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File Handling Accessing a data file for input: 1) Include the file stream header file: #include using namespace std; 2) Associate an input file name with.

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Presentation on theme: "File Handling Accessing a data file for input: 1) Include the file stream header file: #include using namespace std; 2) Associate an input file name with."— Presentation transcript:

1 File Handling Accessing a data file for input: 1) Include the file stream header file: #include using namespace std; 2) Associate an input file name with an input file stream for accessing the data file. ifstream fin(“”); You may explicitly indicate the mode of file access as input: ifstream fin(“”,ios::in); 1

2 File Handling 3) Use the associated file name to access the data: fin>>accountNum>>balance; or while(fin>>accountNum[i]>>balance[i]){ … } to retrieve data until end of file (EOF) is reached 4) Close the file indicating that the data access is terminated. fin.close( ); 2

3 File Handling Accessing a data file for output: 1) Include the file stream header file: #include using namespace std; 2) Associate an output file name with an output file stream: ofstream fout(“datafile.out”,ios::out); 3

4 File Handling 3) Use the associated file name to output the data: fout<<accountNum<< “ ”<<balance<<endl; 4) Close the file indicating that the data access is terminated. fout.close( ); 4

5 Mode of Opening a File Input –ifstream fin(“”, ios::in); Output –ofstream fout(“datafile.out”, ios::out); Both input and output –fstream acctFile(“accountfile.txt”, ios::in|ios::out); Append –ofstream fout(“accountfile.txt”, ios::app); 5

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