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FANNING THE GIFT OF GOD INTO FLAME. What is the gift of God that we need to fan into flame?

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Presentation on theme: "FANNING THE GIFT OF GOD INTO FLAME. What is the gift of God that we need to fan into flame?"— Presentation transcript:


2 What is the gift of God that we need to fan into flame?

3 The gift of God, sometimes called the anointing, is the passion and zeal to serve the Lord with our whole heart in the power of the Holy Spirit.

4 There are seven things we can do to help fan this gift of God into flame in our lives (2 Tim 1:5-6).

5 1. Acknowledge that your zeal / anointing may have decreased; ask for forgiveness

6 2. Keep your first love first

7 3. Protect your zeal / anointing

8 4. Become a student of the Bible

9 5. Live a simple lifestyle

10 6. Walk in love

11 7. Live prayerfully

12 It is not what Paul believes that makes the difference, but knowing whom he believes. It is not a set of doctrines that brings life, it is the person of Jesus. “I know whom I have believed... (verse 12)”

13 Verse 12. For I know whom I have believed and am convinced that he is able... (paraphrased)

14 Over many experiences in my life since I first trusted Jesus as my Saviour, I have come to the point in my life today where I can say without wavering that I now know and trust Jesus Christ intimately. Furthermore, as a result of my daily experience of trusting him over the years, I am persuaded to conclude, beyond doubt in my mind, that God is willing and able to help me (v 12).

15 The anointing is not something magical or mystical, and neither is it just for apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.

16 God’s anointing is for every Christian who is willing to serve the Lord wholeheartedly.

17 (c) 2011 Kevin Sarlow

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