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Flash Interface CS 491B Final Presentation Katherine Chuang May 31, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Flash Interface CS 491B Final Presentation Katherine Chuang May 31, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flash Interface CS 491B Final Presentation Katherine Chuang May 31, 2005

2 The Project Purpose –Create a Flash website –Learn a new skill Goals –Separate content from design –Incorporate multimedia (text, graphics, audio, etc.)

3 Outline Go through each component –Demonstrate how it works –Explain how to create it –Challenges and quirks

4 The Components 1.Open link in new window (Schedule) 2.Photo Slideshow (Photos Section) 3.External Text (About Us Section) 4.Email Form (Contact Us Section) 5.asfunction (Classes Section) 6.Dynamic slideshow (Teachers Section) 7.Start/Stop Sound

5 1. Open Link in New Window Add a button to the stage Add actions for the button on(release){ //Goto Webpage Behavior getURL("schedule.html","_blank"); //End Behavior } –getURL is a predefined method in actionscript –Opens webpage in “ _blank ”, “ _self ”, “ _parent ”


7 2. Slideshow (internal images) Create keyframes, one for each image Add next and previous buttons Add ActionScript to the buttons –Next on(release){ nextFrame(); } –Previous on(release){ prevFrame(); } //loop around gotoAndStop(5);


9 3. External Text File Add Dynamic Text Area Give it a name, set variable ActionScript Create the textfile


11 Enter in Actionscript

12 External Text File &123txt=This is some sample content for the demonstration. You can use html formatting such as bold, italic, underline. You can also add paragraphs.

13 Valid HTML Tags Anchor Bold Italic Underline Line Break Font Image List Span Paragraph Text Format

14 4. Email Form Add Labels, Input Fields, Textarea + Scrollbar, Send Button Name the Input Fields, Textarea & Button ActionScript: send_btn.onRelease = function () { sendForm (); }; //similar to javascript: onClick=“func();” Create PHP file

15 Add labels, input fields, textarea, button

16 Email Form Code Continued …. send_btn.onRelease = function () { if (first_name_txt.text == "" || emailtxt == "" || msgtxt.text == "") { status_txt.text = "Please complete the entire form..."; }else { status_txt = ""; sendForm (); } };

17 Email Form Code Continued …. function sendForm() { var my_lv = new LoadVars(); my_lv.fName = first_name_txt.text; = emailtxt.text; my_lv.the_message = msgtxt.text; my_lv.send ( "files/emailform.php", "POST" ); nextFrame(); }

18 Debugging ActionScript Use trace(message); Shows message in output window Similar to Java ’ s System.out.println();

19 Flash Debugger


21 5. asfunction Turns link into “ button ” myText.htmlText = “ ”;


23 The Code

24 6. Dynamic Slideshow Add movieclip object, text area, buttons Add ActionScript Set up PHP script and database


26 ActionScript

27 Database and PHP File

28 7. Start/Stop Sound with Buttons Import sound file to library Add start and stop buttons Add action to buttons Note: You can also add sounds to frames

29 Play Sound

30 Stop All Sounds stopAllSounds();

31 Recap 1.Open link in new window (Schedule) 2.Photo Slideshow (Photos Section) 3.External Text (About Us Section) 4.Email Form (Contact Us Section) 5.asfunction (Classes Section) 6.Dynamic slideshow (Teachers Section) 7.Start/Stop Sound

32 Tools Flash MX 2004 Websites Books

33 Project Details Schedule – Stuff to finish –Add play button to every section –Finish Project Report –Turn in all project and presentation files

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