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Knowledge Modelling: Foundations, Techniques and Applications Enrico Motta Knowledge Media Institute The Open University United Kingdom.

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge Modelling: Foundations, Techniques and Applications Enrico Motta Knowledge Media Institute The Open University United Kingdom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge Modelling: Foundations, Techniques and Applications Enrico Motta Knowledge Media Institute The Open University United Kingdom

2 User Interface Domain Knowledge Base Inference Engine Basic KBS Architecture

3 User Interface Domain Knowledge Base Inference Engine First Generation KBS Architecture Rule-based Backward-chaining Set of Domain rules

4 User Interface Domain Knowledge Base Inference Engine Problems l Focus on implementation-level aspects (backward chaining) rather than knowledge-level functionalities (medical diagnosis) l Poor explanation capabilities l Difficult to assess competence l Low-level reuse support —Rules tend to be application specific

5 Heuristic Classification Model Abstraction Heuristic Match Data Refinement Solutions Clancey, AI Journal, 27, 1985 Data Abstractions Solutions Abstractions

6 HC in Medical Diagnosis Abstraction Heuristic Match Refinement Solutions Data Abstractions Solutions Abstractions Low white blood count Immunosuppressed Data Gram-negative Infection E-coli Infection

7 HC in Book Selection Abstraction Heuristic Match Refinement Solutions Data Abstractions Solutions Abstractions Watches no TV Educated Person Stereotype Data ‘Intelligent Book’ Anna Karenina

8 So What? (Competence vs Performance) l Knowledge-level analysis shows what system actually does, not how it does it —The interesting aspect about Mycin is its classification behaviour, not its depth-first control regime —Separation of competence from performance (or specification from implementation) »Important for both analysis and design of knowledge-intensive systems

9 So What? (Levels of system analysis) l There exist different levels at which a system can be described —knowledge-level (tasks and problem solving methods) —Symbol-level (backward-chaining) —Sub-symbol level (registers) l Shift in the level of analysis: —Wrong question: Can a problem be solved by means of a rule-based system? —Right questions: What type of knowledge- intensive task are we tackling? What are the appropriate problem solving methods?

10 So What? (Reuse) l Knowledge-level analysis uncovers generic reasoning patterns in problem solving agents —E.g., heuristic classification l Shift from rule-based reuse to knowledge-level reuse l Focus on high-level reusable task models and reasoning patterns —Classes of tasks »Design, diagnosis, classification, etc. —Problem solving methods »Design methods, classification methods, etc.

11 So What? (Research & Development) l Model-based knowledge acquisition —From acquiring rules to instantiating task models l Robust KBS development by reuse —KBS as a structured development process »Robustness and economy —Importance of libraries —KBS development not necessarily an ‘art’! l Towards a practical theory of knowledge-based systems —What are the classes of tasks/problem solving methods? —How do we identify/model them? —When are methods appropriate?

12 Knowledge-level Architectures for Sharing and Reuse Application of the modelling paradigm to the specification and use of libraries of reusable components for knowledge systems

13 Modelling Frameworks (1) l A modelling framework identifies the generic types of knowledge which occur in knowledge systems, thus providing a generic epistemological organization for knowledge systems l Several exist —KADS/Common KADS - Un.of Amsterdam —Components of Expertise - Steels —Generic Tasks - Chandrasekaran —Role-limiting Methods - McDermott —Protégé - Musen, Stanford —TMDA - Motta —UPML - Fensel & Motta

14 Modelling Frameworks (2) l Much in common —Emphasis on reusable models —Typology of generic tasks —Constructivist paradigm l Some differences —Different degrees of coupling between domain-specific and domain-independent knowledge —Different degrees of flexibility —Different typologies of knowledge categories

15 A Constructive Approach... Let’s define our own framework...

16 Generic Tasks l Informal definition —A generic class of applications - e.g., planning, design, diagnosis, scheduling, etc.. l More precise definition —A knowledge-level, application-independent description of the goal to be attained by a problem solver. l Several typologies exist —e.g., Breuker, 1994 l Viewpoints over applications —No ‘natural categories’ —Different viewpoints can be imposed on a particular application

17 Example: Parametric Design Generic Task Parametric Design Inputs:Parameters, Constraints, Requirements, Cost-Function, Preferences Output:Design-Model Goal: “To produce a complete and consistent design model, which satisfies the given requirements” Preconditions:“At least one requirement and one parameter are provided”

18 Example: Classification Generic Task Classification Inputs:Candidate-classes Observables Output:Best-Matching-Classes Preconditions: “At least one candidate class exists” Goal: “To find the class that best explains the observables”

19 Generic Component 2: Reusable PSMs l A domain-independent, knowledge-level specification of problem solving behaviour, which can be used to solve a class of tasks. l PSM specifications may be partial l PSM can be task-specific —E.g., heuristic classification l PSM can be task-independent —E.g., search methods, such as hill-climbing, A*, etc.....

20 Functional Specification of a PSM Problem solving method search ontology import state-space-terminology competence roles input input: State output output: State preconditions input ≠ 0 postconditions solution_state (output) assumptions  ?s. solution_state (?s) & successor (input, ?s)

21 Operational Description Begin states:= one x. initialize (input input) repeat state:= one x. select _state (states states) if solution_state (state) then return state else succ_states:= one x. derive_successor_states (state state) states:= one x. update_state_space (input1 states input2 succ_states) end if end repeat end

22 Task-Method Structures Problem Type Primitive PSM

23 Multi-Functional Domain Models l Domain-specific models, which are not committed to a specific PSM or task. l Examples —A database of cars —The CYC knowledge base, etc..

24 Application Model Picture so far.. Problem Solving Method Classification Simple Classifier Lunar rocks Generic Task Multi-Functional Domain

25 Problem Solving Method Classification Simple Classifier Lunar rocks Application Model Generic Task Multi-Functional Domain Issue How to link different reusable components?

26 Problem Solving Method Classification Task-Domain Mapping PSM-Domain Mapping Simple Classifier Lunar rocks Application Model Generic Task Multi-Functional Domain Solution: Mappings l Mappings model explicitly the relationship between different components in an application model Task-PSM Mapping

27 Example l Scenario: Office Allocation Application l Generic Task: Parametric Design l Domain: KB about employees and offices Parameter Employee Design Model Pairs Task Level Domain Level

28 Mappings are an example of application-specific knowledge. Are there others? Application-specific knowledge Yes: Application-specific heuristic problem solving knowledge

29 Elevator Design Example l A configuration designer only considers two positions for the counterweight —Half way between platform and U-bracket —A position such that the distance between the counterweight and the platform is at least 0.75 inches

30 Complete Picture Problem Solving Method Generic Task Multi-Functional Domain Mapping Knowledge Application-specific Problem-Solving Knowledge Application Configuration Application Model

31 Even More Complete Picture Problem Solving Method Generic Task Multi-Functional Domain Mapping Knowledge Application-specific Problem-Solving Knowledge Application Configuration Domain Ontology Task Ontology Method Ontology Mapping Ontology Ontology Application Model


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