for all pairs)

51 Used to speed up construction of digital signatures
Overcomes significant restriction of RSA. Now message does not have to be less than the modulus. Two widely used one-way hash functions are MD5 (Message Digest 5, 1992), which uses a 128-bit (16 bytes) fingerprint (size of hash table) SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1, 1995), which uses a 160-bit (20 bytes) fingerprint

52 Example of One-Way Hash Digitally Signed Fingerprints
As before, send both message and hash/signed message. Alice computes first f = H(M) and then the signature S of f by using her private key, d. Bob first computes f = H(M) and then converts S by applying Alice’s public key (e). If he doesn’t get f, he knows Alice didn’t sign or M was changed. M hash f=H(m) d hash f=H(m) ciphertext e Bob’s part Notice, M is not private. We just want verification that M was sent by Alice and not changed.

53 apply Alice’s public key e S’ = S e mod n = f
Since the one-way hash function H has the collision-resistance property, it is computationally infeasible to modify the message M while preserving the signature of the fingerprint f = H(M) Alice: message M one-way hash fingerprint f = H(M) signature S = f d mod n sign Bob (received M and S): message M one-way hash  H(M) apply Alice’s public key e S’ = S e mod n = f Signature S if f H(M) have a problem

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