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CPSC150 Week 13 Chapter 12 Exceptions (from slides provided by textbook web site)

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1 CPSC150 Week 13 Chapter 12 Exceptions (from slides provided by textbook web site)

2 CPSC150 Handling errors 2.1

3 CPSC150 Some causes of error situations Incorrect implementation. –Does not meet the specification. Inappropriate object request. –E.g., invalid index. Inconsistent or inappropriate object state. –E.g. arising through class extension.

4 CPSC150 Not always programmer error Errors often arise from the environment: –Incorrect URL entered. –Network interruption. File processing is particular error-prone: –Missing files. –Lack of appropriate permissions.

5 CPSC150 Exploring errors Explore error situations through the address-book projects. Two aspects: –Error reporting. –Error handling.

6 CPSC150 Issues to be addressed How much checking by a server on method calls? How to report errors? What if no user at the other end (e.g., GUI)? How can a client anticipate failure? How should a client deal with failure?

7 CPSC150 An example Create an AddressBook object. Try to remove an entry. A runtime error results. –Whose ‘fault’ is this? Anticipation and prevention are preferable to apportioning blame.

8 CPSC150 Argument values Arguments represent a major ‘vulnerability’ for a server object. –Constructor arguments initialize state. –Method arguments often contribute to behavior. Argument checking is one defensive measure.

9 CPSC150 Checking the key public void removeDetails(String key) { if(keyInUse(key)) { ContactDetails details = (ContactDetails) book.get(key); book.remove(details.getName()); book.remove(details.getPhone()); numberOfEntries--; }

10 CPSC150 Server error reporting How to report illegal arguments? –To the user? Is there a human user? Can they solve the problem? –To the client object? Return a diagnostic value

11 CPSC150 Returning a diagnostic (Exception handling without using Java’s exception handling) public boolean removeDetails(String key) { if(keyInUse(key)) { ContactDetails details = (ContactDetails) book.get(key); book.remove(details.getName()); book.remove(details.getPhone()); numberOfEntries--; return true; } else { return false; }

12 CPSC150 Client responses Test the return value. –Attempt recovery on error. –Avoid program failure. Ignore the return value. –Cannot be prevented. –Likely to lead to program failure. Create something client cannot ignore: –an exception

13 CPSC150 Exception-throwing principles Exceptions are part of many languages, central to Java. A special language feature. No ‘special’ return value needed. Errors cannot be ignored in the client. –The normal flow-of-control is interrupted. Specific recovery actions are encouraged.

14 CPSC150 Exceptions Exceptions are “thrown” by the method finding the problem Exceptions are “caught” by the method dealing with the problem maintains integrity and decoupling

15 CPSC150 The effect of an exception The throwing method finishes prematurely. No return value is returned. Control does not return to the client’s point of call. –So the client cannot carry on regardless. A client may ‘catch’ an exception.

16 CPSC150 Throwing an exception /** * Look up a name or phone number and return the * corresponding contact details. * @param key The name or number to be looked up. * @return The details corresponding to the key, * or null if there are none matching. * @throws NullPointerException if the key is null. */ public ContactDetails getDetails(String key) { if(key == null){ throw new NullPointerException( "null key in getDetails"); } return (ContactDetails) book.get(key); }

17 CPSC150 Throwing an exception An exception object is constructed: –new ExceptionType("..."); The exception object is thrown: –throw... Javadoc documentation: –@throws ExceptionType reason

18 CPSC150 Error recovery Clients should take note of error notifications. –Check return values. –Don’t ‘ignore’ exceptions. Include code to attempt recovery. –Will often require a loop.

19 CPSC150 The try statement Clients catching an exception must protect the call with a try statement: try { Protect one or more statements here. } catch(Exception e) { Report and recover from the exception here. }

20 CPSC150 The try statement try{ addressbook.saveToFile(filename); tryAgain = false; } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("Unable to save to " + filename); tryAgain = true; } 1. Exception thrown from here 2. Control transfers to here

21 CPSC150 try { // code that might throw an exception { catch (TypeOfException ex) { // what to do when there is a problem } // what to do afterwards regardless of // whether there was an exception

22 CPSC150 try { // code that might throw an exception } catch (TypeOfException ex) { // what to do when there is a problem } // what to do afterwards regardless of // whether there was an exception Order of statement execution 1. if method call, do method 2a. continue with rest of try 3a. skip catch, do code after try-catch Case a: no exception thrown

23 CPSC150 try { // code that might throw an exception { catch (TypeOfException ex) { // what to do when there is a problem } // what to do afterwards regardless of // whether there was an exception Order of statement execution 1. if method call, do method 2b. skip rest of try; do code in catch 3b. if catch code does not abort program, continue after catch block Case b: TypeOfException thrown

24 CPSC150 try { // code that might throw an exception { catch (TypeOfException ex) { // what to do when there is a problem } // what to do afterwards regardless of // whether there was an exception Order of statement execution 1. if method call, do method 2c. skip rest of try; do not do catch; return to method that called this method; exit from this method at the code in try; do not do any other code 3c. No other code in this method is executed. catch code and code afterwards is skipped Case c: DifferentException thrown

25 CPSC150 public class Myexcept { private int x; public Myexcept() { x = 0; } public int divideByY(int y) { if (y == 0) { throw new ArithmeticException( "in divideByY, y, a denominator, is 0"); } y= x /y; return y; } An Exception Example

26 CPSC150 At the Board Write a main method that calls divideByY Write a main method that has try-catch block public class Myexcept { private int x; public Myexcept() { x = 0; } { x = 0; } public int divideByY(int y) { if (y == 0) { throw new ArithmeticException( throw new ArithmeticException( "in divideByY, y, a denominator, is 0"); } "in divideByY, y, a denominator, is 0"); } y= x /y; y= x /y; return y; return y; }

27 CPSC150 public static void main(String[] args) { Myexcept m = new Myexcept(); System.out.println("m with 4 is " + m.divideByY(4)); System.out.println("m with 0 is " + m.divideByY(0)); System.out.println("all done"); } // end main } // end class

28 CPSC150 public static void main(String args[ ]) { try { System.out.println("m with 4 is " + m.divideByY(4)); System.out.println("m with 0 is " + m.divideByY(0)); } catch (ArithmeticException e) { System.out.println("don't call sample method with 0"); e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("all done"); }

29 CPSC150 Attempting recovery // Try to save the address book. boolean successful = false; int attempts = 0; do { try { addressbook.saveToFile(filename); successful = true; } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("Unable to save to " + filename); attempts++; if(attempts < MAX_ATTEMPTS) { filename = an alternative file name; } } while(!successful && attempts < MAX_ATTEMPTS); if(!successful) { Report the problem and give up; }

30 CPSC150 public class Test { public static void main(String args[]) { int n = 0; String s = null; boolean valid = false; while (!valid && n<3) try { s = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( null, "Enter an integer:" ); n = Integer.parseInt( s ); valid = true; } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Enter a valid number" ); n++; } // end of loop if (valid) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "The number is " + n ); }

31 CPSC150 Catching multiple exceptions try in order that they appear try {... ref.process();... } catch(EOFException e) { // Take action on an end-of-file exception.... } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { // Take action on a file-not-found exception.... }

32 CPSC150 The finally clause try { Protect one or more statements here. } catch(Exception e) { Report and recover from the exception here. } finally { Perform any actions here common to whether or not an exception is thrown. }

33 CPSC150 The finally clause: why A finally clause is executed even if a return statement is executed in the try or catch clauses. A uncaught or propagated exception still exits via the finally clause.

34 CPSC150 The exception class hierarchy

35 CPSC150 Exception categories Checked exceptions –Subclass of Exception –Use for anticipated failures. –Where recovery may be possible. –Often not a programming problem (e.g., file not found) Unchecked exceptions –Subclass of RuntimeException –Use for unanticipated failures. –Where recovery is unlikely. –Often, a programming problem (e.g., index out of bounds) Third category: errors

36 CPSC150 Unchecked exceptions Use of these is ‘unchecked’ by the compiler. Cause program termination if not caught. –This is the normal practice. IllegalArgumentException is a typical example.

37 CPSC150 Argument checking public ContactDetails getDetails(String key) { if(key == null) { throw new NullPointerException( "null key in getDetails"); } if(key.trim().length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Empty key passed to getDetails"); } return (ContactDetails) book.get(key); }

38 CPSC150 Checked Exceptions Previous examples all unchecked exceptions –unchecked exceptions should not happen; mostly result in program termination Checked exceptions are meant to be caught. The compiler ensures that their use is tightly controlled. –In both server and client. Used properly, failures may be recoverable.

39 CPSC150 Some Checked Exceptions –ClassNotFoundExceptionClassNotFoundException –IOExceptionIOException –NoSuchFieldExceptionNoSuchFieldException –ServerNotActiveExceptionServerNotActiveException –UnsupportedFlavorExceptionUnsupportedFlavorException

40 CPSC150 The throws clause Methods throwing a checked exception must include a throws clause: public void saveToFile(String destinationFile) throws IOException (NOT throw) throw is when the exception is thrown

41 CPSC150 throws must include throws in methods that throw checked exceptions how do I know? javadoc/syntax errors

42 CPSC150 // file output. method called from constructor public void writeto(String fileout, int nbrlines) throws IOException // must have “throws IOException” even though // no “throw statement” { File outfile = new File(fileout); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(outfile); // usually a loop to write out all information // write to writer, not file fw.write("There were " + nbrlines + " lines in the input file."); fw.close(); }

43 CPSC150 Files Chapter 12 continued

44 CPSC150 Text input-output: tie to exceptions Input-output is particularly error-prone. –It involves interaction with the external environment. The package supports input- output. is a checked exception. cannot do files without exceptions

45 CPSC150 Files To use files, use File class File class can’t read/write To read/write files, use Reader/Writer classes File input can be text-based (what we’ll do), stream-based

46 CPSC150 Readers, writers, streams Readers and writers deal with textual input. –Based around the char type. Streams deal with binary data. –Based around the byte type. The address-book-io project illustrates textual IO.

47 CPSC150 Text output Use the FileWriter class. –Tie File object to diskfile name –Open a FileWriter; tie to File. –Write to the FileWriter. –Close the FileWriter. Failure at any point results in an IOException.

48 CPSC150 Text output try { FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("name of file"); while(there is more text to write) {... writer.write(next piece of text);... } writer.close(); } catch(IOException e) { something went wrong with accessing the file }

49 CPSC150 Text input Use the FileReader class. Augment with BufferedReader for line- based input. –Open a file. –Read from the file. –Close the file. Failure at any point results in an IOException.

50 CPSC150 Text input try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( new File("filename"))); String line = reader.readLine(); while(line != null) { do something with line line = reader.readLine(); } reader.close(); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { the specified file could not be found } catch(IOException e) { something went wrong with reading or closing }

51 CPSC150 import*; public class countlines { // all methods that do something inserted here public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length != 2) { System.out.println("to run, type: 'countlines filein fileout'"); System.exit(1); } // create a new countline object with first arg as input file, second as output countlines cl = new countlines(args[0], args[1]); }

52 CPSC150 Write a program to count number of lines in a file and write the number to an output file java countlines myinfile.txt myoutfile.txt would return 2 if file is: This is a file with two lines. myinfile.txt

53 CPSC150 // constructor public countlines(String filein, String fileout) { try { int countwords = readfrom(filein); writeto(fileout, countwords); } catch (IOException e) { // will catch IO exception not caught by readfrom and writeto System.out.println("Problems with IO. " + " Program aborted without successful write."); }

54 CPSC150 public int readfrom(String filename) throws IOException { int countlines = 0; try { File infile = new File(filename); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(infile)); String line; line = reader.readLine(); while (line != null) { System.out.println(line); // for debugging only; countlines++; line = reader.readLine(); } reader.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("The input file was not there"); } return countlines; }

55 CPSC150 Other Wrappers Can break string read up using StringTokenizer Can read non-text files with FileReader and Tokenizer (breaks fields up to be read)

56 CPSC150 Console input Scanner class: Java 5 import java.util.*; class MyScanner { public MyScanner ( ) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter a number: "); int x = scanner.nextInt(); int y = scanner.nextInt(); System.out.println("The sum of " + x + " + " + y + " is " + (x+y)); }

57 CPSC150 File input using Scanner import java.util.*; import*; class MyScanner { public MyScanner ( ) { Scanner scanner; try { scanner = new Scanner(new File("")); int x = scanner.nextInt( ); int y = scanner.nextInt( ); System.out.println("The sum of " + x + " + " + y + " is " + (x+y)); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { System.out.println("File not found...aborting program."); System.exit(1); } }

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