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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder By: Psychology and History Students.

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1 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder By: Psychology and History Students

2 PSTD From The Gulf War 13% of the 700,000 people who were sent to the Persian Gulf returned, complaining of physical and mental problems 13% of the 700,000 people who were sent to the Persian Gulf returned, complaining of physical and mental problems These problems were called “Gulf War Syndrome” and “Gulf War Illness”. These problems were called “Gulf War Syndrome” and “Gulf War Illness”. These complaints prompted a research into deployment- related stressors by the defense department These complaints prompted a research into deployment- related stressors by the defense department It took time, but many eventually adjusted, only few continued to have symptoms. It took time, but many eventually adjusted, only few continued to have symptoms.

3 Vietnam War Causes from the Vietnam War many of the veterans reported the odd feelings after receiving Causes from the Vietnam War many of the veterans reported the odd feelings after receiving Hostile incoming fire from artillery, rockets, mortars, or bombs Hostile incoming fire from artillery, rockets, mortars, or bombs Participating in combat missions or patrols Participating in combat missions or patrols Participating in an invasion that involved naval and/or land forces Participating in an invasion that involved naval and/or land forces Encountering land or water mines and/or booby traps Encountering land or water mines and/or booby traps Studies also showed that veterans who experienced a larger number of stressors in the war were not necessarily less satisfied or less accomplished than veterans who had a milder war experience Studies also showed that veterans who experienced a larger number of stressors in the war were not necessarily less satisfied or less accomplished than veterans who had a milder war experience

4 PTSD Causes very traumatic events, usually war but can sometimes be from rape, kidnapping, or child abuse, persistent frightening thoughts and memories of ordeal, loss of interests, become aggressive or irritable, thoughts can be triggered by things in daily life such as doors creaking or car backfiring, these are called flashbacks very traumatic events, usually war but can sometimes be from rape, kidnapping, or child abuse, persistent frightening thoughts and memories of ordeal, loss of interests, become aggressive or irritable, thoughts can be triggered by things in daily life such as doors creaking or car backfiring, these are called flashbacks the flashbacks consist of sights, sounds, and smells, the symptoms usually occur within 3 months of the experience and must take place for at least a month for PTSD to be diagnosed. the flashbacks consist of sights, sounds, and smells, the symptoms usually occur within 3 months of the experience and must take place for at least a month for PTSD to be diagnosed.

5 Symptoms of PTSD recurrent flashbacks of the trauma (for example, troublesome memories, flashbacks that are usually caused by reminders of the traumatic events, recurring nightmares about the trauma and/or dissociative reliving of the trauma), recurrent flashbacks of the trauma (for example, troublesome memories, flashbacks that are usually caused by reminders of the traumatic events, recurring nightmares about the trauma and/or dissociative reliving of the trauma), avoidances that become phobias of places, people, and experiences that remind the sufferer of the trauma and a general numbing of emotional responsiveness avoidances that become phobias of places, people, and experiences that remind the sufferer of the trauma and a general numbing of emotional responsiveness chronic physical signs of hyperarousal, including sleep problems, trouble concentrating, irritability, anger, poor concentration, blackouts or difficulty remembering things, increased tendency and reaction to being startled, and hypervigilance to threat. chronic physical signs of hyperarousal, including sleep problems, trouble concentrating, irritability, anger, poor concentration, blackouts or difficulty remembering things, increased tendency and reaction to being startled, and hypervigilance to threat.

6 PTSD Treatment current strategies include patient eductaion, pharmacology, and psychotherapy current strategies include patient eductaion, pharmacology, and psychotherapy patient education involves informing the patient about the symptoms being experienced and why they experiencing them patient education involves informing the patient about the symptoms being experienced and why they experiencing them pharmacology includes several prescriptions that effect reuptake of seretonin inhibitors such as trazodone and clonidine pharmacology includes several prescriptions that effect reuptake of seretonin inhibitors such as trazodone and clonidine pyschotherapy is an interpersonal and relational intervention that aids clients in problems of living by increasing individual sense of well-being and reducing subjective discomforting experience pyschotherapy is an interpersonal and relational intervention that aids clients in problems of living by increasing individual sense of well-being and reducing subjective discomforting experience

7 How to Cope with PTSD learn about the disorder learn about the disorder talk to friends, family, professionals, and PTSD survivors talk to friends, family, professionals, and PTSD survivors join a support group join a support group reduce stress by using relaxation techniques reduce stress by using relaxation techniques actively participate in treatment as recommended by professionals actively participate in treatment as recommended by professionals increase positive lifestyle practices increase positive lifestyle practices minimizing negative lifestyle practices like substance abuse, social isolation, working to excess, and self- destructive or suicidal behaviors minimizing negative lifestyle practices like substance abuse, social isolation, working to excess, and self- destructive or suicidal behaviors

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