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Two Supermassive Black Holes in the Same Galaxy. Profile of the Galaxy – NGC 6240 - Discovered by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory - Nucleus of the galaxy.

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Presentation on theme: "Two Supermassive Black Holes in the Same Galaxy. Profile of the Galaxy – NGC 6240 - Discovered by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory - Nucleus of the galaxy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Two Supermassive Black Holes in the Same Galaxy

2 Profile of the Galaxy – NGC 6240 - Discovered by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory - Nucleus of the galaxy is extraordinarily bright - 400 millions Light Year from Earth -Two black holes in the central region of the galaxy  they are 3000 Light Year apart  They are orbiting each other  Actively accreting material from their surroundings - Example of massive galaxy

3 Formation of the Galaxy - Recent collisions - Consequences of merging of two smaller galaxies (Movies of merging of two galaxies) Optical -Arcs are result of collision of two galaxies in the past X-ray - Detect two supermassive black holes

4 Observations - Chandra can distinguish two nucleus by measuring details of X-radiation from each nucleus 1.High energy X-ray emission (blue)2. Low energy X-ray emission (red) - Optical: central part is not visible in optical wavelength band (due to large amount of dust and gas in such galaxy) - X-ray: better because it is more penetrating to view the centre

5 Predictions - The two black holes will merge several hundred years later (this will be the first time we see binary black hole in action)  Create even larger black hole  Release intense radiation and gravitational waves  gravitational waves spread through the universe  LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) planned by NASA and ESA, will search this waves (movies of merging of two black holes)

6 Importance The observation of two black holes in the same galaxies: - shows black hole can grow enormous masses in the centre of galaxies by merging with other black hole - understand how galaxies form and evolve

7 Source Date: 17/12/02 Website:

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