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GraniteOntologies Acquiring and Applying Ontologies in GraniteNights GraniteNights, Gunnar Aastrand Grimnes, CIA, August 2003. Gunnar Aastrand Grimnes,

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1 GraniteOntologies Acquiring and Applying Ontologies in GraniteNights GraniteNights, Gunnar Aastrand Grimnes, CIA, August 2003. Gunnar Aastrand Grimnes, Stuart Schalmers, Pete Edwards & Alun Preece

2 Introduction & Talk Overview GraniteNights: Initially made for Agentcities Competition. Demo’ed @ AC ID3 in Barcelona, Feb. 03. GraniteNights also presetned in a “proper” talk @ CIA2003. Talk: Overview Ontologies Tools Conclusions

3 Screenshots I

4 Screenshots II GraniteNights remembers users and learns their preferences over time.

5 Architecture Diagram

6 Messages and Data in GN Everything is RDF, use as little SL as possible. Not just data: All messages are represented in RDF. Jade message envelopes are SL (but could be XML or RDF using the appropriate plugin). To support this several ontologies are needed.

7 Ontologies Re-use is the name of the game. Ontologies from Agentcities.RTD project: Shows (cinema) Restaurants Utilities ( address, time/dates etc. ) Home grown ontologies: Beer & Pubs ( based on Shoe example ontology ) Evening plans & User Profiles Query by Example

8 Tools Jena for handling RDF: Supports N3, great for hand-writing RDF, convert to RDF/XML. Frodo RDFSViz Home-made: Query By Example. Java “ontology classes” generator. Ontology driven “Classfiller” for generating instance data. XEmacs! The one and only text-editor!

9 Query By Example QBex is an RDF based query language. Variables & constraints are supported. Internally converted to RDQL: Brown SELECT ?x WHERE (?x, ?y, ?z), ( ?x,, ), ( ?x,, " Brown " )

10 QBeX : Variables Using an RDF based constraint interchange format, QBeX can represent expressions like: Query(X): { type(X, Restaurant), serves(X, Tandoori), openingTime(X,Y), Y>1900. }

11 Jena vocabulary classes Vocabulary Java files are generated directly from the XML files. Javadoc comments generated includes: Labels & Comments Sub and Super classes Range / Domain of Properties Support RDFS & DAML+OIL. Combined with Frodo RDFSViz it makes a powerful tool for understanding new ontologies.

12 Ontology driven Web form for RDF generation Fully web-based instance creator. Generates forms for each possible class. Forms have fields for each property of a class. Supports sub-class & sub-property inference. Supports DAML+OIL & RDFS ontologies. Written in PHP, using RDF API for PHP (RAP).

13 Conclusions Lightweight ontologies are more than sufficient. The representation powers of DAML+OIL are too much to handle. Jade agents + RDF/XML for message content work well! Using RDF makes interoperability and reusability a breeze. Several other projects in Aberdeen, re-using components of GraniteNights!

14 Wishlist for ontologies the future AC net: Standardise on OWL-Lite for ontology representation. Ontology repository which is used... …and which includes DOCUMENTATION :) And btw, what about using RDF/XML for all messages? … and a Jade plugin that will convert them to Java object(s)?

15 Questions?

16 QBeX – CIF Example x > 1900....

17 The single most important thing to remember from this talk: VOTE FOR US IN THE COMPETITION! Dr Pete EdwardsDr Alun PreeceGunnar GrimnesStuart Chalmers

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