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Lecture 5 Sept 12, 2011 Goals: Linked list (Chapter 3) list class in STL (section 3.3) implementing with linked lists.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 5 Sept 12, 2011 Goals: Linked list (Chapter 3) list class in STL (section 3.3) implementing with linked lists."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 5 Sept 12, 2011 Goals: Linked list (Chapter 3) list class in STL (section 3.3) implementing with linked lists

2 Overview of list vs. array list can be incrementally grown. (dynamic array resizing is expensive.) inserting next to a given node takes constant time. (In arrays, this takes O(n) time where n = size of the array.) searching for a given key even in a sorted list takes O(n) time. (in sorted array, it takes O(log n) time by binary search.) accessing the k-th node takes O(k) time. (in array, this takes O(1) time.)

3 Abstract Data Type (ADT) oList ADT insert, find, delete (primary operations) successor, merge, reverse, … (secondary) oVariations of linked lists oCircular lists oDoubly linked lists Review of ADT List

4 A node class class Node { public: Node(int x) { key = x; next = 0; } void set_key(int x) { key = x; } void set_next(Node* n) { next = n; } int get_key() { return key; } Node* get_next() { return next; } static Node* copy(Node* in) { Node* tmp; if (in == 0) return 0; else { Node* tmp1 = copy(in->next); tmp = new Node(in->key); tmp->next = tmp1; return tmp; } private: int key; Node* next; };

5 Some list functions Consider the standard singly-linked list class: class list { private: Node* first; list(int k) { first = new Node(k);} void insert(int k, int posn); // insert k at posn Node* find(int k); // return first node containing k void delete(int k); // remove first node containing k int length(); // return the length of the list void delete_after(Node* n);// remove node after n, if it // exists void get_key(int posn); // return key in a given position void print_list(); // print the list........ } etc. Other functions: delete a key in a position.

6 Implementing some of the functions void insert(int k, int posn) { // insert k at a given position // write recursively. }

7 Implementing some of the functions void insert(int k, int posn) { // insert k at a given position // write recursively. if (posn length()) return; // wrong value of posn; ignore if (posn == 1) { list* temp = new list(k); temp->next = first; first = temp; } else first->next = first->next.insert(k, posn-1); }

8 Reverse the list We want to reverse the list using the existing nodes of the list, i.e., without creating new nodes.

9 Reverse the list We want to reverse the list using the existing node of the list, i.e., without creating new nodes. void reverse() { if (head == NULL || head -> next == NULL) return; Node* p = head; Node* q = p-> next; p->next = NULL; while (q != NULL) { Node* temp = q -> next; q->next = p; p = q; q = temp; } head = p; }

10 Remove negative items from the list Example: List: -3, 4, 5, -2, 11 becomes 4, 5, 11 We will write this one recursively.

11 Remove negative items from the list Example: List: -3, 4, 5, -2, 11 becomes 4, 5, 11 We will write this one recursively. void remove_negative() { // removes all the negative items from a list // Example input: -4 5 6 -2 8; output: 5 6 8 if (head == NULL) return; else if (head->key >= 0) { List nList = List(head->next); nList.remove_negative(); head->next = nList.head; } else { List nList = List(head->next); nList.remove_negative(); head = nList.head; }

12 A problem similar to Project # 1 Generate all the subsets of a given set of numbers. Thus, if the input is {1, 2, 4} the output is: {} {1} {2} {4} {1, 2} {1, 4} {2, 4} {1, 2, 4} Our program treats all the input symbols as distinct so a pre-condition is: the input array elements are distinct.

13 Data structure used Array or vector of lists: Each member of the vector is a pointer to a list containing one of the subsets. null 2 42 4 A 01230123

14 subsets(A, j) will generate all the subsets of the set {A[0], A[1], …, A[j – 1]}. Thus, if A = [2, 4, 6, 1], then subsets(A, 1) will generate all the subsets of {2}, build(A, 2) will generate all the subsets of {2, 4} etc. subsets(A,1) returns: null 2 subsets(A,2) returns: null 2 42 4

15 subsets (A, k) calls subsets(A,k–1). Let temp be the result from the call. It creates a copy of temp, say temp1. It inserts A[k-1] into each list of temp1. It merges temp and temp1 and returns the merged array of lists. Example: A = {1, 3, 2}. Suppose k = 2. Build(A,2) returns the collection of lists [ ], [1], [3], [1, 3]. Now inserting 2 into each of the lists gives [2], [2,1], [2,3], [2,1,3]. Merging the two lists we get: [ ], [1], [3], [1, 3], [2], [2,1], [2,3], [2,1,3]. This is the set of all subsets of {1, 3, 2}.

16 classes List and Node class List { public: List() { head = 0; } List(int x) { head = new Node(x); } void insert(int k) { // insert k as the first // item of the list Node* tmp = new Node(k); tmp->setNext(head); head = tmp; } void print() { Node* temp = head; cout << "{"; while (temp != NULL) { cout getKey(); if (temp->getNext()!= 0) cout << ", "; temp = temp->getNext(); } cout << "}"; cout << endl; } private: class Node { public: Node(int x) { key = x; next = NULL; } void setNext(Node* p) {next = p;} void setKey(int k) {key = k;} int getKey() { return key;} Node* getNext() { return next;} private: int key; Node* next; }; Node* head; };

17 The class subsets class subsets { private: vector v; public: subsets(); subsets(vector & A, int k); void insert(int k; void merge(subsets c); void subsetsPrint(); };

18 Algorithm for permutation problem permutation(input array A, int n, int k) { if (n == 1) // same as for combination else { temp = permutation(A, n-1, k); temp1 = permutation(A, n-1, k-1); for j from 1 to k-1 do { temp2 = copy(temp1); insert A[n-1] at position j of each list in temp2; temp = merge(temp, temp2); } return temp; }

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