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Project 2CS-4513, D-Term 20071 Programming Project #2 Distributed Game of Life Due Tuesday, April 10.

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Presentation on theme: "Project 2CS-4513, D-Term 20071 Programming Project #2 Distributed Game of Life Due Tuesday, April 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project 2CS-4513, D-Term 20071 Programming Project #2 Distributed Game of Life Due Tuesday, April 10

2 Project 2CS-4513, D-Term 20072 Assignment Implement a distributed version of the Game of Life based on the concurrent version of Project #1

3 Project 2CS-4513, D-Term 20073 Objective Build a non-trivial distributed application Learn to use remote procedure call or remote objects

4 Project 2CS-4513, D-Term 20074 Distributed Game of Life Divide grid into fixed-size subgrids 32  32 cells for this project Each subgrid is computed by a process on a physically separate machine Called a player Each player must get information about cells on boundary from neighboring players Each player must tell neighboring players about its cells on its boundary

5 Project 2CS-4513, D-Term 20075 Distributed Game of Life (continued) First, start player services on remote hosts! Invoking Distributed Life Dlife X Y gen initPattern hostList logFile pause X, Y are number of players in x- and y-dimension gen is number of generations to play initPattern is file with initial grid pattern hostList is a file containing the names of the hosts for distributed players logFile, pause for debugging

6 Project 2CS-4513, D-Term 20076 Distributed Game of Life (continued) File initPattern –Same as file of Project #1 File hostList –List of hosts on which to services are found –One line per host Each line contains host name File logFile –File to which log method or function writes log entries

7 Project 2CS-4513, D-Term 20077 Distributed Game of Life (continued) Parent process starts each player by remote function or method call Initial value of subgrid (32  32 array) Array of objects denoting nearest neighbors –Null object  player is on a boundary Waits for players to call it with results from each generation Also implements remote logging service

8 Project 2CS-4513, D-Term 20078 Testing Distributed programs are harder than concurrent ones Logging is common technique to look at sequence of remote function or method calls Remote logging function Callable from anywhere By parent process or any player

9 Project 2CS-4513, D-Term 20079 Testing (continued) What to log –Identity of player –Player’s timestamp –Other information — e.g., about to invoke method m of player p (include args) just returned from invocation, result was … waiting for … Hint: develop the remote logging function first, before anything else!

10 Project 2CS-4513, D-Term 200710 Submission Submit via myWPI dropbox Source code & header files Makefile Script for starting services Test patterns and output Write-up We will Compile/build using make Run your test cases Run our test cases

11 Project 2CS-4513, D-Term 200711 Grading Successful submission — 10% Clear, cogent write-up — 15% Success build on Fossil Lab machines with no errors or warnings — 10% Successful operation of remote logging function — 15% Successful run of your test patterns — 25% Successful run of our test patterns — 25%

12 Project 2CS-4513, D-Term 200712 Questions?

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