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Customer Care Without Pulling Out Your Hair

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1 Customer Care Without Pulling Out Your Hair
Presented by Gary Hall, Extension Agent CSU Cooperative Extension Developed by Mike D. Woods, Oklahoma State University

2 Why Do Customers Quit? Dr. Michael LeBoeuf, in his book, “How to Win Customers and Keep Them for Life” reported from a survey on why customers quit that: 3% move away 5% develop other friendships 9% leave for competitive reasons 14% are dissatisfied with the product 68% quit because of an attitude of indifference or rudeness toward the customer by the owner, manager or some employee

3 Creating and keeping customers is the single most important goal of any employee.

4 Cost of Lost Customer Mrs. Smith 1 Person Tells eleven others +11 People Who tell 5 each +55 People Total who heard 67 People Maybe 25% decide not to shop Only 1 of those 25 dissatisfied customers will ever tell you that they are dissatisfied.

5 It costs $19 to keep a customer
It costs $118 to get a new customer in the store Cost to keep Mrs. Smith happy $19 Cost of attracting 17 new customers $2,006 Source: Dr. Paul Timm Seven Power Strategies for Building Customer Loyalty

6 By knowing the customer’s needs and meeting their expectations, they are satisfied and will return. As Employees we are hospitality representatives or ambassadors for both the business and community.

7 No matter what your business, customers buy only two things:
Good Feelings & Solutions to Problems

8 Customers are not always right, but they are always the BOSS.

9 Guest Friendly Moment of Truth Positive Negative Neutral
The point at which your actions cause a guest to form an impression about you, the business or organization you represent, and your community. Positive Negative Neutral

10 Moment of Truth Positive Experience Neutral Experience
Customer tells 5 people Neutral Experience We don’t know survey

11 Moment of Truth Negative Experience Good News Customer tells 9-10
13% of them will tell 20 Every complaint represents 26 customers who didn’t complain…they just don’t come back. Good News 54-70% will do business again if complaint resolved 90% will do business again if resolved quickly.

12 “The average business spends 6 times more $$$ to attract new customers than to keep existing ones.” (Bill Evans, Institute of Professional Training)

13 You Are The Value You provide a positive experience for our customers.
You help in providing an answer to their problem. You are critical in retaining customers. Thank you!

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