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The Cultural Environments Facing Business

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1 The Cultural Environments Facing Business

2 X √ What is Culture? Cultural literacy Ethnocentricity
“A system of values and norms that are shared among a group of people and that when taken together constitute a design for living.” - Hofstede, Namenwirth, and Weber Cultural literacy Detailed knowledge of a culture that enables a person to function effectively within it Ethnocentricity Belief that one’s own ethnic group or culture is superior to that of others X

3 Cultural Orientations
International businesses adopt an attitude towards foreign cultures Polycentrism: control is decentralized so regional managers can conduct business in a local manner Ethnocentrism: belief that ones own culture is superior and ignores important factors Geocentrism: a hybrid of polycentrism and ethnocentrism, the middle ground Companies MUST evaluate their practices to ensure they account for national cultural norms 2-18

4 Major Cultural Issues Problems arise in international business when:
Employees have subconscious reactions Employees assume all societal groups are similar A company implements practices of work less well than intended Employees encounter distress because of an inability to accept or adjust to foreign cultural behaviors Companies/employees are insensitive to foreign consumer preferences 2-3

5 Some Cross Cultural Blunders
American Motors tried to market its new car, the Matador, based on the image of courage and strength. However, in Puerto Rico the name means "killer" and was not popular on the hazardous roads in the country. A sales manager in Hong Kong tried to control employee's promptness at work. He insisted they come to work on time instead of 15 minutes late. They complied, but then left exactly on time instead of working into the evening as they previously had done. Much work was left unfinished until the manager relented and they returned to their usual time schedule. A US telephone company tried to market its products and services to Latinos by showing a commercial in which a Latino wife tells her husband to call a friend, telling her they would be late for dinner. The commercial bombed since Latino women do not order their husbands around and their use of time would not require a call about lateness. Proctor & Gamble used a television commercial in Japan that was popular in Europe. The ad showed a woman bathing, her husband entering the bathroom and touching her. The Japanese considered this ad an invasion of privacy, inappropriate behavior, and in very poor taste.

6 Cultural Awareness Problems that hinder cultural awareness
Subconscious reactions to circumstances Assumption that all societal subgroups are similar Cultural awareness can be improved Research descriptions of specific cultures Observe behavior Study foreign market directly

7 Company’s need for cultural knowledge increases as it:
Moves from one to multiple foreign functions Increases the number of countries in which it operates Moves from similar to dissimilar foreign environments Converts from external to internal handling of international operations

8 Identification of Cultures
Culture – the set of values, beliefs, rules, and institutions held by a specific group of people People also belong to national, ethnic, professional, and organizational cultures Points of reference: National Geographic Language Religion International business often changes cultures 2-5

9 Identification and Dynamics of Cultures
The nation as a point of reference Each nation has certain human, demographic, and behavioral Characteristics that give it a national identity people share values, language, and race Laws governing business apply along national lines Problems using a country-by-country approach individual differences within a country similarities link groups from different countries Cultural formation and dynamics Value systems set early in life, but may change Values may change due to choice or imposition cultural diffusion vs imperialism IB increases change in cultures and governments

10 Physical & Environments Personal Communication
Components of Culture Physical & Environments Education Personal Communication Religion Social Structure Manners & Customs Values & Attitudes Aesthetics Culture

11 Values and Attitudes Values are ideas, beliefs, and customs to which people are emotionally attached. Example: Islamic law prohibits use of alcohol Attitudes are positive or negative evaluations, feelings, and tendencies that individuals harbor toward objects or concepts. Example: Being on time is important to some cultures while it is not important in other cultures

12 Manners: Appropriate ways of behaving, speaking and dressing in a culture.
Customs: Habits or ways of behaving in specific circumstances that are passed down through generations in culture

13 Social Structure Social structure refers to its basic social organization Two dimensions that are particularly important include: The extent to which society is group or individually oriented Degree of stratification into castes or classes

14 Individual vs. Group Orientation
Group societies see groups as the primary unit of social organization Group members Often form deep emotional attachments See group membership as all important Emphasis on the group can be both beneficial and harmful Strong group identification creates pressure for mutual self-help and collective action Discourages managers and workers from moving from company to company Discourages entrepreneurship Individual societies tend to view individual attributes and achievements as being more important than group membership Emphasis on individual performance can be both beneficial and harmful Encourages entrepreneurship Can lead to high degree of managerial mobility

15 Many of the asian cultures are collectivist, while anglo cultures tend to be individualist.
Implications A market research firm conducted a survey of tourist agencies around the world. The questionnaires came back from most countries in less than a month. But the agencies in the asian countries took months to do it. After many telexes, it was finally done. The reason was that, for example, American tourist agencies assigned the work to one person, while the Filipinos delegated the work to the entire department, which took longer. The researchers also noticed that the telexes from the Philippines always came from a different person.

16 Social Stratification
Social stratification refers to the fact that all societies are stratified on a hierarchical basis of social categories Strata are typically defined on the basis of characteristics such as family background, occupation, and income

17 Social Stratification Systems
Individuals status with the culture Managerial groups may be highly valued Employees may be valued less Ascribed group memberships Gender, family, age, caste, and ethnic, racial or national origin Acquired group memberships Religion, political affiliations, and professional and other associations 2-8

18 Characteristic-Based Groups
Gender-based groups China India Afghanistan Saudi Arabia Age-based groups Family-based groups Occupation 2-10

19 Religious and Ethical Systems
Religion: a system of shared beliefs and rituals that are concerned with the realm of the sacred Ethical systems: a set of moral principles, or values, that are used to guide and shape behavior Most of the world’s ethical systems are the product of religions Among the thousands of religions in the world today, four dominate in terms of numbers of adherents: Christianity with 1.7 billion adherents Islam with 1 billion adherents Hinduism with 750 million adherents Buddhism with 350 million adherents

20 Religious and Ethical Systems
Map 3.1 The Map of World Religions, p. 99

21 Christianity This is the most widely practiced religion in the world, approximately 20% of the world’s people identify themselves as Christians Christianity grew out of Judaism and has monotheistic beliefs Christianity can be subdivided into three separate organizations The Orthodox church The Roman Catholic church Protestants which is an umbrella for several denominations

22 Economic Implications of Christianity
Several sociologists have argued that protestants have made a significant economic impact Max Weber commented That business leaders and owners of capital, as well as the higher grades of skilled labor, and even more the higher technically and commercially trained personnel of modern enterprises, are overwhelmingly Protestant. That Protestant ethics emphasize the importance of hard work and wealth creation (for the glory of God) and frugality (abstinence from worldly pleasures). That the combination of hard work and the accumulation of capital, which could be used to finance investment and expansion, paved the way for the development of capitalism in Western Europe and subsequently in the United States.

23 Islam The central principle of Islam is that there is but the one true omnipotent God Islam requires unconditional acceptance of the uniqueness, power, and authority of God and the understanding that the objective of life is to fulfill the dictates of his will in the hope of admission to paradise According to Islam, worldly gain and temporal power are an illusion

24 Other major principles of Islam include:
Honoring and respecting parents Respecting the rights of others Being generous but not a squanderer Avoiding killing except for justifiable causes Not committing adultery Dealing justly and equitably with others Being of pure heart and mind Safeguarding the possessions of orphans Being humble and unpretentious

25 Economic Implications of Islam
The Koran establishes some explicit economic principles, many of which are pro-free enterprise The Koran speaks approvingly of free enterprise and of earning legitimate profit through trade and commerce (the prophet Mohammed was once a trader) The protection of the right to private property is also embedded within Islam Islam is critical of those who earn profit through the exploitation of others

26 Given the Islamic proclivity to favor market-based systems, Muslim countries are likely to be receptive to international businesses as long as those businesses behave in a manner that is consistent with Islamic ethics

27 Education Education level Brain drain
Cultures pass on traditions, customs, and values through schooling, parenting, group memberships, etc. Education level Well-educated attract high-paying jobs, while poorly educated attract low-paying manufacturing jobs Brain drain Departure of highly educated people from one profession, geographic region or nation to another

28 Problem of Illiteracy

29 Physical and Material Culture
These influence a culture’s development and pace of change Topography Physical features characterizing the surface of a geographic region Climate Weather conditions of a geographic region Material Culture Technology used to manufacture goods and provide services

30 Dealing With Cultural Differences
Be tolerant of differing perceptions of time Understand the message sent by body language Be sensitive to accurate translations Spoken Written 2-14

31 Language as a cultural stabilizer
Culture spreads rapidly when people from different areas speak the same language Stronger adherence to a culture if it does not share its language with other peoples English, French, and Spanish are widespread most of IB conducted in English

32 Language Strategies Get references for translators
Ensure the translator is familiar with technical vocabulary for the business Do a back translation Use simple words Avoid slang Repeat words and ask questions Expect the extra time communication will take 2-16

33 Language Groups 2-17

34 Differences in Information and Task Processing
We perceive and reach conclusions differently Perception of cues; Arabic has more than 6,000 words for camels… Obtaining information Low-context cultures (United States) High-context cultures (Saudi Arabia) Information Processing Sequentially or simultaneously Focused or broad Handling principles or small issues first 2-13

35 High Context vs Low Context
Low context cultures include Anglos, Germanics and Scandinavians. High context cultures include Japanese, Arabs and French. Implications Interactions between high and low context peoples can be problematic. Japanese can find Westerners to be offensively blunt. Westerners can find Japanese to be secretive, devious and bafflingly unforthcoming with information French can feel that Germans insult their intelligence by explaining the obvious, while Germans can feel that French managers provide no direction Low context cultures are vulnerable to communication breakdowns when they assume more shared understanding than there really is. This is especially true in an age of diversity. Low context cultures are not known for their ability to tolerate or understand diversity, and tend to be more insular.

36 Individualism vs. collectivism Uncertainty avoidance
Hofstede Framework Individualism vs. collectivism Power distance Uncertainty avoidance Masculinity vs femininity

37 Culture in the Workplace
Four dimensions of culture Power distance - cultures are ranked high or low on this dimension based on the particular society’s ability to deal with inequalities Individualism versus collectivism - this dimension focuses on the relationship between the individual and his/her fellows within a culture Uncertainty avoidance - this dimension measures the extent to which a culture socializes its members into accepting ambiguous situations and tolerating uncertainty Masculinity versus femininity - this dimension looks at the relationship between gender and work roles Of considerable importance for an international business with operations in different countries is how a society’s culture affects the values found in the workplace. Management process and practices may need to vary according to culturally determined work related values. For example, if the cultures of the United States and France result in different work-related values, an international business with operations in both countries should vary its management process and practices to account for these differences. Probably the most famous study of how culture relates to values in the workplace was undertaken by Geert Hofstede.44 As part of his job as a psychologist working for IBM, Hofstede collected data on employee attitudes and values for more than 100,000 individuals from 1967 to These data enabled him to compare dimensions of culture across 40 countries. Hofstede isolated four dimensions that he claimed summarized different cultures—power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism versus collectivism, and masculinity versus femininity.

38 Work-Related Values for 20 Selected Countries
Table 3.1 – Work-Related Values for 20 Selected Countries, p. 113

39 Power Distance & Individualism

40 Power Distance & Uncertainty Avoidance

41 Kluckhohn-Strodtbeck Framework
Relation to nature Time orientation Trust and control Material or spiritual Responsibility to others View of personal space

42 Managerial Implications
Cross-cultural literacy Culture and competitive advantage Culture and business ethics

43 Keys to Success Organizations must understand cultural differences
Organizations must be culturally literate in order to avoid misunderstanding As companies enter into the international market, localizing business policies and practices can help managers to succeed

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