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Introduction to Russian phonology and word structure Ch 5: Vowel reduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Russian phonology and word structure Ch 5: Vowel reduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Russian phonology and word structure Ch 5: Vowel reduction

2 Discussion Does everybody feel secure with the distinction between segmental and suprasegmental features? –What languages do you know and what combination of phonemic suprasegmental features do they have?

3 Q&A 2. What can we say about vowel length in Russian?

4 Q&A 2. What can we say about vowel length in Russian? –It exists, but it is automatic, not phonemic

5 Q&A 3. So, is there a connection between phonemic stress and vowel reduction? What languages do you know that could help us find a pattern?

6 Q&A 3. So, is there a connection between phonemic stress and vowel reduction? What languages do you know that could help us find a pattern? –Generally, yes: Languages with fixed stress tend to have no or minimal vowel reduction, as in French, German, and Czech Languages with mobile (phonemic) stress tend to have vowel reduction, as in English and Russian

7 5. Let’s compare fixed vs. mobile stress CzechRussian polovinaполовина vodovodводовоз elektrickýэлектрический

8 Q&A 6. How does the determination of what vowel you get differ depending upon stress?

9 Q&A 6. How does the determination of what vowel you get differ depending upon stress? –For stressed vowels, we look at the consonants on both sides –For unstressed vowels, we look only at the preceding consonant

10 Q&A 7. So what sound do языкознание and Екатерина start with?

11 Q&A 7. So what sound do языкознание and Екатерина start with? –[j] !

12 Discussion Are there any questions about 2-5 in the book?

13 9. Write out stresses сковородаенот юмористикасновидение слава трудумарксизм алкоголикуважительный

14 9. Write out stresses ско  во  ро  да  е  но  т ю  мо  ри  сти  ка  сно  ви  де  ни  е  сла  ва  тру  ду  ма  ркси  зм а  лко  го  ли  ку  ва  жи  те  льны  й

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