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Telling Time. James Hutton “The Father of Geology” Uniformitarianism.

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Presentation on theme: "Telling Time. James Hutton “The Father of Geology” Uniformitarianism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Telling Time

2 James Hutton “The Father of Geology” Uniformitarianism

3 Relative vs Absolute Dating


5 193019401957 1965 19781990 2005

6 Principles of Relative Dating Principle of… Original Horizontality Superposition Cross Cutting Relationships Inclusions Faunal Succession

7 (1) Principle of Original Horizontality

8 2. Principle of Superposition Youngest Strata Oldest Strata

9 (3) Principle of Crosscutting Relationships

10 (4) Principle of Inclusions

11 (5) Principle of Faunal Succession Sketch by Baron Cuvier (1769-1832)

12 William “Strata” Smith

13 Diatoms

14 Example of Relative Time 1 Oldest - D - B - C - E - Youngest

15 Example 2 of Relative Time Oldest - G - E - 2 - K - D - L - A - M - B - I - O - 1 - H - C - F - 3 - N - Youngest

16 Unconformities Gaps in the Rock = Gaps in Time

17 Types of Conformity - Angular Unconformity

18 Angular Unconformity in the Grand Canyon

19 The Angular Unconformity at Siccar Point, Scotland Source: Edward A. Hay, De Anza College, Cupertino, CA

20 Types of Conformity - Nonconformity

21 Types of Conformity - Disconformity

22 Nonconformity - Grand Canyon

23 Example of Relative Time 1

24 Correlation

25 Colorado Plateau Correlation


27 Geologic Time Scale

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