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Statistics for Business and Economics

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1 Statistics for Business and Economics
Chapter 11 Multiple Regression and Model Building

2 Learning Objectives Explain the Linear Multiple Regression Model
Describe Inference About Individual Parameters Test Overall Significance Explain Estimation and Prediction Describe Various Types of Models Describe Model Building Explain Residual Analysis Describe Regression Pitfalls As a result of this class, you will be able to...

3 Types of Regression Models
Simple 1 Explanatory Variable Regression Models 2+ Explanatory Variables Multiple Linear Non- This teleology is based on the number of explanatory variables & nature of relationship between X & Y. 27

4 Multiple Regression Model
General form: k independent variables x1, x2, …, xk may be functions of variables e.g. x2 = (x1)2

5 Regression Modeling Steps
Hypothesize deterministic component Estimate unknown model parameters Specify probability distribution of random error term Estimate standard deviation of error Evaluate model Use model for prediction and estimation

6 First–Order Multiple Regression Model
Relationship between 1 dependent and 2 or more independent variables is a linear function Population Y-intercept Population slopes Random error Dependent (response) variable Independent (explanatory) variables 11

7 First-Order Model With 2 Independent Variables
Relationship between 1 dependent and 2 independent variables is a linear function Model Assumes no interaction between x1 and x2 Effect of x1 on E(y) is the same regardless of x2 values 11

8 Population Multiple Regression Model
Bivariate model: y (Observed y) Response b e i Plane x2 x1 (x1i , x2i) 12

9 Sample Multiple Regression Model
Bivariate model: y (Observed y) ^ Response b ^ e Plane i x2 x1 (x1i , x2i) 13



12 Regression Modeling Steps
Hypothesize Deterministic Component Estimate Unknown Model Parameters Specify Probability Distribution of Random Error Term Estimate Standard Deviation of Error Evaluate Model Use Model for Prediction & Estimation

13 Multiple Linear Regression Equations
Too complicated by hand! Ouch! 16

14 1st Order Model Example You work in advertising for the New York Times. You want to find the effect of ad size (sq. in.) and newspaper circulation (000) on the number of ad responses (00). Estimate the unknown parameters. You’ve collected the following data: (y) (x1) (x2) Resp Size Circ See Is this model specified correctly? What other variables could be used (color, photo’s etc.)? 18

15 0 ^ 1 ^ 2 ^

16 Interpretation of Coefficients Solution
^ Slope (1) Number of responses to ad is expected to increase by (20.49) for each 1 sq. in. increase in ad size holding circulation constant Y-intercept is difficult to interpret. How can you have any responses with no circulation? ^ Slope (2) Number of responses to ad is expected to increase by (28.05) for each 1 unit (1,000) increase in circulation holding ad size constant

17 Regression Modeling Steps
Hypothesize Deterministic Component Estimate Unknown Model Parameters Specify Probability Distribution of Random Error Term Estimate Standard Deviation of Error Evaluate Model Use Model for Prediction & Estimation

18 Estimation of σ2 For a model with k predictors (k+1 parameters)

19 More About JMP Output s s2 SSE
(also called “standard error of the regression”) s2 SSE (also called “mean squared error”)

20 Regression Modeling Steps
Hypothesize Deterministic Component Estimate Unknown Model Parameters Specify Probability Distribution of Random Error Term Estimate Standard Deviation of Error Evaluate Model Use Model for Prediction & Estimation

21 Evaluating Multiple Regression Model Steps
Examine variation measures Test parameter significance Individual coefficients Overall model Do residual analysis

22 Inference for an Individual β Parameter
Confidence Interval (rarely used in regression) Hypothesis Test (used all the time!) Ho: βi = 0 Ha: βi ≠ 0 (or < or > ) Test Statistic (how far is the sample slope from zero?) df = n – (k + 1)

23 Easy way: Just examine p-values
Both coefficients significant! Reject H0 for both tests

24 Testing Overall Significance
Shows if there is a linear relationship between all x variables together and y Hypotheses H0: 1 = 2 = ... = k = 0 No linear relationship Ha: At least one coefficient is not 0 At least one x variable affects y Less chance of error than separate t-tests on each coefficient. Doing a series of t-tests leads to a higher overall Type I error than .

25 Testing Overall Significance
Test Statistic Degrees of Freedom 1 = k 2 = n – (k + 1) k = Number of independent variables n = Sample size

26 Testing Overall Significance Computer Output
k Analysis of Variance Sum of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Prob>F Model Error C Total MS(Model) n – (k + 1) MS(Error) P-value

27 Testing Overall Significance Computer Output
k n – (k + 1) MS(Model) MS(Error) P-value

28 Types of Regression Models
Explanatory Variable 1st Order Model 3rd 2 or More Quantitative Variables 2nd Inter- Action 1 Qualitative Dummy This teleology is based on the number of explanatory variables & nature of relationship between X & Y. 27

29 Interaction Model With 2 Independent Variables
Hypothesizes interaction between pairs of x variables Response to one x variable varies at different levels of another x variable Contains two-way cross product terms Can be combined with other models Example: dummy-variable model 61

30 Interaction Model Relationships
E(y) = 1 + 2x1 + 3x2 + 4x1x2 E(y) E(y) = 1 + 2x1 + 3(1) + 4x1(1) = 4 + 6x1 12 8 E(y) = 1 + 2x1 + 3(0) + 4x1(0) = 1 + 2x1 4 x1 0.5 1 1.5 Effect (slope) of x1 on E(y) depends on x2 value 68

31 Interaction Example You work in advertising for the New York Times. You want to find the effect of ad size (sq. in.), x1, and newspaper circulation (000), x2, on the number of ad responses (00), y. Conduct a test for interaction. Use α = .05. Is this model specified correctly? What other variables could be used (color, photo’s etc.)? 18

32 Adding Interactions in JMP is Easy
Analyze >> Fit Model Click on the response variable and click the Y button Highlight the two X variables and click on the Add button While the two X variables are highlighted, click on the Cross button Run Model You can also combine steps 3 and 4 into one step: Highlight the two X variables and, from the “Macros” pull down menu, chose “Factorial to Degree.” The default for degree is 2, so you will get all two-factor interactions in the model.

33 JMP Interaction Output
Interaction not important: p-value > .05


35 Types of Regression Models
Explanatory Variable 1st Order Model 3rd 2 or More Quantitative Variables 2nd Inter- Action 1 Qualitative Dummy This teleology is based on the number of explanatory variables & nature of relationship between X & Y. 27

36 Second-Order Model With 1 Independent Variable
Relationship between 1 dependent and 1 independent variable is a quadratic function Useful 1st model if non-linear relationship suspected Model Note potential problem with multicollinearity. This is solved somewhat by centering on the mean. Linear effect Curvilinear effect 48

37 Second-Order Model Relationships
2 > 0 2 > 0 y y x1 x1 2 < 0 2 < 0 y y x1 x1 49

38 Types of Regression Models
Linear (First order) ^ ^ Y X i 1 i Quadratic (Second order) This teleology is based on the number of explanatory variables & nature of relationship between X & Y. ^ ^ ^ 2 Y X X i 1 i 2 i Cubic (Third order) ^ ^ ^ ^ 2 3 Y X X X i 1 3 i 2 i i 27

39 2nd Order Model Example The data shows the number of weeks employed and the number of errors made per day for a sample of assembly line workers. Find a 2nd order model, conduct the global F–test, and test if β2 ≠ 0. Use α = .05 for all tests.

40 Analyze >> Fit Y by X From hot spot menu choose:
Fit Polynomial >> 2, quadratic Could also use: Analyze >> Fit Model, select Y, then highlight X and, from the “Macros” pull down menu, chose “Polynomial to Degree.” The default for degree is 2, so you will get the quadratic (2nd order) polynomial. But from Fit Model, you won’t get the cool fitted line plot.

41 Types of Regression Models
Explanatory Variable 1st Order Model 3rd 2 or More Quantitative Variables 2nd Inter- Action 1 Qualitative Dummy This teleology is based on the number of explanatory variables & nature of relationship between X & Y. 27

42 Second-Order (Response Surface) Model With 2 Independent Variables
Relationship between 1 dependent and 2 independent variables is a quadratic function Useful 1st model if non-linear relationship suspected Model 63

43 Second-Order Model Relationships
y x2 x1 4 + 5 > 0 y 4 + 5 < 0 x2 x1 y 32 > 4 4 5 x2 x1 49

44 From JMP: To specify the model, all you need to do is:
Analyze >> Fit Model Highlight the X variables From the “Macros” pull down menu, chose “Response Surface.” The default for degree is 2, so you will get the full second-order model having all squared terms and all cross products.


46 Types of Regression Models
Explanatory Variable 1st Order Model 3rd 2 or More Quantitative Variables 2nd Inter- Action 1 Qualitative This teleology is based on the number of explanatory variables & nature of relationship between X & Y. 27

47 Qualitative-Variable Model
Involves categorical x variable with 2 levels e.g., male-female; college-no college Variable levels coded 0 and 1 Number of dummy variables is 1 less than number of levels of variable May be combined with quantitative variable (1st order or 2nd order model) 54


49 56

50 56

51 56

52 56

53 Qualitative Predictors in JMP
Analyze >> Fit Model Specify a qualitative variable JMP will automatically create the needed zero-one variables for you, and run the regression! (All transparent---it does not save the zero-one variables in your data table.) You need to do one thing (only once): Go to JMP >> Preferences. Now click the “Platforms” icon on the left panel, and click on “Fit Least Squares.” Now check the box on the right marked “Indicator Parameterization Estimates.” If you don’t do this your regression will still be correct, JMP will use a different form of zero-one (dummy) variables.

54 First 32 (out of 100) rows of the salary data.
Now do Analyze >> Fit Model


56 Residual Analysis

57 Residual Analysis Graphical analysis of residuals Purposes
Plot estimated errors versus xi values Difference between actual yi and predicted yi Estimated errors are called residuals Plot histogram or stem-&-leaf of residuals Purposes Examine functional form (linear v. non-linear model) Evaluate violations of assumptions

58 Residual Plot for Functional Form
Add x2 Term Correct Specification x e ^ x e ^ 92

59 Residual Plot for Equal Variance
Unequal Variance Correct Specification x e ^ x e ^ Fan-shaped. Standardized residuals used typically. 93

60 Residual Plot for Independence
Not Independent Correct Specification ^ x e ^ e x Plots reflect sequence data were collected. 94

61 Residual Analysis Using JMP
Fit full model, and examine “residual plot” of residuals (Y) vs. predicted values (Yhat). This plot automatically appears. Look for outliers, or curvature, or non-constant variance. Hope for a random, shotgun scatter---everything is OK then. Save the residuals (red tab >> Save Columns >> residuals) Analyze >> Distribution (of saved residuals) and obtain a normal quantile (probability plot) using the red tabs. Use the red tab to obtain a goodness of fit test for normality of the residuals using the tabs. If the data were collected sequentially over time, obtain a plot of residuals vs. row number to see if there are any patterns related to time. This is one check of the “independence” of residuals assumption. 94

62 Residual Analysis via JMP
Step 1: From regression of SalePrice on three predictors---so far so good

63 Residual Analysis via JMP
Step 2: Save residuals for more analysis Steps 3 and 4: (Normality OK (sort of, approximately anyway) Step 5: Only needed if data in time order. Graph >> Overlay Plot (specify residuals for Y, no X needed!---see next page.)

64 Residual Analysis via JMP
Step 2: Save residuals for more analysis Steps 3 and 4: (Normality OK (sort of, approximately anyway) Step 5: Only needed if data in time order. Graph >> Overlay Plot (no pattern apparent)

65 Selecting Variables in Model Building

66 Model Building with Computer Searches
Rule: Use as few x variables as possible Stepwise Regression Computer selects x variable most highly correlated with y Continues to add or remove variables depending on SSE Best subset approach Computer examines all possible sets

67 Subset Selection Simple models tend to work best
1. Give best predictions 2. Simplest explanations of underlying phenomena 3. Avoids multicollinearity (redundant X variables)

68 Manual Stepwise Regression:
1. Start with full model. 2. If all p-values < .05, stop. Otherwise, drop the variable that has the largest p value. 3. Refit the model. Go to step 2.

69 Automatic Stepwise Regression:
Let the computer do it for you! 1. Stepwise Regression. Backward stepwise automates the manual stepwise procedure 2. Best subsets regression. Computes all possible models and summarizes each.

70 JMP Stepwise Example: Car Leasing
To appropriately price new car leases, car dealers need to accurately predict the value of the cars at the conclusion of the leases. These resale values are generally determined at wholesale auctions. Data collected on new car models are listed on the next two pages (a) Use backward stepwise regression to find the best predictors of resale value, y. (b) Use forward stepwise regression to find the best predictors of resale value. Does you r answer agree with what you had already found in part (a)? (c) Use all possible regressions to find the mode that minimizes s (root mean square error). Does this agree with either parts (a) or (b)? (d) What would you choose for a final model and why?

71 Leasing Data Y; Resale value in 2000 X1: 1997 Price
X2: Price increase in model from X3: Consumer Reports quality index X4: Consumer Reports reliability index X5: Number of model vehicles sold in 1997 X6: = Yes, if minor change made in model in 1998, 1999, or 2000 = No, if not X7: = Yes, if major change made in model in 1998, 1999, or 2000


73 Backward Stepwise: Analyze >>Fit Model and specify model Change “Personality” to Stepwise Enter all model terms and press “Go” (Change “Prob to Enter” to .1 or ,.05) Forward Stepwise: Analyze >>Fit Model and specify model Change “Personality” to Stepwise Press “Go” (Change “Prob to Enter” to .1 or ,.05)

74 All Possible Regressions Output:
Under Stepwise Fit, use red hot spot to select “All Possible Models Requested the best (1) model of each model size Best model minimizes RMSE (that is, s---same as maximizing adjusted R2 Or you could choose to minimize AICc (corrected Akaike Information Criterion)

75 Regression Pitfalls Parameter Estimability Multicollinearity
Number of different x–values must be at least one more than order of model Multicollinearity Two or more x–variables in the model are correlated Extrapolation Predicting y–values outside sampled range Correlated Errors

76 Multicollinearity High correlation between x variables
Coefficients measure combined effect Leads to unstable coefficients depending on x variables in model Always exists – matter of degree Example: using both age and height as explanatory variables in same model

77 Detecting Multicollinearity
Significant correlations between pairs of x variables are more than with y variable Non–significant t–tests for most of the individual parameters, but overall model test is significant Estimated parameters have wrong sign Always do a scatterplot matrix of your data before analysis---look for outliers and relationships between x variables (Graph >> Scatterplot Matrix)

78 Any problems? Outliers? Collinearity? What are the best predictors of Resale (y)?

79 Solutions to Multicollinearity
Eliminate one or more of the correlated x variables Center predictors before computing polynomial terms (squares, crossproducts) (JMP does this automatically!) Avoid inference on individual parameters Do not extrapolate

80 Extrapolation y x Interpolation Extrapolation Extrapolation
Prediction Outside the Range of X Values Used to Develop Equation Interpolation Prediction Within the Range of X Values Used to Develop Equation Based on smallest & largest X Values Extrapolation Extrapolation x Sampled Range

81 Conclusion Explained the Linear Multiple Regression Model
Described Inference About Individual Parameters Tested Overall Significance Explained Estimation and Prediction Described Various Types of Models Described Model Building Explained Residual Analysis Described Regression Pitfalls As a result of this class, you will be able to...

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