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1 CS 255 Lecture 4 Attacks on Block Ciphers Brent Waters.

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1 1 CS 255 Lecture 4 Attacks on Block Ciphers Brent Waters

2 2 Recap-Symmetric Encryption Two basic types of encryption Stream Cipher (eg. RC4, CSS) Block Cipher (e.g. DES, IDEA (Feistel), AES)

3 3 Recap Block Ciphers msg_blockECT_block n-bits K

4 4 Recap-Feistel Networks Feistel network: M=L 0 || R 0 for i=1 to d (# of rounds) L i =R i-1, R i =L i-1 © F(R i-1,K i ) Network inverts itself Construct FN -1 :{0,1} 2n ! {0,1} 2n s.t. 8 x: FN -1 (FN(x))=x DES- 16 round Feistel: block-size 64-bits, key 56

5 5 Recap-Using Block Ciphers Encryption must be randomized (otherwise m i =m j ) c i =c j ) ECB mode is insecure CBC IV EE PT 1 PT 2 ©© IV... CT 1

6 6 Exhaustive Search Attack Known PT attack: given a few PT/CT pairs M 1 /C 1, M 2 /C 2... find K DES: likely need only one PT/CT pair view as collection of 2 56 random one-to-one functions 8 M,k Pr[ 9 k’  k: DES k (M)=DES k’ (M)] ·  k’ Pr[DES k =DES k ’(M)] · 2 56 ¢ 1/2 64 = 1/2 8

7 7 DES Challenge RSA Labs challenge ( " The unknown message is:.... " Internet Search: 3 months ’97 EFF “Deep-Crack”: 3 days ‘98 88 billion keys/sec; $250,000 (do govts have more money?) Internet search: 22 hours ‘99

8 8 DES Challenge 56 bit ciphers are dead (64-bit RC5 also attacked, 72 bit next) 128 bit keys ) 2 72 DES-time ¼ 10 24 days Keep open mind to new attacks e.g. Internet

9 9 Triple DES TE k1,k2,k3 (M)= E k1 (D K2 (E K3 (M))) E D E k1 k2 k3 K=k1,k2,k3 PT CT Why decrypt in middle? 3 times slower

10 10 Double DES? E E k1 k2 K=k1,k2 PT CT k0’E k0 (M) k1’E k1 (M) k2’E k2 (M) meet in middle Sort on 2 nd column Check for collision on 2 nd block

11 11 Double DES Time : 2 56 lg(2 56 )+ 2 56 lg(2 56 )=2 62 << 2 112 Triple-DES security · 118 bits same attack Large amount of space

12 12 Idealized Block Ciphers Experiment AExperiment B Choose random key k Choose random permutation  Oracle access to E k and E k - 1 Oracle access to  and  -1 Adversary guesses which experiment he was in.

13 13 DESX EX_{k1,k2,k3} = k1 © DES k2 (M © k3) Fast! Suppose E K is an ideal cipher; m PT/CT pairs, n-bit block size effective key-length ¸ k+n-1 – log(m) [KR’97] DESX: if m< 2 30 then key length ¸ 2 89 DES k1 (M © k2), k1 © DES k2 (M) not secure

14 14 Power Analysis Encryption/ Decryption Secret key K input output Power Figure from Benini et. al. Have access to power supply?

15 15 Power Analysis

16 16 Power Analysis Difference caused by jump instruction

17 17 Linear attacks Bias  ) Pr[F(x)=0]=1/2 +  Pr[ M i1 ©... © M ir © C j1 ©... © C jv © K l1 ©... K lv =0] =1/2 +  Gather large amount of PT/CT pairs For each PT/CT pair For each K * = (K l1,...,K lv ) increment counter if K l1,... © K lv = M i1 ©... © C jv Take K * with highest counter

18 18 Linear Attacks Try different key possibilities on chosen PT/CT pairs Take one that has strongest bias Thm: Given 1/  2 pairs correct 97% DES  =2 -21 ) 2 42 pairs

19 19 Security Models Attacks adversary can do Can get ahold of of CT/PT pairs? Brute force power Access Adversary’s goal

20 20 Attack types From least to most powerful 1. CT only attack 2. Random plaintext attack – given random PT/CT pairs 3. CPA- Chosen plaintext attack more to come...

21 21 Attacker goals Key-recovery Decrypt a given CT

22 22 AES Development ’97 NIST call for candidates due ’98 128,192,256 bit keys and royalty free 15 of 21 met initial requirements 5 finalists: MARS, RC6, Rijndael, Serpent, Twofish Winner: Rijndael by Daemen and Rijmen International flavor

23 23 AES Overview S 0,0 S 0,1 S 0,2 S 0,3 S 1,0 S 1,1 S 1,2 S 2,3 S 2,0 S 2,1 S 2,2 S 2,3 S 3,0 S 3,1 S 3,2 S 3,3 Put 128-bit block into 4x4 byte matrix 10 rounds (128-key mode)

24 24 AES Overview S 0,0 S 0,1 S 0,2 S 0,3 S 1,0 S 1,1 S 1,2 S 2,3 S 2,0 S 2,1 S 2,2 S 2,3 S 3,0 S 3,1 S 3,2 S 3,3 1.S-box per byte (permutation) 2.Shift rows 3.Mix columns 4.Add round key

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